- ![](../images/banner.png)
- ## Overview
- *stretch_description* provides materials for a [URDF](http://wiki.ros.org/urdf) kinematic model of the Stretch mobile manipulator from Hello Robot Inc.
- ## Quick View
- ```
- roslaunch stretch_description display.launch
- ```
- ## Details
- The *meshes directory* contains [STL mesh files](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STL_(file_format)) representing the exterior geometry of various parts of the robot.
- The *urdf directory* contains [xacro files](http://wiki.ros.org/xacro) representing various parts of the robot that are used to generate the robot's URDF.
- stretch_ros expects a URDF with the name stretch.urdf to reside within the urdf directory. The file stretch.urdf serves as the URDF for the robot and must be generated. Typically, it is a calibrated urdf file unique to the particular Stretch robot being used. To generate this file, please read the documentation within stretch_ros/stretch_calibration.
- The xacro_to_urdf.sh will usually only be indirectly run as part of various scripts and launch files within stretch_ros/stretch_calibration.
- Sometimes a stretch_uncalibrated.urdf file will reside with the urdf directory. This file is typically generated directly from the xacro files without any alterations.
- ## Exporting a URDF
- Sometimes a URDF is useful outside of ROS, such as for simulations and analysis. Running the *export_urdf.sh* script in the urdf directory will export a full URDF model of the robot based on stretch.urdf.
- ```
- roscd stretch_description/urdf
- ./export_urdf.sh
- ```
- The exported URDF will be in your "stretch_user" directory at the following path: `~/stretch_user/$HELLO_FLEET_ID/exported_urdf`. The exported URDF includes meshes and controller calibration YAML files. The exported URDF can be visualized using `stretch_robot_urdf_visualizer.py`, which is part of the stretch_body Python code.
- ## Changing the Tool
- If you wish to remove the default gripper and add a different tool, you will typically edit /stretch_description/urdf/stretch_description.xacro. Specifically, you will replace the following line in order to include the xacro for the new tool and then follow directions within stretch_ros/stretch_calibration to generate a new calibrated urdf file (stretch.urdf) that includes the new tool.
- `<xacro:include filename="stretch_gripper.xacro" />`
- As an example we provide the xacro `stretch_dry_erase_marker.xacro` and its dependent mesh files with stretch_ros.
- Some of the tools found in the [Stretch Tool Share](https://github.com/hello-robot/stretch_tool_share/) include URDF data. To integrate these tools into the URDF for your Stretch
- ```bash
- >>$ cd ~/repos
- >>$ git clone https://github.com/hello-robot/stretch_tool_share
- >>$ cd stretch_tool_share/<tool name>
- >>$ cp stretch_description/urdf/* ~/catkin_ws/src/stretch_ros/stretch_description/urdf/
- >>$ cp stretch_description/meshes/* ~/catkin_ws/src/stretch_ros/stretch_description/meshes/
- ```
- Next add the xacro for the particular tool to `/stretch_description/urdf/stretch_description.xacro`. Then you can generate and preview the uncalibrated URDF:
- ```bash
- >>$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/stretch_ros/stretch_description/urdf
- >>$ cp stretch.urdf stretch.urdf.bak
- >>$ roscore # run in a new terminal before running the next command
- >>$ rosrun stretch_calibration update_urdf_after_xacro_change.sh
- ```
- Now visualize the new tool
- ```bash
- >>$ roslaunch stretch_calibration simple_test_head_calibration.launch
- ```
- ## License and Patents
- Patents are pending that cover aspects of the Stretch RE1 mobile manipulator.
- For license information, please see the LICENSE files.