- ![](../images/banner.png)
- ## Stretch & MoveIt!
- MoveIt is the standard ROS manipulation platform, and this package is the configuration for working with Stretch with the MoveIt framework.
- ### Offline Demo
- To experiment with the planning capabilities of MoveIt on Stretch, you can run a demo _without_ Stretch hardware.
- roslaunch stretch_moveit_config demo.launch
- This will allow you to move the robot around using interactive markers and create plans between poses.
- ### Hardware Integration
- There is no planned support to run MoveIt on Stretch hardware. Instead, support for running MoveIt 2 (the successor to MoveIt) on Stretch hardware is being developed in [Stretch's ROS2 packages](https://github.com/hello-robot/stretch_ros2/). The primary reason to support MoveIt 2 instead of MoveIt 1 is because MoveIt 2 introduces planning for differential drive bases, whereas MoveIt 1 does not have this ability. Manipulation with Stretch is more capable when the mobile base is included.
- Please keep an eye on [Stretch's ROS2 packages](https://github.com/hello-robot/stretch_ros2/) and our [forum](https://forum.hello-robot.com/) to track the state of Stretch + MoveIt 2 support.
- ## License
- For license information, please see the LICENSE files.