- #!/usr/bin/env python
- from __future__ import print_function
- import rospy
- import actionlib
- from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
- from geometry_msgs.msg import Transform, TransformStamped, PoseWithCovarianceStamped, PoseStamped, Pose, PointStamped
- from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
- from move_base_msgs.msg import MoveBaseAction, MoveBaseResult, MoveBaseFeedback
- from nav_msgs.srv import GetPlan
- from nav_msgs.msg import Path
- from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
- from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker, MarkerArray
- from std_srvs.srv import Trigger, TriggerResponse, TriggerRequest
- from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion
- from tf2_geometry_msgs import do_transform_pose
- import numpy as np
- import scipy.ndimage as nd
- import cv2
- import math
- import time
- import threading
- import sys
- import os
- import copy
- import tf_conversions
- import ros_numpy
- import tf2_ros
- import argparse as ap
- import hello_helpers.hello_misc as hm
- import hello_helpers.hello_ros_viz as hr
- import stretch_funmap.merge_maps as mm
- import stretch_funmap.navigate as nv
- import stretch_funmap.mapping as ma
- import stretch_funmap.segment_max_height_image as sm
- import stretch_funmap.navigation_planning as na
- import stretch_funmap.manipulation_planning as mp
- def create_map_to_odom_transform(t_mat):
- t = TransformStamped()
- t.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
- t.header.frame_id = 'map'
- t.child_frame_id = 'odom'
- t.transform = ros_numpy.msgify(Transform, t_mat)
- return t
- class ContactDetector():
- def __init__(self, get_joint_state, in_contact_func, move_increment=0.008):
- self.in_contact_func = in_contact_func
- # reach until contact related
- self.in_contact = False
- self.in_contact_position = None
- self.contact_state_lock = threading.Lock()
- self.contact_mode = None
- self.contact_mode_lock = threading.Lock()
- self.position = None
- self.av_effort = None
- self.av_effort_window_size = 3
- self.get_joint_state = get_joint_state
- self.direction_sign = None
- self.stopping_position = None
- self.min_av_effort_threshold = 10.0
- self.move_increment = move_increment
- def set_regulate_contact(self):
- with self.contact_mode_lock:
- return self.contact_mode == 'regulate_contact'
- def set_stopping_position(self, stopping_position, direction_sign):
- assert((direction_sign == -1) or (direction_sign == 1))
- self.stopping_position = stopping_position
- self.direction_sign = direction_sign
- def is_in_contact(self):
- with self.contact_state_lock:
- return self.in_contact
- def contact_position(self):
- with self.contact_state_lock:
- return self.in_contact_position
- def get_position(self):
- return self.position
- def passed_stopping_position(self):
- if (self.position is None) or (self.stopping_position is None):
- return False
- difference = self.stopping_position - self.position
- if int(np.sign(difference)) == self.direction_sign:
- return False
- return True
- def not_stopped(self):
- with self.contact_mode_lock:
- return self.contact_mode == 'stop_on_contact'
- def reset(self):
- with self.contact_state_lock:
- self.in_contact = False
- self.in_contact_position = None
- self.turn_off()
- self.stopping_position = None
- self.direction_sign = None
- def turn_off(self):
- with self.contact_mode_lock:
- self.contact_mode = None
- def turn_on(self):
- with self.contact_mode_lock:
- self.contact_mode = 'stop_on_contact'
- def update(self, joint_states, stop_the_robot_service):
- with self.contact_state_lock:
- self.in_contact = False
- self.in_contact_wrist_position = None
- position, velocity, effort = self.get_joint_state(joint_states)
- self.position = position
- # First, check that the stopping position, if defined, has not been passed
- if self.passed_stopping_position():
- trigger_request = TriggerRequest()
- trigger_result = stop_the_robot_service(trigger_request)
- with self.contact_mode_lock:
- self.contact_mode = 'passed_stopping_point'
- rospy.loginfo('stop_on_contact: stopping the robot due to passing the stopping position, position = {0}, stopping_position = {1}, direction_sign = {2}'.format(self.position, self.stopping_position, self.direction_sign))
- # Second, check that the effort thresholds have not been exceeded
- if self.av_effort is None:
- self.av_effort = effort
- else:
- self.av_effort = (((self.av_effort_window_size - 1.0) * self.av_effort) + effort) / self.av_effort_window_size
- if self.in_contact_func(effort, self.av_effort):
- # Contact detected!
- with self.contact_state_lock:
- self.in_contact = True
- self.in_contact_position = self.position
- with self.contact_mode_lock:
- if self.contact_mode == 'stop_on_contact':
- trigger_request = TriggerRequest()
- trigger_result = stop_the_robot_service(trigger_request)
- rospy.loginfo('stop_on_contact: stopping the robot due to detected contact, effort = {0}, av_effort = {1}'.format(effort, self.av_effort))
- self.contact_mode = 'regulate_contact'
- elif self.contact_mode == 'regulate_contact':
- pass
- elif self.av_effort < self.min_av_effort_threshold:
- with self.contact_mode_lock:
- if self.contact_mode == 'regulate_contact':
- pass
- else:
- pass
- def move_until_contact(self, joint_name, stopping_position, direction_sign, move_to_pose):
- self.reset()
- self.set_stopping_position(stopping_position, direction_sign)
- success = False
- message = 'Unknown result.'
- if not self.passed_stopping_position():
- # The target has not been passed
- self.turn_on()
- move_rate = rospy.Rate(5.0)
- move_increment = direction_sign * self.move_increment
- finished = False
- while self.not_stopped():
- position = self.get_position()
- if position is not None:
- new_target = self.get_position() + move_increment
- pose = {joint_name : new_target}
- move_to_pose(pose, async=True)
- move_rate.sleep()
- if self.is_in_contact():
- # back off from the detected contact location
- contact_position = self.contact_position()
- if contact_position is not None:
- new_target = contact_position - 0.001 #- 0.002
- else:
- new_target = self.position() - 0.001 #- 0.002
- pose = {joint_name : new_target}
- move_to_pose(pose, async=False)
- rospy.loginfo('backing off after contact: moving away from surface to decrease force')
- success = True
- message = 'Successfully reached until contact.'
- else:
- success = False
- message = 'Terminated without detecting contact.'
- self.reset()
- return success, message
- class FunmapNode(hm.HelloNode):
- def __init__(self, map_filename):
- hm.HelloNode.__init__(self)
- self.map_filename = map_filename
- self.debug_directory = None
- # This holds all the poses the robot's mobile base was in
- # while making scans merged into the map. They are defined
- # with respect to the map's image. One use of this list is to
- # fill in the robot's footprints as floor when producing a
- # floor mask for the purposes of navigations with the
- # assumption that the robot's base will only be on traversable
- # floor.
- self.robot_poses = []
- self.prev_nav_markers = None
- self.wrist_position = None
- self.use_hook = False #True #False
- if self.use_hook:
- def extension_contact_func(effort, av_effort):
- single_effort_threshold = 38.0
- av_effort_threshold = 34.0
- if (effort >= single_effort_threshold):
- rospy.loginfo('Extension single effort exceeded single_effort_threshold: {0} >= {1}'.format(effort, single_effort_threshold))
- if (av_effort >= av_effort_threshold):
- rospy.loginfo('Extension average effort exceeded av_effort_threshold: {0} >= {1}'.format(av_effort, av_effort_threshold))
- return ((effort >= single_effort_threshold) or
- (av_effort > av_effort_threshold))
- self.extension_contact_detector = ContactDetector(hm.get_wrist_state, extension_contact_func, move_increment=0.008)
- else:
- def extension_contact_func(effort, av_effort):
- single_effort_threshold = 40.0
- av_effort_threshold = 40.0
- if (effort >= single_effort_threshold):
- rospy.loginfo('Extension single effort exceeded single_effort_threshold: {0} >= {1}'.format(effort, single_effort_threshold))
- if (av_effort >= av_effort_threshold):
- rospy.loginfo('Extension average effort exceeded av_effort_threshold: {0} >= {1}'.format(av_effort, av_effort_threshold))
- return ((effort >= single_effort_threshold) or
- (av_effort > av_effort_threshold))
- self.extension_contact_detector = ContactDetector(hm.get_wrist_state, extension_contact_func)
- def lift_contact_func(effort, av_effort):
- single_effort_threshold = 20.0
- av_effort_threshold = 20.0
- if (effort <= single_effort_threshold):
- rospy.loginfo('Lift single effort less than single_effort_threshold: {0} <= {1}'.format(effort, single_effort_threshold))
- if (av_effort <= av_effort_threshold):
- rospy.loginfo('Lift average effort less than av_effort_threshold: {0} <= {1}'.format(av_effort, av_effort_threshold))
- return ((effort <= single_effort_threshold) or
- (av_effort < av_effort_threshold))
- self.lift_down_contact_detector = ContactDetector(hm.get_lift_state, lift_contact_func)
- def publish_map_point_cloud(self):
- if self.merged_map is not None:
- max_height_point_cloud = self.merged_map.max_height_im.to_point_cloud()
- self.point_cloud_pub.publish(max_height_point_cloud)
- pub_voi = True
- if pub_voi:
- marker = self.merged_map.max_height_im.voi.get_ros_marker(duration=1000.0)
- self.voi_marker_pub.publish(marker)
- def publish_nav_plan_markers(self, line_segment_path, image_to_points_mat, clicked_frame_id):
- path_height_m = 0.2
- points = [np.matmul(image_to_points_mat, np.array([p[0], p[1], path_height_m, 1.0]))[:3] for p in line_segment_path]
- points = [[p[0], p[1], path_height_m] for p in points]
- self.publish_path_markers(points, clicked_frame_id)
- def publish_path_markers(self, points, points_frame_id):
- path_height_m = 0.2
- points = [[p[0], p[1], path_height_m] for p in points]
- if self.prev_nav_markers is not None:
- # delete previous markers
- for m in self.prev_nav_markers.markers:
- m.action = m.DELETE
- self.navigation_plan_markers_pub.publish(self.prev_nav_markers)
- nav_markers = MarkerArray()
- duration_s = 1 * 60
- timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
- m = hr.create_line_strip(points, 0, points_frame_id, timestamp, rgba=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], line_width_m=0.05, duration_s=duration_s)
- nav_markers.markers.append(m)
- for i, p in enumerate(points):
- m = hr.create_sphere_marker(p, i+1, points_frame_id, timestamp, rgba=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], diameter_m=0.15, duration_s=duration_s)
- nav_markers.markers.append(m)
- self.navigation_plan_markers_pub.publish(nav_markers)
- self.prev_nav_markers = nav_markers
- def trigger_align_with_nearest_cliff_service_callback(self, request):
- manip = mp.ManipulationView(self.tf2_buffer, self.debug_directory)
- manip.move_head(self.move_to_pose)
- manip.update(self.point_cloud, self.tf2_buffer)
- if self.debug_directory is not None:
- dirname = self.debug_directory + 'align_with_nearest_cliff/'
- # If the directory does not already exist, create it.
- if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- filename = 'nearest_cliff_scan_' + hm.create_time_string()
- manip.save_scan(dirname + filename)
- else:
- rospy.loginfo('FunmapNode trigger_align_with_nearest_cliff_service_callback: No debug directory provided, so debugging data will not be saved.')
- p0, p1, normal = manip.get_nearest_cliff('odom', self.tf2_buffer)
- if normal is not None:
- cliff_ang = np.arctan2(normal[1], normal[0])
- # Find the robot's current pose in the odom frame.
- xya, timestamp = self.get_robot_floor_pose_xya(floor_frame='odom')
- robot_ang = xya[2]
- align_arm_ang = robot_ang + (np.pi/2.0)
- # Find the angle that the robot should turn in order
- # to point toward the next waypoint.
- turn_ang = hm.angle_diff_rad(cliff_ang, align_arm_ang)
- # Command the robot to turn to point to the next
- # waypoint.
- at_goal = self.move_base.turn(turn_ang, publish_visualizations=True)
- if not at_goal:
- message_text = 'Failed to reach turn goal.'
- rospy.loginfo(message_text)
- success=False
- message=message_text
- else:
- success = True
- message = 'Aligned with the nearest edge.'
- else:
- success = False
- message = 'Failed to detect cliff.'
- return TriggerResponse(
- success=success,
- message=message
- )
- def joint_states_callback(self, joint_states):
- self.extension_contact_detector.update(joint_states, self.stop_the_robot_service)
- self.wrist_position = self.extension_contact_detector.get_position()
- self.lift_down_contact_detector.update(joint_states, self.stop_the_robot_service)
- self.lift_position = self.lift_down_contact_detector.get_position()
- def trigger_reach_until_contact_service_callback(self, request):
- manip = mp.ManipulationView(self.tf2_buffer, self.debug_directory)
- manip.move_head(self.move_to_pose)
- manip.update(self.point_cloud, self.tf2_buffer)
- if self.debug_directory is not None:
- dirname = self.debug_directory + 'reach_until_contact/'
- # If the directory does not already exist, create it.
- if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- filename = 'reach_until_contact_' + hm.create_time_string()
- manip.save_scan(dirname + filename)
- else:
- rospy.loginfo('FunmapNode trigger_reach_until_contact_service_callback: No debug directory provided, so debugging data will not be saved.')
- if self.use_hook:
- tooltip_frame = 'link_hook'
- else:
- tooltip_frame = 'link_grasp_center'
- reach_m = manip.estimate_reach_to_contact_distance(tooltip_frame, self.tf2_buffer)
- rospy.loginfo('----------------')
- rospy.loginfo('reach_m = {0}'.format(reach_m))
- rospy.loginfo('----------------')
- # Be aggressive moving in observed freespace and cautious
- # moving toward a perceived obstacle or unknown region.
- success = False
- message = 'Unknown result.'
- if self.wrist_position is not None:
- # The current wrist position needs to be known in order
- # for a reach command to be sent.
- max_reach_target_m = 0.5
- if (reach_m is not None):
- reach_target_m = reach_m + self.wrist_position
- else:
- reach_target_m = None
- if (reach_target_m is None) or (reach_target_m > max_reach_target_m):
- # Either the observed reach target was too far for the
- # arm, in which case we assume that something strange
- # happened and reach cautiously over the full reach.
- # Or, a freespace reach was not observed, so reach
- # cautiously over the full reach.
- direction_sign = 1
- success, message = self.extension_contact_detector.move_until_contact('wrist_extension', max_reach_target_m, direction_sign, self.move_to_pose)
- else:
- # A freespace region was observed. Agressively move to
- # within a safe distance of the expected obstacle.
- safety_margin_m = 0.02
- safe_target_m = reach_target_m - safety_margin_m
- if self.use_hook:
- safe_target_m = safe_target_m + 0.03
- if safe_target_m > self.wrist_position:
- pose = {'wrist_extension' : safe_target_m}
- self.move_to_pose(pose, async=False)
- # target depth within the surface
- target_depth_m = 0.08
- in_contact_target_m = reach_target_m + target_depth_m
- direction_sign = 1
- success, message = self.extension_contact_detector.move_until_contact('wrist_extension', in_contact_target_m, direction_sign, self.move_to_pose)
- return TriggerResponse(
- success=success,
- message=message
- )
- def trigger_lower_until_contact_service_callback(self, request):
- direction_sign = -1
- lowest_allowed_m = 0.3
- success, message = self.lift_down_contact_detector.move_until_contact('joint_lift', lowest_allowed_m, direction_sign, self.move_to_pose)
- return TriggerResponse(
- success=success,
- message=message
- )
- def trigger_global_localization_service_callback(self, request):
- self.perform_head_scan(localize_only=True, global_localization=True)
- return TriggerResponse(
- success=True,
- message='Completed localization with scan.'
- )
- def trigger_local_localization_service_callback(self, request):
- self.perform_head_scan(localize_only=True, global_localization=False, fast_scan=True)
- return TriggerResponse(
- success=True,
- message='Completed localization with scan.'
- )
- def trigger_head_scan_service_callback(self, request):
- self.perform_head_scan()
- return TriggerResponse(
- success=True,
- message='Completed head scan.'
- )
- def trigger_drive_to_scan_service_callback(self, request):
- if self.merged_map is None:
- return TriggerResponse(
- success=False,
- message='No map exists yet, so unable to drive to a good scan spot.'
- )
- max_height_im = self.merged_map.max_height_im
- robot_xy_pix, robot_ang_rad, timestamp = max_height_im.get_robot_pose_in_image(self.tf2_buffer)
- robot_xya_pix = [robot_xy_pix[0], robot_xy_pix[1], robot_ang_rad]
- robot_x_pix = int(round(robot_xy_pix[0]))
- robot_y_pix = int(round(robot_xy_pix[1]))
- # Define the target maximum observation distance for any
- # observed point in the map. This serves as a goal for mapping.
- max_scan_distance_m = 1.5
- # The best case minimum width of the robot in meters when moving forward and backward.
- min_robot_width_m = 0.34
- camera_height_m = 1.12
- floor_mask = sm.compute_floor_mask(max_height_im)
- # Select the next location on the map from which to
- # attempt to make a head scan.
- best_xy = na.select_next_scan_location(floor_mask, max_height_im, min_robot_width_m,
- robot_x_pix, robot_y_pix, robot_ang_rad,
- camera_height_m, max_scan_distance_m,
- display_on=False)
- if best_xy is None:
- return TriggerResponse(
- success=False,
- message='No good scan location was detected.'
- )
- # Plan an optimistic path on the floor to the next
- # location for scanning.
- end_xy = np.array(best_xy)
- success, message = self.navigate_to_map_pixel(end_xy, robot_xya_pix=robot_xya_pix, floor_mask=floor_mask)
- return TriggerResponse(
- success=success,
- message=message
- )
- def pose_to_map_pixel(self, pose_stamped):
- clicked_frame_id = pose_stamped.header.frame_id
- clicked_timestamp = pose_stamped.header.stamp
- clicked_point = pose_stamped.pose.position
- # Check if a map exists
- if self.merged_map is None:
- success = False
- message = 'No map exists yet, so unable to drive to a good scan spot.'
- rospy.logerr(message)
- return None
- max_height_im = self.merged_map.max_height_im
- map_frame_id = self.merged_map.max_height_im.voi.frame_id
- points_to_image_mat, pi_timestamp = max_height_im.get_points_to_image_mat(clicked_frame_id, self.tf2_buffer)
- #lookup_time=clicked_timestamp)
- if (points_to_image_mat is not None):
- c_x = clicked_point.x
- c_y = clicked_point.y
- c_z = clicked_point.z
- clicked_xyz = np.array([c_x, c_y, c_z, 1.0])
- clicked_image_pixel = np.matmul(points_to_image_mat, clicked_xyz)
- i_x, i_y, i_z = clicked_image_pixel[:3]
- rospy.loginfo('clicked_image_pixel =' + str(clicked_image_pixel))
- end_xy = np.int64(np.round(np.array([i_x, i_y])))
- rospy.loginfo('end_xy =' + str(end_xy))
- return end_xy
- return None
- def plan_a_path(self, end_xy_pix, robot_xya_pix=None, floor_mask=None):
- # Transform the robot's current estimated pose as represented
- # by TF2 to the map image. Currently, the estimated pose is
- # based on the transformation from the map frame to the
- # base_link frame, which is updated by odometry and
- # corrections based on matching head scans to the map.
- path = None
- # Check if a map exists
- if self.merged_map is None:
- message = 'No map exists yet, so unable to drive to a good scan spot.'
- return path, message
- max_height_im = self.merged_map.max_height_im
- if robot_xya_pix is None:
- robot_xy_pix, robot_ang_rad, timestamp = max_height_im.get_robot_pose_in_image(self.tf2_buffer)
- robot_xya_pix = [robot_xy_pix[0], robot_xy_pix[1], robot_ang_rad]
- max_height_im = self.merged_map.max_height_im
- line_segment_path, message = na.plan_a_path(max_height_im, robot_xya_pix,
- end_xy_pix, floor_mask=floor_mask)
- return line_segment_path, message
- def plan_to_reach(self, reach_xyz_pix, robot_xya_pix=None, floor_mask=None):
- # This is intended to perform coarse positioning of the
- # gripper near a target 3D point.
- robot_reach_xya_pix = None
- wrist_extension_m = None
- i_x, i_y, i_z = reach_xyz_pix
- max_height_im = self.merged_map.max_height_im
- # Check if a map exists
- if self.merged_map is None:
- message = 'No map exists yet, so unable to plan a reach.'
- rospy.logerr(message)
- return None, None
- if robot_xya_pix is None:
- robot_xy_pix, robot_ang_rad, timestamp = max_height_im.get_robot_pose_in_image(self.tf2_buffer)
- robot_xya_pix = [robot_xy_pix[0], robot_xy_pix[1], robot_ang_rad]
- end_xy_pix = np.int64(np.round(np.array([i_x, i_y])))
- m_per_height_unit = max_height_im.m_per_height_unit
- # move the gripper to be above the target point
- extra_target_height_m = 0.01
- target_z = i_z + (extra_target_height_m / m_per_height_unit)
- target_z_m = target_z * m_per_height_unit
- target_xyz_pix = (end_xy_pix[0], end_xy_pix[1], target_z)
- image_display_on = False
- manipulation_planner = mp.ManipulationPlanner()
- base_x_pix, base_y_pix, base_ang_rad, wrist_extension_m = manipulation_planner.base_pose(max_height_im,
- target_xyz_pix,
- robot_xya_pix,
- image_display_on=image_display_on)
- if image_display_on:
- c = cv2.waitKey(0)
- if base_x_pix is None:
- rospy.logerr('No valid base pose found for reaching the target.')
- return None, None
- robot_reach_xya_pix = [base_x_pix, base_y_pix, base_ang_rad]
- base_link_point = max_height_im.get_pix_in_frame(np.array(reach_xyz_pix), 'base_link', self.tf2_buffer)
- simple_reach_plan = []
- # close the gripper
- simple_reach_plan.append({'joint_gripper_finger_left': 0.0})
- # move the lift to be at the height of the target
- # The fingers of the gripper touch the floor at a joint_lift
- # height of 0.0 m, so moving the lift link to the height of
- # the target will result in the fingers being at the height of
- # the target.
- height_m = base_link_point[2]
- safety_z_m = 0.0
- simple_reach_plan.append({'joint_lift': height_m + safety_z_m})
- # rotate the gripper to be in the center
- # of the swept volume of the wrist (a
- # little right of center when looking out
- # from the robot to the gripper)
- #simple_reach_plan.append({'joint_gripper': -0.25})
- simple_reach_plan.append({'joint_wrist_yaw': -0.25})
- # reach out to the target
- # Reach to a point that is not fully at the target.
- safety_reach_m = 0.1 # 10cm away from the target
- simple_reach_plan.append({'wrist_extension': wrist_extension_m - safety_reach_m})
- return robot_reach_xya_pix, simple_reach_plan
- def reach_to_click_callback(self, clicked_msg):
- rospy.loginfo('clicked_msg =' + str(clicked_msg))
- clicked_frame_id = clicked_msg.header.frame_id
- clicked_timestamp = clicked_msg.header.stamp
- clicked_point = clicked_msg.point
- max_height_im = self.merged_map.max_height_im
- # Check if a map exists
- if self.merged_map is None:
- message = 'No map exists yet, so unable to plan a reach.'
- rospy.logerr(message)
- return
- points_to_image_mat, pi_timestamp = max_height_im.get_points_to_image_mat(clicked_frame_id, self.tf2_buffer)
- if points_to_image_mat is None:
- rospy.logerr('points_to_image_mat not found')
- return
- c_x = clicked_point.x
- c_y = clicked_point.y
- c_z = clicked_point.z
- clicked_xyz = np.array([c_x, c_y, c_z, 1.0])
- clicked_image_pixel = np.matmul(points_to_image_mat, clicked_xyz)[:3]
- i_x, i_y, i_z = clicked_image_pixel
- rospy.loginfo('clicked_image_pixel =' + str(clicked_image_pixel))
- h, w = max_height_im.image.shape
- if not ((i_x >= 0) and (i_y >= 0) and (i_x < w) and (i_y < h)):
- rospy.logerr('clicked point does not fall within the bounds of the max_height_image')
- return
- robot_xy_pix, robot_ang_rad, timestamp = max_height_im.get_robot_pose_in_image(self.tf2_buffer)
- robot_xya_pix = [robot_xy_pix[0], robot_xy_pix[1], robot_ang_rad]
- reach_xyz_pix = clicked_image_pixel
- robot_reach_xya_pix, simple_reach_plan = self.plan_to_reach(reach_xyz_pix, robot_xya_pix=robot_xya_pix)
- success, message = self.navigate_to_map_pixel(robot_reach_xya_pix[:2],
- end_angle=robot_reach_xya_pix[2],
- robot_xya_pix=robot_xya_pix)
- if success:
- for pose in simple_reach_plan:
- self.move_to_pose(pose)
- else:
- rospy.logerr(message)
- rospy.logerr('Aborting reach attempt due to failed navigation')
- return
- def navigate_to_map_pixel(self, end_xy, end_angle=None, robot_xya_pix=None, floor_mask=None):
- # Set the D435i to Default mode for obstacle detection
- trigger_request = TriggerRequest()
- trigger_result = self.trigger_d435i_default_mode_service(trigger_request)
- rospy.loginfo('trigger_result = {0}'.format(trigger_result))
- # Move the head to a pose from which the D435i can detect
- # obstacles near the front of the mobile base while moving
- # forward.
- self.move_base.head_to_forward_motion_pose()
- line_segment_path, message = self.plan_a_path(end_xy, robot_xya_pix=robot_xya_pix, floor_mask=floor_mask)
- if line_segment_path is None:
- success = False
- return success, message
- # Existence of the merged map is checked by plan_a_path, but
- # to avoid future issues I'm introducing this redundancy.
- if self.merged_map is None:
- success = False
- return success, 'No map available for planning and navigation.'
- max_height_im = self.merged_map.max_height_im
- map_frame_id = self.merged_map.max_height_im.voi.frame_id
- # Query TF2 to obtain the current estimated transformation
- # from the map image to the map frame.
- image_to_points_mat, ip_timestamp = max_height_im.get_image_to_points_mat(map_frame_id, self.tf2_buffer)
- if image_to_points_mat is not None:
- # Publish a marker array to visualize the line segment path.
- self.publish_nav_plan_markers(line_segment_path, image_to_points_mat, map_frame_id)
- # Iterate through the vertices of the line segment path,
- # commanding the robot to drive to them in sequence using
- # in place rotations and forward motions.
- successful = True
- for p0, p1 in zip(line_segment_path, line_segment_path[1:]):
- # Query TF2 to obtain the current estimated transformation
- # from the image to the odometry frame.
- image_to_odom_mat, io_timestamp = max_height_im.get_image_to_points_mat('odom', self.tf2_buffer)
- # Query TF2 to obtain the current estimated transformation
- # from the robot's base_link frame to the odometry frame.
- robot_to_odom_mat, ro_timestamp = hm.get_p1_to_p2_matrix('base_link', 'odom', self.tf2_buffer)
- # Navigation planning is performed with respect to a
- # odom frame height of 0.0, so the heights of
- # transformed points are 0.0. The simple method of
- # handling the heights below assumes that the odom
- # frame is aligned with the floor, so that ignoring
- # the z coordinate is approximately equivalent to
- # projecting a point onto the floor.
- # Convert the current and next waypoints from map
- # image pixel coordinates to the odom
- # frame.
- p0 = np.array([p0[0], p0[1], 0.0, 1.0])
- p0 = np.matmul(image_to_odom_mat, p0)[:2]
- p1 = np.array([p1[0], p1[1], 0.0, 1.0])
- next_point_xyz = np.matmul(image_to_odom_mat, p1)
- p1 = next_point_xyz[:2]
- # Find the robot's current pose in the odom frame.
- xya, timestamp = self.get_robot_floor_pose_xya()
- r0 = xya[:2]
- r_ang = xya[2]
- # Check how far the robot's current location is from
- # its current waypoint. The current waypoint is where
- # the robot would ideally be located.
- waypoint_tolerance_m = 0.25
- waypoint_error = np.linalg.norm(p0 - r0)
- rospy.loginfo('waypoint_error =' + str(waypoint_error))
- if waypoint_error > waypoint_tolerance_m:
- message_text = 'Failed due to waypoint_error being above the maximum allowed error.'
- rospy.loginfo(message_text)
- success=False
- message=message_text
- return success, message
- # Find the angle in the odometry frame that would
- # result in the robot pointing at the next waypoint.
- travel_vector = p1 - r0
- travel_dist = np.linalg.norm(travel_vector)
- travel_ang = np.arctan2(travel_vector[1], travel_vector[0])
- rospy.loginfo('travel_dist =' + str(travel_dist))
- rospy.loginfo('travel_ang =' + str(travel_ang * (180.0/np.pi)))
- # Find the angle that the robot should turn in order
- # to point toward the next waypoint.
- turn_ang = hm.angle_diff_rad(travel_ang, r_ang)
- # Command the robot to turn to point to the next
- # waypoint.
- rospy.loginfo('robot turn angle in degrees =' + str(turn_ang * (180.0/np.pi)))
- at_goal = self.move_base.turn(turn_ang, publish_visualizations=True)
- if not at_goal:
- message_text = 'Failed to reach turn goal.'
- rospy.loginfo(message_text)
- success=False
- message=message_text
- return success, message
- # The head seems to drift sometimes over time, such
- # that the obstacle detection region is no longer
- # observed resulting in false positives. Hopefully,
- # this will correct the situation.
- self.move_base.head_to_forward_motion_pose()
- testing_future_code = False
- if testing_future_code:
- check_result = self.move_base.check_line_path(next_point_xyz, 'odom')
- rospy.loginfo('Result of check line path = {0}'.format(check_result))
- local_path, local_path_frame_id = self.move_base.local_plan(next_point_xyz, 'odom')
- if local_path is not None:
- rospy.loginfo('Found local path! Publishing markers for it!')
- self.publish_path_markers(local_path, local_path_frame_id)
- else:
- rospy.loginfo('Did not find a local path...')
- # Command the robot to move forward to the next waypoing.
- at_goal = self.move_base.forward(travel_dist, publish_visualizations=True)
- if not at_goal:
- message_text = 'Failed to reach forward motion goal.'
- rospy.loginfo(message_text)
- success=False
- message=message_text
- return success, message
- rospy.loginfo('Turn and forward motion succeeded.')
- if end_angle is not None:
- # If a final target angle has been provided, rotate
- # the robot to match the target angle.
- rospy.loginfo('Attempting to achieve the final target orientation.')
- # Find the robot's current pose in the map frame. This
- # assumes that the target angle has been specified
- # with respect to the map frame.
- xya, timestamp = self.get_robot_floor_pose_xya(floor_frame='map')
- r_ang = xya[2]
- # Find the angle that the robot should turn in order
- # to point toward the next waypoint.
- turn_ang = hm.angle_diff_rad(end_angle, r_ang)
- # Command the robot to turn to point to the next
- # waypoint.
- rospy.loginfo('robot turn angle in degrees =' + str(turn_ang * (180.0/np.pi)))
- at_goal = self.move_base.turn(turn_ang, publish_visualizations=True)
- if not at_goal:
- message_text = 'Failed to reach turn goal.'
- rospy.loginfo(message_text)
- success=False
- message=message_text
- return success, message
- success=True
- message='Completed drive to new scan location.'
- return success, message
- def perform_head_scan(self, fill_in_blindspot_with_second_scan=True, localize_only=False, global_localization=False, fast_scan=False):
- node = self
- trigger_request = TriggerRequest()
- trigger_result = self.trigger_d435i_high_accuracy_mode_service(trigger_request)
- rospy.loginfo('trigger_result = {0}'.format(trigger_result))
- # Reduce the occlusion due to the arm and grabber. This is
- # intended to be run when the standard grabber is not holding
- # an object.
- ma.stow_and_lower_arm(node)
- # Create and perform a new full scan of the environment using
- # the head.
- head_scan = ma.HeadScan(voi_side_m=16.0)
- head_scan.execute_full(node, fast_scan=fast_scan)
- scaled_scan = None
- scaled_merged_map = None
- # Save the new head scan to disk.
- if self.debug_directory is not None:
- dirname = self.debug_directory + 'head_scans/'
- # If the directory does not already exist, create it.
- if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- filename = 'head_scan_' + hm.create_time_string()
- head_scan.save(dirname + filename)
- else:
- rospy.loginfo('FunmapNode perform_head_scan: No debug directory provided, so debugging data will not be saved.')
- head_scan.make_robot_footprint_unobserved()
- save_merged_map = False
- if self.merged_map is None:
- # The robot does not currently have a map, so initialize
- # the map with the new head scan.
- rospy.loginfo('perform_head_scan: No map available, so setting the map to be the scan that was just taken.')
- self.merged_map = head_scan
- robot_pose = [head_scan.robot_xy_pix[0], head_scan.robot_xy_pix[1], head_scan.robot_ang_rad]
- self.robot_poses.append(robot_pose)
- self.localized = True
- save_merged_map = True
- else:
- if localize_only and (not global_localization):
- # The scan was performed to localize the robot locally.
- rospy.loginfo('perform_head_scan: Performing local localization.')
- use_full_size_scans = False
- if use_full_size_scans:
- affine_matrix, original_robot_map_pose, corrected_robot_map_pose = mm.estimate_scan_1_to_scan_2_transform(head_scan,
- self.merged_map,
- display_on=False,
- show_unaligned=False,
- full_localization=False,
- init_target=None,
- grid_search=False,
- small_search=False)
- else:
- original_robot_map_frame_pose, corrected_robot_map_frame_pose, original_robot_map_image_pose, corrected_robot_map_image_pose, scaled_scan, scaled_merged_map = ma.localize_with_reduced_images(head_scan, self.merged_map, global_localization=False, divisor=2, small_search=True)
- corrected_robot_map_pose = corrected_robot_map_frame_pose
- original_robot_map_pose = original_robot_map_frame_pose
- # Save the scaled scans to disk for debugging.
- if self.debug_directory is not None:
- dirname = self.debug_directory + 'scaled_localization_scans/'
- # If the directory does not already exist, create it.
- if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- time_string = hm.create_time_string()
- filename = 'localization_scaled_head_scan_' + time_string
- scaled_scan.save(dirname + filename)
- filename = 'localization_scaled_merged_map_' + time_string
- scaled_merged_map.save(dirname + filename)
- else:
- rospy.loginfo('FunmapNode perform_head_scan: No debug directory provided, so debugging data will not be saved.')
- self.localized = True
- elif (not self.localized) or (localize_only and global_localization):
- # The robot has not been localized with respect to the
- # current map or the scan was performed solely to
- # globally localize the robot. This attempts to
- # localize the robot on the map by reducing the sizes
- # of the scan and the map in order to more efficiently
- # search for a match globally.
- # This does not merge the new scan into the current map.
- rospy.loginfo('perform_head_scan: Performing global localization.')
- save_merged_map = False
- original_robot_map_frame_pose, corrected_robot_map_frame_pose, original_robot_map_image_pose, corrected_robot_map_image_pose, scaled_scan, scaled_merged_map = ma.localize_with_reduced_images(head_scan, self.merged_map, global_localization=True, divisor=6) #4)
- corrected_robot_map_pose = corrected_robot_map_frame_pose
- original_robot_map_pose = original_robot_map_frame_pose
- self.localized = True
- # Save the scaled scans to disk for debugging.
- if self.debug_directory is not None:
- dirname = self.debug_directory + 'scaled_localization_scans/'
- # If the directory does not already exist, create it.
- if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- time_string = hm.create_time_string()
- filename = 'localization_scaled_head_scan_' + time_string
- scaled_scan.save(dirname + filename)
- filename = 'localization_scaled_merged_map_' + time_string
- scaled_merged_map.save(dirname + filename)
- else:
- rospy.loginfo('FunmapNode perform_head_scan: No debug directory provided, so debugging data will not be saved.')
- else:
- # The robot has been localized with respect to the
- # current map, so proceed to merge the new head scan
- # into the map. This assumes that the robot's
- # estimated pose is close to its actual pose in the
- # map. It constrains the matching optimization to a
- # limited range of positions and orientations.
- rospy.loginfo('perform_head_scan: Performing local map merge.')
- original_robot_map_pose, corrected_robot_map_pose = mm.merge_scan_1_into_scan_2(head_scan, self.merged_map)
- save_merged_map = True
- # Store the corrected robot pose relative to the map frame.
- self.robot_poses.append(corrected_robot_map_pose)
- self.correct_robot_pose(original_robot_map_pose, corrected_robot_map_pose)
- pub_robot_markers = True
- if pub_robot_markers:
- self.publish_corrected_robot_pose_markers(original_robot_map_pose, corrected_robot_map_pose)
- if save_merged_map:
- # If the merged map has been updated, save it to disk.
- if self.debug_directory is not None:
- head_scans_dirname = self.debug_directory + 'head_scans/'
- # If the directory does not already exist, create it.
- if not os.path.exists(head_scans_dirname):
- os.makedirs(head_scans_dirname)
- merged_maps_dirname = self.debug_directory + 'merged_maps/'
- # If the directory does not already exist, create it.
- if not os.path.exists(merged_maps_dirname):
- os.makedirs(merged_maps_dirname)
- time_string = hm.create_time_string()
- if scaled_scan is not None:
- filename = 'localization_scaled_head_scan_' + time_string
- scaled_scan.save(head_scans_dirname + filename)
- if scaled_merged_map is not None:
- filename = 'localization_scaled_merged_map_' + time_string
- scaled_merged_map.save(merged_maps_dirname + filename)
- filename = 'merged_map_' + hm.create_time_string()
- self.merged_map.save(merged_maps_dirname + filename)
- else:
- rospy.loginfo('FunmapNode perform_head_scan: No debug directory provided, so debugging data will not be saved.')
- if fill_in_blindspot_with_second_scan and (not localize_only):
- # Turn the robot to the left in attempt to fill in its
- # blindspot due to its mast.
- turn_ang = (70.0/180.0) * np.pi
- # Command the robot to turn to point to the next
- # waypoint.
- rospy.loginfo('robot turn angle in degrees =' + str(turn_ang * (180.0/np.pi)))
- at_goal = self.move_base.turn(turn_ang, publish_visualizations=True)
- if not at_goal:
- message_text = 'Failed to reach turn goal.'
- rospy.loginfo(message_text)
- self.perform_head_scan(fill_in_blindspot_with_second_scan=False)
- def get_plan_service_callback(self, request):
- # request.start, request.goal, request.tolerance
- goal_pose = request.goal
- end_xy = self.pose_to_map_pixel(goal_pose)
- if end_xy is None:
- message = 'Failed to convert pose to map pixel.'
- rospy.logerr(message)
- return
- path, message = self.plan_a_path(end_xy)
- plan = Path()
- header = plan.header
- time_stamp = rospy.Time.now()
- header.stamp = time_stamp
- header.frame_id = 'map'
- if path is None:
- rospy.logerr(message)
- return plan
- # Existence of the merged map is checked by plan_a_path, but
- # to avoid future issues I'm introducing this redundancy.
- if self.merged_map is None:
- success = False
- return success, 'No map available for planning and navigation.'
- max_height_im = self.merged_map.max_height_im
- map_frame_id = self.merged_map.max_height_im.voi.frame_id
- # Query TF2 to obtain the current estimated transformation
- # from the map image to the map frame.
- image_to_points_mat, ip_timestamp = max_height_im.get_image_to_points_mat(map_frame_id, self.tf2_buffer)
- if image_to_points_mat is None:
- rospy.logerr('image_to_points_mat unavailable via TF2')
- return plan
- path_height_m = 0.0
- for xyz in path:
- image_point = np.array([xyz[0], xyz[1], 0.0, 1.0])
- map_point = np.matmul(image_to_points_mat, image_point)
- p = PoseStamped()
- p.header.frame_id = 'map'
- p.header.stamp = time_stamp
- p.pose.position.x = map_point[0]
- p.pose.position.y = map_point[1]
- p.pose.position.z = path_height_m
- plan.poses.append(p)
- return plan
- def correct_robot_pose(self, original_robot_map_pose_xya, corrected_robot_map_pose_xya):
- # Compute and broadcast the corrected transformation from
- # the map frame to the odom frame.
- print('original_robot_map_pose_xya =', original_robot_map_pose_xya)
- print('corrected_robot_map_pose_xya =', corrected_robot_map_pose_xya)
- x_delta = corrected_robot_map_pose_xya[0] - original_robot_map_pose_xya[0]
- y_delta = corrected_robot_map_pose_xya[1] - original_robot_map_pose_xya[1]
- ang_rad_correction = hm.angle_diff_rad(corrected_robot_map_pose_xya[2], original_robot_map_pose_xya[2])
- c = np.cos(ang_rad_correction)
- s = np.sin(ang_rad_correction)
- rot_mat = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]])
- x_old, y_old, a_old = original_robot_map_pose_xya
- xy_old = np.array([x_old, y_old])
- tx, ty = np.matmul(rot_mat, -xy_old) + np.array([x_delta, y_delta]) + xy_old
- t = np.identity(4)
- t[0,3] = tx
- t[1,3] = ty
- t[:2,:2] = rot_mat
- self.map_to_odom_transform_mat = np.matmul(t, self.map_to_odom_transform_mat)
- self.tf2_broadcaster.sendTransform(create_map_to_odom_transform(self.map_to_odom_transform_mat))
- def publish_corrected_robot_pose_markers(self, original_robot_map_pose_xya, corrected_robot_map_pose_xya):
- # Publish markers to visualize the corrected and
- # uncorrected robot poses on the map.
- timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
- markers = MarkerArray()
- ang_rad = corrected_robot_map_pose_xya[2]
- x_axis = [np.cos(ang_rad), np.sin(ang_rad), 0.0]
- x, y, a = corrected_robot_map_pose_xya
- point = [x, y, 0.1]
- rgba = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5]
- m_id = 0
- m = hr.create_sphere_marker(point, m_id, 'map', timestamp, rgba=rgba, diameter_m=0.1, duration_s=0.0)
- markers.markers.append(m)
- m_id += 1
- m = hr.create_axis_marker(point, x_axis, m_id, 'map', timestamp, rgba, length=0.2, arrow_scale=3.0)
- markers.markers.append(m)
- m_id += 1
- x, y, a = original_robot_map_pose_xya
- point = [x, y, 0.1]
- rgba = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]
- m = hr.create_sphere_marker(point, m_id, 'map', timestamp, rgba=rgba, diameter_m=0.1, duration_s=0.0)
- markers.markers.append(m)
- m_id += 1
- m = hr.create_axis_marker(point, x_axis, m_id, 'map', timestamp, rgba, length=0.2, arrow_scale=3.0)
- markers.markers.append(m)
- m_id += 1
- self.marker_array_pub.publish(markers)
- def set_robot_pose_callback(self, pose_with_cov_stamped):
- rospy.loginfo('Set robot pose called. This will set the pose of the robot on the map.')
- rospy.loginfo(pose_with_cov_stamped)
- original_robot_map_pose_xya, timestamp = self.get_robot_floor_pose_xya(floor_frame='map')
- pwcs = pose_with_cov_stamped
- frame_id = pwcs.header.frame_id
- timestamp = pwcs.header.stamp
- pose = pwcs.pose.pose
- if frame_id != 'map':
- lookup_time = rospy.Time(0) # return most recent transform
- timeout_ros = rospy.Duration(0.1)
- stamped_transform = tf2_buffer.lookup_transform('map', frame_id, lookup_time, timeout_ros)
- map_pose = do_transform_pose(pose, stamped_transform)
- else:
- map_pose = pose
- p = map_pose.position
- q = map_pose.orientation
- q_list = [q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w]
- x = p.x
- y = p.y
- z = p.z
- roll, pitch, yaw = euler_from_quaternion(q_list)
- corrected_robot_map_pose_xya = [x, y, yaw]
- self.correct_robot_pose(original_robot_map_pose_xya, corrected_robot_map_pose_xya)
- self.publish_corrected_robot_pose_markers(original_robot_map_pose_xya, corrected_robot_map_pose_xya)
- def navigate_to_goal_topic_callback(self, goal_pose):
- rospy.loginfo('Navigate to goal simple navigate to goal topic received a command!')
- rospy.loginfo(goal_pose)
- end_xy = self.pose_to_map_pixel(goal_pose)
- if end_xy is None:
- message = 'Failed to convert pose to map pixel.'
- rospy.logerr(message)
- return
- success, message = self.navigate_to_map_pixel(end_xy)
- if success:
- rospy.loginfo(message)
- else:
- rospy.logerr(message)
- return
- def navigate_to_goal_action_callback(self, goal):
- # geometry_msgs/PoseStamped target_pose
- goal_pose = goal.target_pose
- rospy.loginfo('Navigate to goal simple action server received a command!')
- rospy.loginfo(goal_pose)
- end_xy = self.pose_to_map_pixel(goal_pose)
- if end_xy is None:
- message = 'Failed to convert pose to map pixel.'
- rospy.logerr(message)
- self.navigate_to_goal_action_server.set_aborted()
- return
- success, message = self.navigate_to_map_pixel(end_xy)
- if success:
- result = MoveBaseResult()
- self.navigate_to_goal_action_server.set_succeeded(result)
- else:
- rospy.logerr(message)
- self.navigate_to_goal_action_server.set_aborted()
- return
- def main(self):
- hm.HelloNode.main(self, 'funmap', 'funmap')
- self.debug_directory = rospy.get_param('~debug_directory')
- self.merged_map = None
- self.localized = False
- if self.map_filename is not None:
- self.merged_map = ma.HeadScan.from_file(self.map_filename)
- self.localized = False
- ###########################
- # Related to move_base API
- self.navigate_to_goal_action_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer('/move_base',
- MoveBaseAction,
- execute_cb = self.navigate_to_goal_action_callback,
- auto_start = False)
- self.navigate_to_goal_action_server.start()
- self.navigation_goal_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('/move_base_simple/goal',
- PoseStamped,
- self.navigate_to_goal_topic_callback)
- self.set_robot_pose_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('/initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.set_robot_pose_callback)
- self.get_plan_service = rospy.Service('/make_plan',
- GetPlan,
- self.get_plan_service_callback)
- ###########################
- self.trigger_head_scan_service = rospy.Service('/funmap/trigger_head_scan',
- Trigger,
- self.trigger_head_scan_service_callback)
- self.trigger_drive_to_scan_service = rospy.Service('/funmap/trigger_drive_to_scan',
- Trigger,
- self.trigger_drive_to_scan_service_callback)
- self.trigger_global_localization_service = rospy.Service('/funmap/trigger_global_localization',
- Trigger,
- self.trigger_global_localization_service_callback)
- self.trigger_local_localization_service = rospy.Service('/funmap/trigger_local_localization',
- Trigger,
- self.trigger_local_localization_service_callback)
- self.trigger_align_with_nearest_cliff_service = rospy.Service('/funmap/trigger_align_with_nearest_cliff',
- Trigger,
- self.trigger_align_with_nearest_cliff_service_callback)
- self.trigger_reach_until_contact_service = rospy.Service('/funmap/trigger_reach_until_contact',
- Trigger,
- self.trigger_reach_until_contact_service_callback)
- self.trigger_lower_until_contact_service = rospy.Service('/funmap/trigger_lower_until_contact',
- Trigger,
- self.trigger_lower_until_contact_service_callback)
- self.reach_to_click_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('/clicked_point', PointStamped, self.reach_to_click_callback)
- default_service = '/camera/switch_to_default_mode'
- high_accuracy_service = '/camera/switch_to_high_accuracy_mode'
- rospy.loginfo('Node ' + self.node_name + ' waiting to connect to ' + default_service + ' and ' + high_accuracy_service)
- rospy.wait_for_service(default_service)
- rospy.loginfo('Node ' + self.node_name + ' connected to ' + default_service)
- self.trigger_d435i_default_mode_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(default_service, Trigger)
- rospy.wait_for_service(high_accuracy_service)
- rospy.loginfo('Node ' + self.node_name + ' connected to' + high_accuracy_service)
- self.trigger_d435i_high_accuracy_mode_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(high_accuracy_service, Trigger)
- self.tf2_broadcaster = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster()
- self.point_cloud_pub = rospy.Publisher('/funmap/point_cloud2', PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
- self.voi_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/funmap/voi_marker', Marker, queue_size=1)
- self.marker_array_pub = rospy.Publisher('/funmap/marker_array', MarkerArray, queue_size=1)
- self.navigation_plan_markers_pub = rospy.Publisher('/funmap/navigation_plan_markers', MarkerArray, queue_size=1)
- self.obstacle_point_cloud_pub = rospy.Publisher('/funmap/obstacle_point_cloud2', PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
- self.joint_states_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('/stretch/joint_states', JointState, self.joint_states_callback)
- self.rate = 5.0
- rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate)
- self.move_base = nv.MoveBase(self, self.debug_directory)
- self.map_to_odom_transform_mat = np.identity(4)
- while not rospy.is_shutdown():
- self.tf2_broadcaster.sendTransform(create_map_to_odom_transform(self.map_to_odom_transform_mat))
- self.publish_map_point_cloud()
- rate.sleep()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- parser = ap.ArgumentParser(description='Keyboard teleoperation for stretch.')
- parser.add_argument('--load_map', default=None, help='Provide directory from which to load a map.')
- args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
- map_filename = args.load_map if args.load_map else None
- node = FunmapNode(map_filename)
- node.main()
- rospy.spin()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print('interrupt received, so shutting down')