@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
import rospy |
from visualization_msgs.msg import MarkerArray |
from geometry_msgs.msg import Transform, TransformStamped |
import ros_numpy |
import numpy as np |
import tf2_ros |
import actionlib |
from stretch_core.msg import ArucoHeadScanAction, ArucoHeadScanGoal, ArucoHeadScanFeedback, ArucoHeadScanResult |
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState |
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2 |
import hello_helpers.hello_misc as hm |
import stretch_funmap.mapping as ma |
import time |
def create_map_to_odom_transform(t_mat): |
t = TransformStamped() |
t.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() |
t.header.frame_id = 'map' |
t.child_frame_id = 'odom' |
t.transform = ros_numpy.msgify(Transform, t_mat) |
return t |
class ArucoHeadScan(hm.HelloNode): |
def __init__(self): |
hm.HelloNode.__init__(self) |
hm.HelloNode.main(self, 'aruco_head_scan', 'aruco_head_scan', wait_for_first_pointcloud=False) |
self.server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer('ArucoHeadScan', ArucoHeadScanAction, self.execute_cb, False) |
self.goal = ArucoHeadScanGoal() |
self.feedback = ArucoHeadScanFeedback() |
self.result = ArucoHeadScanResult() |
self.aruco_marker_array = rospy.Subscriber('aruco/marker_array', MarkerArray, self.aruco_callback) |
self.joint_states_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/stretch/joint_states', JointState, self.joint_state_callback) |
self.server.start() |
self.aruco_id = 1000 # Placeholder value, can never be true |
self.aruco_found = False |
self.markers = MarkerArray().markers |
self.joint_state = JointState() |
self.merged_map = None |
self.aruco_tf = None |
self.predock_tf = None |
def execute_cb(self, goal): |
self.goal = goal |
self.aruco_id = self.goal.aruco_id |
self.tilt_angle = self.goal.tilt_angle |
self.fill_in_blindspot_with_second_scan = self.goal.fill_in_blindspot_with_second_scan |
self.fast_scan = self.goal.fast_scan |
self.publish_to_map = self.goal.publish_to_map |
self.scan_and_detect() |
def scan_and_detect(self): |
node = self |
far_right_pan = -3.6 |
far_left_pan = 1.45 |
head_tilt = -0.8 |
num_pan_steps = 7 |
fast_scan = False |
capture_params = { |
'fast_scan': fast_scan, |
'head_settle_time': 0.5, |
'num_point_clouds_per_pan_ang': 10, # low numbers may not be effective for some surfaces and environments |
'time_between_point_clouds': 1.0/15.0 # point clouds at 15 Hz, so this should help obtain distinct clouds |
} |
head_scan = ma.HeadScan(voi_side_m=16.0) |
pose = {'joint_head_pan': far_right_pan, 'joint_head_tilt': head_tilt} |
node.move_to_pose(pose) |
pan_left = np.linspace(far_right_pan, far_left_pan, num_pan_steps) |
for pan_ang in pan_left: |
pose = {'joint_head_pan': pan_ang} |
head_scan.capture_point_clouds(node, pose, capture_params) |
markers = self.markers |
rospy.loginfo("Markers found: {}".format(markers)) |
if markers != []: |
for marker in markers: |
if marker.id == self.aruco_id: |
self.aruco_found = True |
self.aruco_name = marker.text |
if self.publish_to_map: |
try: |
trans = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform('map', self.aruco_name, rospy.Time()) |
self.aruco_tf = self.broadcast_tf(trans.transform, self.aruco_name, 'map') |
rospy.loginfo("Pose published to tf") |
if self.aruco_name == 'docking_station': |
rospy.loginfo("Publishing predock pose") |
# Transform the docking station frame such that x-axis points out of the aruco plane and 0.5 m in the front of the dock |
# This facilitates passing the goal pose as this predock frame so that the robot can back up into the dock |
t = Transform() |
t.translation.x = 0.0 |
t.translation.y = -0.25 |
t.translation.z = 0.5 |
t.rotation.x = 0.5 |
t.rotation.y = 0.5 |
t.rotation.z = 0.5 |
t.rotation.w = -0.5 |
self.predock_tf = self.broadcast_tf(t, 'predock_pose', self.aruco_name) |
time.sleep(1.0) |
trans = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform('map', 'predock_pose', rospy.Time()) |
trans.transform.translation.z = 0 |
self.predock_tf = self.broadcast_tf(trans, 'predock_pose', 'map') |
except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): |
rospy.loginfo("Could not publish pose to tf") |
pass |
if not self.aruco_found: |
self.feedback.pan_angle = pan_ang |
self.server.publish_feedback(self.feedback) |
look_at_self = True |
if look_at_self: |
head_tilt = -1.2 |
head_pan = 0.1 |
pose = {'joint_head_pan': head_pan, 'joint_head_tilt': head_tilt} |
head_scan.capture_point_clouds(node, pose, capture_params) |
# record robot pose information and potentially useful transformations |
head_scan.robot_xy_pix, head_scan.robot_ang_rad, head_scan.timestamp = head_scan.max_height_im.get_robot_pose_in_image(node.tf2_buffer) |
head_scan.make_robot_mast_blind_spot_unobserved() |
head_scan.make_robot_footprint_unobserved() |
self.merged_map = head_scan |
self.result_cb(self.aruco_found, "after headscan") |
def result_cb(self, aruco_found, str=None): |
self.result.aruco_found = aruco_found |
if aruco_found: |
rospy.loginfo("Aruco marker found") |
self.server.set_succeeded(self.result) |
else: |
rospy.loginfo("Could not find aruco marker {}".format(str)) |
self.server.set_aborted(self.result) |
def broadcast_tf(self, trans, name, ref): |
t = TransformStamped() |
t.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() |
t.header.frame_id = ref |
t.child_frame_id = name |
t.transform = trans |
return t |
def aruco_callback(self, msg): |
self.markers = msg.markers |
def joint_state_callback(self, msg): |
pass |
def publish_map_point_cloud(self): |
if self.merged_map is not None: |
max_height_point_cloud = self.merged_map.max_height_im.to_point_cloud() |
self.point_cloud_pub.publish(max_height_point_cloud) |
# pub_voi = True |
# if pub_voi: |
# marker = self.merged_map.max_height_im.voi.get_ros_marker( |
# duration=1000.0) |
# self.voi_marker_pub.publish(marker) |
def main(self): |
self.rate = 5.0 |
rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) |
self.point_cloud_pub = rospy.Publisher( |
'/funmap/point_cloud2', PointCloud2, queue_size=1) |
# self.voi_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher( |
# '/funmap/voi_marker', Marker, queue_size=1) |
self.tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() |
self.listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tfBuffer) |
self.tf2_broadcaster = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster() |
self.map_to_odom_transform_mat = np.identity(4) |
while not rospy.is_shutdown(): |
self.tf2_broadcaster.sendTransform( |
create_map_to_odom_transform(self.map_to_odom_transform_mat)) |
self.publish_map_point_cloud() |
try: |
self.aruco_tf.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() |
self.predock_tf.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() |
self.tf2_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.aruco_tf) |
self.tf2_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.predock_tf) |
except AttributeError: |
pass |
rate.sleep() |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
try: |
node = ArucoHeadScan() |
node.main() |
rospy.spin() |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
print('interrupt received, so shutting down') |