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7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
Add WebAuthn as an alternative 2FA method (#14466) * feat: add possibility of adding WebAuthn security keys to use as 2FA This adds a basic UI for enabling WebAuthn 2FA. We did a little refactor to the Settings page for editing the 2FA methods – now it will list the methods that are available to the user (TOTP and WebAuthn) and from there they'll be able to add or remove any of them. Also, it's worth mentioning that for enabling WebAuthn it's required to have TOTP enabled, so the first time that you go to the 2FA Settings page, you'll be asked to set it up. This work was inspired by the one donde by Github in their platform, and despite it could be approached in different ways, we decided to go with this one given that we feel that this gives a great UX. Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com> * feat: add request for WebAuthn as second factor at login if enabled This commits adds the feature for using WebAuthn as a second factor for login when enabled. If users have WebAuthn enabled, now a page requesting for the use of a WebAuthn credential for log in will appear, although a link redirecting to the old page for logging in using a two-factor code will also be present. Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com> * feat: add possibility of deleting WebAuthn Credentials Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com> * feat: disable WebAuthn when an Admin disables 2FA for a user Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com> * feat: remove ability to disable TOTP leaving only WebAuthn as 2FA Following examples form other platforms like Github, we decided to make Webauthn 2FA secondary to 2FA with TOTP, so that we removed the possibility of removing TOTP authentication only, leaving users with just WEbAuthn as 2FA. Instead, users will have to click on 'Disable 2FA' in order to remove second factor auth. The reason for WebAuthn being secondary to TOPT is that in that way, users will still be able to log in using their code from their phone's application if they don't have their security keys with them – or maybe even lost them. * We had to change a little the flow for setting up TOTP, given that now it's possible to setting up again if you already had TOTP, in order to let users modify their authenticator app – given that now it's not possible for them to disable TOTP and set it up again with another authenticator app. So, basically, now instead of storing the new `otp_secret` in the user, we store it in the session until the process of set up is finished. This was because, as it was before, when users clicked on 'Edit' in the new two-factor methods lists page, but then went back without finishing the flow, their `otp_secret` had been changed therefore invalidating their previous authenticator app, making them unable to log in again using TOTP. Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com> * refactor: fix eslint errors The PR build was failing given that linting returning some errors. This commit attempts to fix them. * refactor: normalize i18n translations The build was failing given that i18n translations files were not normalized. This commits fixes that. * refactor: avoid having the webauthn gem locked to a specific version * refactor: use symbols for routes without '/' * refactor: avoid sending webauthn disabled email when 2FA is disabled When an admins disable 2FA for users, we were sending two mails to them, one notifying that 2FA was disabled and the other to notify that WebAuthn was disabled. As the second one is redundant since the first email includes it, we can remove it and send just one email to users. * refactor: avoid creating new env variable for webauthn_origin config * refactor: improve flash error messages for webauthn pages Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
3 years ago
  1. require 'rails_helper'
  2. require 'devise_two_factor/spec_helpers'
  3. RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
  4. it_behaves_like 'two_factor_backupable'
  5. describe 'otp_secret' do
  6. it 'is encrypted with OTP_SECRET environment variable' do
  7. user = Fabricate(:user,
  8. encrypted_otp_secret: "Fttsy7QAa0edaDfdfSz094rRLAxc8cJweDQ4BsWH/zozcdVA8o9GLqcKhn2b\nGi/V\n",
  9. encrypted_otp_secret_iv: 'rys3THICkr60BoWC',
  10. encrypted_otp_secret_salt: '_LMkAGvdg7a+sDIKjI3mR2Q==')
  11. expect(user.otp_secret).to eq 'anotpsecretthatshouldbeencrypted'
  12. end
  13. end
  14. describe 'validations' do
  15. it 'is invalid without an account' do
  16. user = Fabricate.build(:user, account: nil)
  17. user.valid?
  18. expect(user).to model_have_error_on_field(:account)
  19. end
  20. it 'is invalid without a valid locale' do
  21. user = Fabricate.build(:user, locale: 'toto')
  22. user.valid?
  23. expect(user).to model_have_error_on_field(:locale)
  24. end
  25. it 'is invalid without a valid email' do
  26. user = Fabricate.build(:user, email: 'john@')
  27. user.valid?
  28. expect(user).to model_have_error_on_field(:email)
  29. end
  30. it 'is valid with an invalid e-mail that has already been saved' do
  31. user = Fabricate.build(:user, email: 'invalid-email')
  32. user.save(validate: false)
  33. expect(user.valid?).to be true
  34. end
  35. it 'cleans out empty string from languages' do
  36. user = Fabricate.build(:user, chosen_languages: [''])
  37. user.valid?
  38. expect(user.chosen_languages).to eq nil
  39. end
  40. end
  41. describe 'scopes' do
  42. describe 'recent' do
  43. it 'returns an array of recent users ordered by id' do
  44. user_1 = Fabricate(:user)
  45. user_2 = Fabricate(:user)
  46. expect(User.recent).to eq [user_2, user_1]
  47. end
  48. end
  49. describe 'admins' do
  50. it 'returns an array of users who are admin' do
  51. user_1 = Fabricate(:user, admin: false)
  52. user_2 = Fabricate(:user, admin: true)
  53. expect(User.admins).to match_array([user_2])
  54. end
  55. end
  56. describe 'confirmed' do
  57. it 'returns an array of users who are confirmed' do
  58. user_1 = Fabricate(:user, confirmed_at: nil)
  59. user_2 = Fabricate(:user, confirmed_at: Time.zone.now)
  60. expect(User.confirmed).to match_array([user_2])
  61. end
  62. end
  63. describe 'inactive' do
  64. it 'returns a relation of inactive users' do
  65. specified = Fabricate(:user, current_sign_in_at: 15.days.ago)
  66. Fabricate(:user, current_sign_in_at: 6.days.ago)
  67. expect(User.inactive).to match_array([specified])
  68. end
  69. end
  70. describe 'matches_email' do
  71. it 'returns a relation of users whose email starts with the given string' do
  72. specified = Fabricate(:user, email: 'specified@spec')
  73. Fabricate(:user, email: 'unspecified@spec')
  74. expect(User.matches_email('specified')).to match_array([specified])
  75. end
  76. end
  77. end
  78. let(:account) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'alice') }
  79. let(:password) { 'abcd1234' }
  80. describe 'blacklist' do
  81. around(:each) do |example|
  82. old_blacklist = Rails.configuration.x.email_blacklist
  83. Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_blacklist = 'mvrht.com'
  84. example.run
  85. Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_blacklist = old_blacklist
  86. end
  87. it 'should allow a non-blacklisted user to be created' do
  88. user = User.new(email: 'foo@example.com', account: account, password: password, agreement: true)
  89. expect(user.valid?).to be_truthy
  90. end
  91. it 'should not allow a blacklisted user to be created' do
  92. user = User.new(email: 'foo@mvrht.com', account: account, password: password, agreement: true)
  93. expect(user.valid?).to be_falsey
  94. end
  95. it 'should not allow a subdomain blacklisted user to be created' do
  96. user = User.new(email: 'foo@mvrht.com.topdomain.tld', account: account, password: password, agreement: true)
  97. expect(user.valid?).to be_falsey
  98. end
  99. end
  100. describe '#confirmed?' do
  101. it 'returns true when a confirmed_at is set' do
  102. user = Fabricate.build(:user, confirmed_at: Time.now.utc)
  103. expect(user.confirmed?).to be true
  104. end
  105. it 'returns false if a confirmed_at is nil' do
  106. user = Fabricate.build(:user, confirmed_at: nil)
  107. expect(user.confirmed?).to be false
  108. end
  109. end
  110. describe '#confirm' do
  111. it 'sets email to unconfirmed_email' do
  112. user = Fabricate.build(:user, confirmed_at: Time.now.utc, unconfirmed_email: 'new-email@example.com')
  113. user.confirm
  114. expect(user.email).to eq 'new-email@example.com'
  115. end
  116. end
  117. describe '#disable_two_factor!' do
  118. it 'saves false for otp_required_for_login' do
  119. user = Fabricate.build(:user, otp_required_for_login: true)
  120. user.disable_two_factor!
  121. expect(user.reload.otp_required_for_login).to be false
  122. end
  123. it 'saves nil for otp_secret' do
  124. user = Fabricate.build(:user, otp_secret: 'oldotpcode')
  125. user.disable_two_factor!
  126. expect(user.reload.otp_secret).to be nil
  127. end
  128. it 'saves cleared otp_backup_codes' do
  129. user = Fabricate.build(:user, otp_backup_codes: %w(dummy dummy))
  130. user.disable_two_factor!
  131. expect(user.reload.otp_backup_codes.empty?).to be true
  132. end
  133. end
  134. describe '#send_confirmation_instructions' do
  135. around do |example|
  136. queue_adapter = ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter
  137. example.run
  138. ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = queue_adapter
  139. end
  140. it 'delivers confirmation instructions later' do
  141. user = Fabricate(:user)
  142. ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :test
  143. expect { user.send_confirmation_instructions }.to have_enqueued_job(ActionMailer::DeliveryJob)
  144. end
  145. end
  146. describe 'settings' do
  147. it 'is instance of Settings::ScopedSettings' do
  148. user = Fabricate(:user)
  149. expect(user.settings).to be_kind_of Settings::ScopedSettings
  150. end
  151. end
  152. describe '#setting_default_privacy' do
  153. it 'returns default privacy setting if user has configured' do
  154. user = Fabricate(:user)
  155. user.settings[:default_privacy] = 'unlisted'
  156. expect(user.setting_default_privacy).to eq 'unlisted'
  157. end
  158. it "returns 'private' if user has not configured default privacy setting and account is locked" do
  159. user = Fabricate(:user, account: Fabricate(:account, locked: true))
  160. expect(user.setting_default_privacy).to eq 'private'
  161. end
  162. it "returns 'public' if user has not configured default privacy setting and account is not locked" do
  163. user = Fabricate(:user, account: Fabricate(:account, locked: false))
  164. expect(user.setting_default_privacy).to eq 'public'
  165. end
  166. end
  167. describe 'whitelist' do
  168. around(:each) do |example|
  169. old_whitelist = Rails.configuration.x.email_whitelist
  170. Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_whitelist = 'mastodon.space'
  171. example.run
  172. Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_whitelist = old_whitelist
  173. end
  174. it 'should not allow a user to be created unless they are whitelisted' do
  175. user = User.new(email: 'foo@example.com', account: account, password: password, agreement: true)
  176. expect(user.valid?).to be_falsey
  177. end
  178. it 'should allow a user to be created if they are whitelisted' do
  179. user = User.new(email: 'foo@mastodon.space', account: account, password: password, agreement: true)
  180. expect(user.valid?).to be_truthy
  181. end
  182. it 'should not allow a user with a whitelisted top domain as subdomain in their email address to be created' do
  183. user = User.new(email: 'foo@mastodon.space.userdomain.com', account: account, password: password, agreement: true)
  184. expect(user.valid?).to be_falsey
  185. end
  186. context do
  187. around do |example|
  188. old_blacklist = Rails.configuration.x.email_blacklist
  189. example.run
  190. Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_blacklist = old_blacklist
  191. end
  192. it 'should not allow a user to be created with a specific blacklisted subdomain even if the top domain is whitelisted' do
  193. Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_blacklist = 'blacklisted.mastodon.space'
  194. user = User.new(email: 'foo@blacklisted.mastodon.space', account: account, password: password)
  195. expect(user.valid?).to be_falsey
  196. end
  197. end
  198. end
  199. it_behaves_like 'Settings-extended' do
  200. def create!
  201. User.create!(account: Fabricate(:account), email: 'foo@mastodon.space', password: 'abcd1234', agreement: true)
  202. end
  203. def fabricate
  204. Fabricate(:user)
  205. end
  206. end
  207. describe 'token_for_app' do
  208. let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
  209. let(:app) { Fabricate(:application, owner: user) }
  210. it 'returns a token' do
  211. expect(user.token_for_app(app)).to be_a(Doorkeeper::AccessToken)
  212. end
  213. it 'persists a token' do
  214. t = user.token_for_app(app)
  215. expect(user.token_for_app(app)).to eql(t)
  216. end
  217. it 'is nil if user does not own app' do
  218. app.update!(owner: nil)
  219. expect(user.token_for_app(app)).to be_nil
  220. end
  221. end
  222. describe '#role' do
  223. it 'returns admin for admin' do
  224. user = User.new(admin: true)
  225. expect(user.role).to eq 'admin'
  226. end
  227. it 'returns moderator for moderator' do
  228. user = User.new(moderator: true)
  229. expect(user.role).to eq 'moderator'
  230. end
  231. it 'returns user otherwise' do
  232. user = User.new
  233. expect(user.role).to eq 'user'
  234. end
  235. end
  236. describe '#role?' do
  237. it 'returns false when invalid role requested' do
  238. user = User.new(admin: true)
  239. expect(user.role?('disabled')).to be false
  240. end
  241. it 'returns true when exact role match' do
  242. user = User.new
  243. mod = User.new(moderator: true)
  244. admin = User.new(admin: true)
  245. expect(user.role?('user')).to be true
  246. expect(mod.role?('moderator')).to be true
  247. expect(admin.role?('admin')).to be true
  248. end
  249. it 'returns true when role higher than needed' do
  250. mod = User.new(moderator: true)
  251. admin = User.new(admin: true)
  252. expect(mod.role?('user')).to be true
  253. expect(admin.role?('user')).to be true
  254. expect(admin.role?('moderator')).to be true
  255. end
  256. end
  257. describe '#disable!' do
  258. subject(:user) { Fabricate(:user, disabled: false, current_sign_in_at: current_sign_in_at, last_sign_in_at: nil) }
  259. let(:current_sign_in_at) { Time.zone.now }
  260. before do
  261. user.disable!
  262. end
  263. it 'disables user' do
  264. expect(user).to have_attributes(disabled: true)
  265. end
  266. end
  267. describe '#enable!' do
  268. subject(:user) { Fabricate(:user, disabled: true) }
  269. before do
  270. user.enable!
  271. end
  272. it 'enables user' do
  273. expect(user).to have_attributes(disabled: false)
  274. end
  275. end
  276. describe '#confirm!' do
  277. subject(:user) { Fabricate(:user, confirmed_at: confirmed_at) }
  278. before do
  279. ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear
  280. user.confirm!
  281. end
  282. after { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear }
  283. context 'when user is new' do
  284. let(:confirmed_at) { nil }
  285. it 'confirms user' do
  286. expect(user.confirmed_at).to be_present
  287. end
  288. it 'delivers mails' do
  289. expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count).to eq 2
  290. end
  291. end
  292. context 'when user is not new' do
  293. let(:confirmed_at) { Time.zone.now }
  294. it 'confirms user' do
  295. expect(user.confirmed_at).to be_present
  296. end
  297. it 'does not deliver mail' do
  298. expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count).to eq 0
  299. end
  300. end
  301. end
  302. describe '#promote!' do
  303. subject(:user) { Fabricate(:user, admin: is_admin, moderator: is_moderator) }
  304. before do
  305. user.promote!
  306. end
  307. context 'when user is an admin' do
  308. let(:is_admin) { true }
  309. context 'when user is a moderator' do
  310. let(:is_moderator) { true }
  311. it 'changes moderator filed false' do
  312. expect(user).to be_admin
  313. expect(user).not_to be_moderator
  314. end
  315. end
  316. context 'when user is not a moderator' do
  317. let(:is_moderator) { false }
  318. it 'does not change status' do
  319. expect(user).to be_admin
  320. expect(user).not_to be_moderator
  321. end
  322. end
  323. end
  324. context 'when user is not admin' do
  325. let(:is_admin) { false }
  326. context 'when user is a moderator' do
  327. let(:is_moderator) { true }
  328. it 'changes user into an admin' do
  329. expect(user).to be_admin
  330. expect(user).not_to be_moderator
  331. end
  332. end
  333. context 'when user is not a moderator' do
  334. let(:is_moderator) { false }
  335. it 'changes user into a moderator' do
  336. expect(user).not_to be_admin
  337. expect(user).to be_moderator
  338. end
  339. end
  340. end
  341. end
  342. describe '#demote!' do
  343. subject(:user) { Fabricate(:user, admin: admin, moderator: moderator) }
  344. before do
  345. user.demote!
  346. end
  347. context 'when user is an admin' do
  348. let(:admin) { true }
  349. context 'when user is a moderator' do
  350. let(:moderator) { true }
  351. it 'changes user into a moderator' do
  352. expect(user).not_to be_admin
  353. expect(user).to be_moderator
  354. end
  355. end
  356. context 'when user is not a moderator' do
  357. let(:moderator) { false }
  358. it 'changes user into a moderator' do
  359. expect(user).not_to be_admin
  360. expect(user).to be_moderator
  361. end
  362. end
  363. end
  364. context 'when user is not an admin' do
  365. let(:admin) { false }
  366. context 'when user is a moderator' do
  367. let(:moderator) { true }
  368. it 'changes user into a plain user' do
  369. expect(user).not_to be_admin
  370. expect(user).not_to be_moderator
  371. end
  372. end
  373. context 'when user is not a moderator' do
  374. let(:moderator) { false }
  375. it 'does not change any fields' do
  376. expect(user).not_to be_admin
  377. expect(user).not_to be_moderator
  378. end
  379. end
  380. end
  381. end
  382. describe '#active_for_authentication?' do
  383. subject { user.active_for_authentication? }
  384. let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, disabled: disabled, confirmed_at: confirmed_at) }
  385. context 'when user is disabled' do
  386. let(:disabled) { true }
  387. context 'when user is confirmed' do
  388. let(:confirmed_at) { Time.zone.now }
  389. it { is_expected.to be true }
  390. end
  391. context 'when user is not confirmed' do
  392. let(:confirmed_at) { nil }
  393. it { is_expected.to be true }
  394. end
  395. end
  396. context 'when user is not disabled' do
  397. let(:disabled) { false }
  398. context 'when user is confirmed' do
  399. let(:confirmed_at) { Time.zone.now }
  400. it { is_expected.to be true }
  401. end
  402. context 'when user is not confirmed' do
  403. let(:confirmed_at) { nil }
  404. it { is_expected.to be true }
  405. end
  406. end
  407. end
  408. end