- # frozen_string_literal: true
- class ActivityPub::CollectionSerializer < ActivityPub::Serializer
- class StringSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
- # Despite the name, it does not return a hash, but the same can be said of
- # the ActiveModel::Serializer::CollectionSerializer class which handles
- # arrays.
- def serializable_hash(*_args)
- object
- end
- end
- def self.serializer_for(model, options)
- case model.class.name
- when 'Status'
- ActivityPub::NoteSerializer
- when 'Device'
- ActivityPub::DeviceSerializer
- when 'ActivityPub::CollectionPresenter'
- ActivityPub::CollectionSerializer
- when 'String'
- StringSerializer
- else
- super
- end
- end
- attribute :id, if: -> { object.id.present? }
- attribute :type
- attribute :total_items, if: -> { object.size.present? }
- attribute :next, if: -> { object.next.present? }
- attribute :prev, if: -> { object.prev.present? }
- attribute :part_of, if: -> { object.part_of.present? }
- has_one :first, if: -> { object.first.present? }
- has_one :last, if: -> { object.last.present? }
- has_many :items, key: :items, if: -> { (!object.items.nil? || page?) && !ordered? }
- has_many :items, key: :ordered_items, if: -> { (!object.items.nil? || page?) && ordered? }
- def type
- if page?
- ordered? ? 'OrderedCollectionPage' : 'CollectionPage'
- else
- ordered? ? 'OrderedCollection' : 'Collection'
- end
- end
- def total_items
- object.size
- end
- private
- def ordered?
- object.type == :ordered
- end
- def page?
- object.part_of.present? || object.page.present?
- end
- end