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added comments & deleted unused code

Charlie Kemp 3 years ago
1 changed files with 38 additions and 7 deletions
  1. +38

+ 38
- 7
stretch_calibration/nodes/process_head_calibration_data View File

@ -111,21 +111,32 @@ class HeadCalibrator:
'joint_head_tilt_looking_up_error_multiplier': 2.0,
'parameter_error_total': 1.0}
# Load and store the original uncalibrated URDF.
self.original_urdf = urdf_parser.from_xml_file(uncalibrated_urdf_filename)
# Initialize the new URDF that will altered during optimization.
self.new_urdf = deepcopy(self.original_urdf)
self.gravity_acceleration_vec = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
# Set the kinematic chains and joints to be used during
# optimization. These *_joint and *_chain variables are used
# to access and modify the optimized URDF (self.new_urdf)
# during optimization.
# Also, set the original joint positions and rotations. The
# optimization applies rigid body transformations to these
# original poses.
# Chain from the base of the robot to the color camera used to
# observe the ARUCO markers.
self.camera_chain = ca.Chain(self.new_urdf, 'base_link', 'camera_color_optical_frame')
# This is the part that connects the pan joint to the top of
# the mast. There is some variation in how it is mounted to
# the top of the mast. For example, it can be rotated
# slightly.
self.head_joint = self.camera_chain.get_joint_by_name('joint_head')
self.original_head_assembly_xyz = np.array(
self.original_head_assembly_rpy = np.array(self.head_joint.origin.rpy)
self.original_head_assembly_r = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', self.original_head_assembly_rpy)
self.camera_tilt_joint = self.camera_chain.get_joint_by_name('joint_head_tilt')
self.original_tilt_assembly_xyz = np.array(
@ -142,6 +153,7 @@ class HeadCalibrator:
self.original_camera_mount_rpy = np.array(self.camera_mount_joint.origin.rpy)
self.original_camera_mount_r = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', self.original_camera_mount_rpy)
# Chain from the base of the robot to robot's wrist that has ARUCO markers on it.
self.wrist_chain = ca.Chain(self.new_urdf, 'base_link', 'link_arm_l0')
if self.calibrate_lift:
@ -167,6 +179,8 @@ class HeadCalibrator:
self.original_arm_xyz = np.array(
self.original_arm_rpy = np.array(self.arm_joint.origin.rpy)
self.original_arm_r = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', self.original_arm_rpy)
# calculate 10 deg of error
deg_error = 10.0
@ -179,6 +193,7 @@ class HeadCalibrator:
self.error_measures = []
# Create error measures to be used during the optimization.
aruco_urdf = self.new_urdf
rgba = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.2]
self.error_measures.append(ca.ArucoError('wrist_top', 'wrist', 'link_aruco_top_wrist', aruco_urdf, self.meters_per_deg, rgba))
@ -192,7 +207,8 @@ class HeadCalibrator:
self.error_measures.append(ca.ArucoError('base_right', 'base', 'link_aruco_right_base', aruco_urdf, self.meters_per_deg, rgba))
def load_data(self, parameters):
# Load data to use for calibration.
filenames = glob.glob(self.calibration_directory + 'head_calibration_data' + '_*[0-9].yaml')
most_recent_filename = filenames[-1]
@ -235,6 +251,8 @@ class HeadCalibrator:
def get_calibration_options(self):
# Return the current calibration options
calibration_options = {'calibrate_lift': self.calibrate_lift,
'calibrate_arm': self.calibrate_arm,
'calibrate_controller_offsets': self.calibrate_controller_offsets,
@ -244,7 +262,8 @@ class HeadCalibrator:
return calibration_options
def get_names_of_parameters_to_fit(self):
# Return the names of the parameters being fit by the optimization.
parameter_names = []
if self.calibrate_controller_offsets:
@ -288,6 +307,14 @@ class HeadCalibrator:
'tilt_angle_backlash_transition': self.tilt_angle_backlash_transition_rad}
def parameter_error_term(self, parameters):
# Calculate error that is solely a function of the parameter
# values. This is used to keep parameters within desired
# ranges by assigning high errors when parameters are outside
# these ranges using a soft constraint function.
# Unpack and preprocess the parameters
i = 0
if self.calibrate_controller_offsets:
@ -339,7 +366,11 @@ class HeadCalibrator:
i += 3
arm_offset_rotvec_mag = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
# Compute the individual parameter errors and sum them up.
parameter_error = 0.0
if self.calibrate_controller_offsets:
@ -416,7 +447,7 @@ class HeadCalibrator:
def update_urdf(self, parameters):
# This updates self.new_urdf via the camera's kinematic chain
# This updates self.new_urdf via the camera's kinematic chain.
i = 0
