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  1. # Melodic Deprecated
  2. This branch of *stretch_ros* is DEPRECATED. Please use the [Robot Install upgrade guide]( to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04/[ROS Noetic]( or Ubuntu 22.04/[ROS2 Humble]( The Melodic README is saved below.
  3. ---
  4. ### Overview
  5. The *stretch_ros* repository holds ROS related code for the Stretch RE1 mobile manipulator from Hello Robot Inc.
  6. For an overview of the capabilities in this repository, we recommend you look at the [following forum post](
  7. **Please be aware that the code in this repository is currently under heavy development.**
  8. | Resource | Description |
  9. | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
  10. [hello_helpers](hello_helpers/ | Miscellaneous helper code used across the stretch_ros repository
  11. [stretch_calibration](stretch_calibration/ | Creates and updates calibrated URDFs for the Stretch RE1
  12. [stretch_core](stretch_core/ | Enables basic use of the Stretch RE1 from ROS
  13. [stretch_deep_perception](stretch_deep_perception/ | Demonstrations that use open deep learning models to perceive the world
  14. [stretch_demos](stretch_demos/ | Demonstrations of simple autonomous manipulation
  15. [stretch_description](stretch_description/ | Generate and export URDFs
  16. [stretch_funmap](stretch_funmap/ | Demonstrations of Fast Unified Navigation, Manipulation And Planning (FUNMAP)
  17. [stretch_gazebo](stretch_gazebo/ | Support for simulation of Stretch in the Gazebo simulator
  18. [stretch_moveit_config](stretch_gazebo/ | Config files to use Stretch with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
  19. [stretch_navigation](stretch_navigation/ | Support for the ROS navigation stack, including move_base, gmapping, and AMCL
  20. #### Code Status & Development Plans
  21. We intend for the following high-level summary to provide guidance about the current state of the code and planned development activities.
  22. Directory | Testing Status | Notes
  23. --- | --- | ---
  24. hello_helpers | GOOD |
  25. stretch_calibration | GOOD |
  26. stretch_core | GOOD |
  27. stretch_deep_perception | GOOD |
  28. stretch_demos | FAIR |
  29. stretch_description | GOOD |
  30. stretch_funmap | FAIR |
  31. stretch_gazebo | FAIR | differs from stretch_core in its underlying controllers
  32. stretch_moveit_config | FAIR | does not support mobile base planning in ROS 1
  33. stretch_navigation | GOOD |
  34. #### Licenses
  35. This software is intended for use with the Stretch RE1 mobile manipulator, which is a robot produced and sold by Hello Robot Inc. For further information, including inquiries about dual licensing, please contact Hello Robot Inc.
  36. For license details for this repository, see the LICENSE files found in the directories. A summary of the licenses follows:
  37. Directory | License
  38. --- | ---
  39. hello_helpers | [Apache 2.0](
  40. stretch_calibration | [GPLv3](
  41. stretch_core | [Apache 2.0](
  42. stretch_deep_perception | [Apache 2.0](
  43. stretch_demos | [Apache 2.0](
  44. stretch_description | [BSD 3-Clause Clear License](
  45. stretch_funmap | [LGPLv3](
  46. stretch_gazebo | [Apache 2.0](
  47. stretch_moveit_config | [Apache 2.0](
  48. stretch_navigation | [Apache 2.0](