rospy.logerr(f"{self.node_name}(HelloNode).move_to_pose: Not sending trajectory due to improper pose. The 'custom_full_goal' option requires tuple with 4 values (pose_target, velocity, acceleration, contact_threshold_effort) for each joint name, but pose = {pose}")
rospy.logerr(f"{self.node_name}'s HelloNode.move_to_pose: Not sending trajectory due to improper pose. The 'custom_full_goal' option requires tuple with 4 values (pose_target, velocity, acceleration, contact_threshold_effort) for each joint name, but pose = {pose}")
rospy.logerr(f"{self.node_name}(HelloNode).move_to_pose: Not sending trajectory due to improper pose. The 'custom_contact_thresholds' option requires tuple with 2 values (pose_target, contact_threshold_effort) for each joint name, but pose = {pose}")
rospy.logerr(f"{self.node_name}'s HelloNode.move_to_pose: Not sending trajectory due to improper pose. The 'custom_contact_thresholds' option requires tuple with 2 values (pose_target, contact_threshold_effort) for each joint name, but pose = {pose}")
rospy.logerr(f"{self.node_name}(HelloNode).move_to_pose: Not sending trajectory due to improper pose. The default option requires 1 value, pose_target as integer, for each joint name, but pose = {pose}")
rospy.logerr(f"{self.node_name}'s HelloNode.move_to_pose: Not sending trajectory due to improper pose. The default option requires 1 value, pose_target as integer, for each joint name, but pose = {pose}")