- # frozen_string_literal: true
- class FollowService < BaseService
- include StreamEntryRenderer
- # Follow a remote user, notify remote user about the follow
- # @param [Account] source_account From which to follow
- # @param [String] uri User URI to follow in the form of username@domain
- def call(source_account, uri)
- target_account = FollowRemoteAccountService.new.call(uri)
- raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound if target_account.nil? || target_account.id == source_account.id || target_account.suspended?
- raise Mastodon::NotPermittedError if target_account.blocking?(source_account) || source_account.blocking?(target_account)
- if target_account.locked?
- request_follow(source_account, target_account)
- else
- direct_follow(source_account, target_account)
- end
- end
- private
- def request_follow(source_account, target_account)
- follow_request = FollowRequest.create!(account: source_account, target_account: target_account)
- if target_account.local?
- NotifyService.new.call(target_account, follow_request)
- else
- NotificationWorker.perform_async(build_follow_request_xml(follow_request), source_account.id, target_account.id)
- AfterRemoteFollowRequestWorker.perform_async(follow_request.id)
- end
- follow_request
- end
- def direct_follow(source_account, target_account)
- follow = source_account.follow!(target_account)
- if target_account.local?
- NotifyService.new.call(target_account, follow)
- else
- SubscribeService.new.call(target_account) unless target_account.subscribed?
- NotificationWorker.perform_async(build_follow_xml(follow), source_account.id, target_account.id)
- AfterRemoteFollowWorker.perform_async(follow.id)
- end
- MergeWorker.perform_async(target_account.id, source_account.id)
- follow
- end
- def redis
- Redis.current
- end
- def build_follow_request_xml(follow_request)
- description = "#{follow_request.account.acct} requested to follow #{follow_request.target_account.acct}"
- Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
- entry(xml, true) do
- unique_id xml, follow_request.created_at, follow_request.id, 'FollowRequest'
- title xml, description
- content xml, description
- author(xml) do
- include_author xml, follow_request.account
- end
- object_type xml, :activity
- verb xml, :request_friend
- target(xml) do
- include_author xml, follow_request.target_account
- end
- end
- end.to_xml
- end
- def build_follow_xml(follow)
- description = "#{follow.account.acct} started following #{follow.target_account.acct}"
- Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
- entry(xml, true) do
- unique_id xml, follow.created_at, follow.id, 'Follow'
- title xml, description
- content xml, description
- author(xml) do
- include_author xml, follow.account
- end
- object_type xml, :activity
- verb xml, :follow
- target(xml) do
- include_author xml, follow.target_account
- end
- end
- end.to_xml
- end
- end