- # frozen_string_literal: true
- class SpamCheck
- include Redisable
- include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
- # Threshold over which two Nilsimsa values are considered
- # to refer to the same text
- # Nilsimsa doesn't work well on small inputs, so below
- # this size, we check only for exact matches with MD5
- # How long to keep the trail of digests between updates,
- # there is no reason to store it forever
- EXPIRE_SET_AFTER = 1.week.seconds
- # How many digests to keep in an account's trail. If it's
- # too small, spam could rotate around different message templates
- # How many detected duplicates to allow through before
- # considering the message as spam
- def initialize(status)
- @account = status.account
- @status = status
- end
- def skip?
- disabled? || already_flagged? || trusted? || no_unsolicited_mentions? || solicited_reply?
- end
- def spam?
- if insufficient_data?
- false
- elsif nilsimsa?
- digests_over_threshold?('nilsimsa') { |_, other_digest| nilsimsa_compare_value(digest, other_digest) >= NILSIMSA_COMPARE_THRESHOLD }
- else
- digests_over_threshold?('md5') { |_, other_digest| other_digest == digest }
- end
- end
- def flag!
- auto_report_status!
- end
- def remember!
- # The scores in sorted sets don't actually have enough bits to hold an exact
- # value of our snowflake IDs, so we use it only for its ordering property. To
- # get the correct status ID back, we have to save it in the string value
- redis.zadd(redis_key, @status.id, digest_with_algorithm)
- redis.zremrangebyrank(redis_key, 0, -(MAX_TRAIL_SIZE + 1))
- redis.expire(redis_key, EXPIRE_SET_AFTER)
- end
- def reset!
- redis.del(redis_key)
- end
- def hashable_text
- return @hashable_text if defined?(@hashable_text)
- @hashable_text = @status.text
- @hashable_text = remove_mentions(@hashable_text)
- @hashable_text = strip_tags(@hashable_text) unless @status.local?
- @hashable_text = normalize_unicode(@status.spoiler_text + ' ' + @hashable_text)
- @hashable_text = remove_whitespace(@hashable_text)
- end
- def insufficient_data?
- hashable_text.blank?
- end
- def digest
- @digest ||= begin
- if nilsimsa?
- Nilsimsa.new(hashable_text).hexdigest
- else
- Digest::MD5.hexdigest(hashable_text)
- end
- end
- end
- def digest_with_algorithm
- if nilsimsa?
- ['nilsimsa', digest, @status.id].join(':')
- else
- ['md5', digest, @status.id].join(':')
- end
- end
- class << self
- def perform(status)
- spam_check = new(status)
- return if spam_check.skip?
- if spam_check.spam?
- spam_check.flag!
- else
- spam_check.remember!
- end
- end
- end
- private
- def disabled?
- !Setting.spam_check_enabled
- end
- def remove_mentions(text)
- return text.gsub(Account::MENTION_RE, '') if @status.local?
- Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(text).tap do |html|
- mentions = @status.mentions.map { |mention| ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.url_for(mention.account) }
- html.traverse do |element|
- element.unlink if element.name == 'a' && mentions.include?(element['href'])
- end
- end.to_s
- end
- def normalize_unicode(text)
- text.unicode_normalize(:nfkc).downcase
- end
- def remove_whitespace(text)
- text.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
- end
- def auto_report_status!
- status_ids = Status.where(visibility: %i(public unlisted)).where(id: matching_status_ids).pluck(:id) + [@status.id] if @status.distributable?
- ReportService.new.call(Account.representative, @account, status_ids: status_ids, comment: I18n.t('spam_check.spam_detected'))
- end
- def already_flagged?
- @account.silenced? || @account.targeted_reports.unresolved.where(account_id: -99).exists?
- end
- def trusted?
- @account.trust_level > Account::TRUST_LEVELS[:untrusted] || (@account.local? && @account.user_staff?)
- end
- def no_unsolicited_mentions?
- @status.mentions.all? { |mention| mention.silent? || (!@account.local? && !mention.account.local?) || mention.account.following?(@account) }
- end
- def solicited_reply?
- !@status.thread.nil? && @status.thread.mentions.where(account: @account).exists?
- end
- def nilsimsa_compare_value(first, second)
- first = [first].pack('H*')
- second = [second].pack('H*')
- bits = 0
- 0.upto(31) do |i|
- bits += Nilsimsa::POPC[255 & (first[i].ord ^ second[i].ord)].ord
- end
- 128 - bits # -128 <= Nilsimsa Compare Value <= 128
- end
- def nilsimsa?
- hashable_text.size > NILSIMSA_MIN_SIZE
- end
- def other_digests
- redis.zrange(redis_key, 0, -1)
- end
- def digests_over_threshold?(filter_algorithm)
- other_digests.select do |record|
- algorithm, other_digest, status_id = record.split(':')
- next unless algorithm == filter_algorithm
- yield algorithm, other_digest, status_id
- end.size >= THRESHOLD
- end
- def matching_status_ids
- if nilsimsa?
- other_digests.select { |record| record.start_with?('nilsimsa') && nilsimsa_compare_value(digest, record.split(':')[1]) >= NILSIMSA_COMPARE_THRESHOLD }.map { |record| record.split(':')[2] }.compact
- else
- other_digests.select { |record| record.start_with?('md5') && record.split(':')[1] == digest }.map { |record| record.split(':')[2] }.compact
- end
- end
- def redis_key
- @redis_key ||= "spam_check:#{@account.id}"
- end
- end