@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class AboutController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_body_classes , only : :show
before_action :set_instance_presenter
before_action :set_expires_in , only : [ :show , :more , :terms ]
before_action :authenticate_user! , only : :jump
before_action :authenticate_user! , only : [ :jump , :my_data ]
skip_before_action :require_functional! , only : [ :more , :terms ]
@ -29,6 +29,28 @@ class AboutController < ApplicationController
@jump_url = " https:// #{ request . fullpath [ 6 .. - 1 ] } "
def my_data
@account = current_account
year = params [ :year ] . to_i
year = nil unless year > 2000
@year_text = year or ''
y = year ? " statuses.created_at >= ' #{ year } -1-1' and statuses.created_at < ' #{ year + 1 } -1-1' " : nil
y2 = year ? " s2.created_at >= ' #{ year } -1-1' and s2.created_at < ' #{ year + 1 } -1-1' " : nil
def raw_to_list ( r )
r . map { | k , v | { :account = > Account . find ( k ) , :num = > v . to_s } }
@total = @account . statuses . where ( y ) . count
@most_times = @account . statuses . where ( y ) . group ( 'cast (created_at as date)' ) . reorder ( 'count_id desc' ) . limit ( 1 ) . count ( :id ) . map { | k , v | { :date = > k . to_s , :num = > v . to_s } }
@most_fav = @account . statuses . where ( y ) . joins ( :status_stat ) . reorder ( 'status_stats.favourites_count desc' ) . first
@like_me_most = raw_to_list ( @account . statuses . where ( y ) . joins ( :favourites ) . group ( 'favourites.account_id' ) . reorder ( 'count_id desc' ) . limit ( 5 ) . count ( :id ) )
@i_like_most = raw_to_list ( @account . favourites . where ( y ) . joins ( :status ) . group ( 'statuses.account_id' ) . reorder ( 'count_id desc' ) . limit ( 5 ) . count ( :id ) )
@communi_most = raw_to_list ( @account . statuses . where ( y ) . where ( y2 ) . joins ( 'join statuses as s2 on statuses.account_id != s2.account_id and (statuses.in_reply_to_id = s2.id or s2.in_reply_to_id = statuses.id)' ) . group ( 's2.account_id' ) . reorder ( 'count_id desc' ) . limit ( 3 ) . count ( :id ) )
helper_method :display_blocks?
helper_method :display_blocks_rationale?
helper_method :public_fetch_mode?