- require 'rails_helper'
- RSpec.describe UpdateRemoteProfileService do
- let(:xml) { Nokogiri::XML(File.read(File.join(Rails.root, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'push', 'feed.atom'))).at_xpath('//xmlns:feed') }
- subject { UpdateRemoteProfileService.new }
- before do
- stub_request(:get, 'https://quitter.no/avatar/7477-300-20160211190340.png').to_return(request_fixture('avatar.txt'))
- end
- context 'with updated details' do
- let(:remote_account) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'bob', domain: 'example.com') }
- before do
- subject.call(xml, remote_account)
- end
- it 'downloads new avatar' do
- expect(a_request(:get, 'https://quitter.no/avatar/7477-300-20160211190340.png')).to have_been_made
- end
- it 'sets the avatar remote url' do
- expect(remote_account.reload.avatar_remote_url).to eq 'https://quitter.no/avatar/7477-300-20160211190340.png'
- end
- it 'sets display name' do
- expect(remote_account.reload.display_name).to eq 'DIGITAL CAT'
- end
- it 'sets note' do
- expect(remote_account.reload.note).to eq 'Software engineer, free time musician and DIGITAL SPORTS enthusiast. Likes cats. Warning: May contain memes'
- end
- end
- context 'with unchanged details' do
- let(:remote_account) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'bob', domain: 'example.com', display_name: 'DIGITAL CAT', note: 'Software engineer, free time musician and DIGITAL SPORTS enthusiast. Likes cats. Warning: May contain memes', avatar_remote_url: 'https://quitter.no/avatar/7477-300-20160211190340.png') }
- before do
- subject.call(xml, remote_account)
- end
- it 'does not re-download avatar' do
- expect(a_request(:get, 'https://quitter.no/avatar/7477-300-20160211190340.png')).to have_been_made.once
- end
- it 'sets the avatar remote url' do
- expect(remote_account.reload.avatar_remote_url).to eq 'https://quitter.no/avatar/7477-300-20160211190340.png'
- end
- it 'sets display name' do
- expect(remote_account.reload.display_name).to eq 'DIGITAL CAT'
- end
- it 'sets note' do
- expect(remote_account.reload.note).to eq 'Software engineer, free time musician and DIGITAL SPORTS enthusiast. Likes cats. Warning: May contain memes'
- end
- end
- end