@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ |
import pytest |
import rospy |
import time |
import actionlib |
import math |
from std_msgs.msg import String |
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState, Imu, MagneticField |
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist |
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry |
from std_srvs.srv import Trigger, TriggerRequest |
from std_srvs.srv import SetBool, SetBoolRequest |
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryAction ,FollowJointTrajectoryGoal |
from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint |
######## DEFINE TEST FIXTURES ####### |
@pytest.fixture |
def node(): |
rospy.init_node("test_stretch_driver", anonymous=True) |
@pytest.fixture |
def waiter(): |
class Waiter: |
def __init__(self): |
self.received = [] |
self.condition = lambda x: False |
@property |
def success(self): |
return True in self.received |
def callback(self, data): |
self.received.append(self.condition(data)) |
def wait(self, timeout): |
timeout_t = time.time() + timeout |
while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.success and time.time() < timeout_t: |
time.sleep(0.1) |
def reset(self): |
self.received = [] |
return Waiter() |
@pytest.fixture |
def action_server_client(): |
class ActionServerClient: |
def __init__(self): |
self.trajectory_client = None |
self.joint_state = None |
self.initial_position = None |
self.final_position = None |
self.joint_initial_rotate = [] |
self.joint_final_rotate = [] |
self.joint_initial_translate = [] |
self.joint_final_translate = [] |
def joint_state_callback(self,joint_state): |
self.joint_state = joint_state |
def start_trajectory_client(self): |
self.trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("/stretch_controller/follow_joint_trajectory", FollowJointTrajectoryAction) |
server_reached = self.trajectory_client.wait_for_server(timeout=rospy.Duration(60.0)) |
return server_reached |
def move_joint(self,command): |
#Unpack joint name and store inital state in member variable |
joint_name = command['joint'] |
joint_index = self.joint_state.name.index(joint_name) |
self.initial_position = self.joint_state.position[joint_index] |
#Loop through desired deltas in command dictionary and send goal |
for delta in command['deltas']: |
point = JointTrajectoryPoint() |
point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.0) |
trajectory_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() |
trajectory_goal.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Time(3.0) |
trajectory_goal.trajectory.joint_names = [joint_name] |
joint_value = self.joint_state.position[joint_index] |
delta_val = command['deltas'][delta] |
new_value = joint_value + delta_val |
point.positions = [new_value] |
trajectory_goal.trajectory.points = [point] |
rospy.loginfo('Done sending pose.') |
self.trajectory_client.send_goal(trajectory_goal) |
time.sleep(2) |
#Store final state in memeber variable |
self.final_position = self.joint_state.position[joint_index] |
def move_multiple_joints(self,joint_names,rotate,translate): |
#Unpack joint names and store inital states in member variable |
joint_names_rotate = [joint_name for joint_name in joint_names if joint_name != 'joint_lift' and joint_name != 'wrist_extension'] |
joint_names_translate = [joint_name for joint_name in joint_names if joint_name == 'joint_lift' or joint_name == 'wrist_extension'] |
joint_index_rotate = [self.joint_state.name.index(joint_name) for joint_name in joint_names_rotate] |
joint_index_translate = [self.joint_state.name.index(joint_name) for joint_name in joint_names_translate] |
self.joint_initial_rotate = [self.joint_state.position[joint_index] for joint_index in joint_index_rotate] |
self.joint_initial_translate = [self.joint_state.position[joint_index] for joint_index in joint_index_translate] |
#Declare points in trajectory |
point_move_forward = JointTrajectoryPoint() |
point_move_back = JointTrajectoryPoint() |
point_move_forward.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.0) |
point_move_back.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(5.0) |
trajectory_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() |
trajectory_goal.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Time(10.0) |
trajectory_goal.trajectory.joint_names = joint_names_rotate + joint_names_translate |
#Set forward point to inital_values + desired_movements |
new_values_rotate_forward = [joint_values + rotate for joint_values in self.joint_initial_rotate] |
new_values_translate_forward = [joint_values + translate for joint_values in self.joint_initial_translate] |
new_value_forward = new_values_rotate_forward + new_values_translate_forward |
#Set back point to inital values |
new_values_rotate_back = [joint_values for joint_values in self.joint_initial_rotate] |
new_values_translate_back = [joint_values for joint_values in self.joint_initial_translate] |
new_value_back = new_values_rotate_back + new_values_translate_back |
point_move_forward.positions = new_value_forward |
point_move_back.positions = new_value_back |
#Add points to trajectory and send goal |
trajectory_goal.trajectory.points = [point_move_forward,point_move_back] |
self.trajectory_client.send_goal(trajectory_goal) |
time.sleep(3) |
#Store final states in member variable |
self.joint_final_rotate = [self.joint_state.position[joint_index] for joint_index in joint_index_rotate] |
self.joint_final_translate = [self.joint_state.position[joint_index] for joint_index in joint_index_translate] |
return ActionServerClient() |
######## TEST PUBLISHERS ####### |
def test_joint_states_receives_something(node, waiter): |
waiter.condition = lambda data: True # any message is good |
rospy.Subscriber("/stretch/joint_states", JointState, waiter.callback) |
waiter.wait(10.0) |
assert waiter.success |
def test_odom_receives_something(node, waiter): |
waiter.condition = lambda data: True # any message is good |
rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry, waiter.callback) |
waiter.wait(10.0) |
assert waiter.success |
def test_imu_mobile_base_receives_something(node, waiter): |
waiter.condition = lambda data: True # any message is good |
rospy.Subscriber("/imu_mobile_base", Imu, waiter.callback) |
waiter.wait(10.0) |
assert waiter.success |
def test_imu_wrist_receives_something(node, waiter): |
waiter.condition = lambda data: True # any message is good |
rospy.Subscriber("/imu_wrist", Imu, waiter.callback) |
waiter.wait(10.0) |
assert waiter.success |
def test_magnetometer_mobile_base_receives_something(node, waiter): |
waiter.condition = lambda data: True # any message is good |
rospy.Subscriber("/magnetometer_mobile_base", MagneticField, waiter.callback) |
waiter.wait(10.0) |
assert waiter.success |
######## TEST SUBSCRIBERS ####### |
def test_cmd_vel_subbed(node): |
cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher("/stretch/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size = None) |
time.sleep(0.5) |
assert cmd_pub.get_num_connections() == 1 |
######## TEST SERVICES ####### |
def test_switch_to_position_mode(node): |
rospy.wait_for_service('switch_to_position_mode') |
s = rospy.ServiceProxy('switch_to_position_mode', Trigger) |
s_request = TriggerRequest() |
result = s(s_request) |
assert result.success |
def test_switch_to_navigation_mode(node): |
rospy.wait_for_service('switch_to_navigation_mode') |
s = rospy.ServiceProxy('switch_to_navigation_mode', Trigger) |
s_request = TriggerRequest() |
result = s(s_request) |
assert result.success |
def test_stop_the_robot(node): |
rospy.wait_for_service('stop_the_robot') |
s = rospy.ServiceProxy('stop_the_robot', Trigger) |
s_request = TriggerRequest() |
result = s(s_request) |
assert result.success |
def test_runstop(node): |
rospy.wait_for_service('runstop') |
s = rospy.ServiceProxy('runstop', SetBool) |
s_request = SetBoolRequest() |
result = s(s_request) |
assert result.success |
######## TEST ACTION SERVER ####### |
def test_move_lift(node, action_server_client): |
rospy.Subscriber("/stretch/joint_states", JointState, action_server_client.joint_state_callback) |
time.sleep(0.5) |
translate = 0.1 |
deltas = {'down' : -translate , 'up' : translate} |
command = {'joint' : 'joint_lift' , 'deltas' : deltas} |
if not action_server_client.start_trajectory_client(): |
assert False |
else: |
action_server_client.move_joint(command) |
assert (action_server_client.initial_position) == pytest.approx(action_server_client.final_position, abs=1e-2) |
def test_move_wrist(node, action_server_client): |
rospy.Subscriber("/stretch/joint_states", JointState, action_server_client.joint_state_callback) |
time.sleep(0.5) |
translate = 0.1 |
deltas = { 'out' : translate, 'in' : -translate ,} |
command = {'joint' : 'wrist_extension' , 'deltas' : deltas} |
if not action_server_client.start_trajectory_client(): |
assert False |
else: |
action_server_client.move_joint(command) |
assert action_server_client.initial_position == pytest.approx(action_server_client.final_position, abs=1e-2) |
def test_move_wrist_yaw(node, action_server_client): |
rospy.Subscriber("/stretch/joint_states", JointState, action_server_client.joint_state_callback) |
time.sleep(0.5) |
deg = 15 |
deltas = {'ccw' : ((math.pi/180) * deg) , 'cw' : -((math.pi/180) * deg)} |
command = {'joint' : 'joint_wrist_yaw' , 'deltas' : deltas} |
if not action_server_client.start_trajectory_client(): |
assert False |
else: |
action_server_client.move_joint(command) |
assert action_server_client.initial_position == pytest.approx(action_server_client.final_position, abs=1e-1) |
def test_move_gripper_finger(node, action_server_client): |
rospy.Subscriber("/stretch/joint_states", JointState, action_server_client.joint_state_callback) |
time.sleep(0.5) |
deg = 5 |
deltas = {'ccw' : ((math.pi/180) * deg) , 'cw' : -((math.pi/180) * deg)} |
command = {'joint' : 'joint_gripper_finger_left' , 'deltas' : deltas} |
if not action_server_client.start_trajectory_client(): |
assert False |
else: |
action_server_client.move_joint(command) |
assert action_server_client.initial_position == pytest.approx(action_server_client.final_position, abs=1e-1) #0.01 |
def test_move_head_tilt(node, action_server_client): |
rospy.Subscriber("/stretch/joint_states", JointState, action_server_client.joint_state_callback) |
time.sleep(0.5) |
deg = 20 |
deltas = {'ccw' : ((math.pi/180) * deg) , 'cw' : -((math.pi/180) * deg)} |
command = {'joint' : 'joint_head_tilt' , 'deltas' : deltas} |
if not action_server_client.start_trajectory_client(): |
assert False |
else: |
action_server_client.move_joint(command) |
assert action_server_client.initial_position == pytest.approx(action_server_client.final_position, abs = 1e-1) |
def test_move_head_pan(node, action_server_client): |
rospy.Subscriber("/stretch/joint_states", JointState, action_server_client.joint_state_callback) |
time.sleep(0.5) |
deg = 20 |
deltas = {'ccw' : ((math.pi/180) * deg) , 'cw' : -((math.pi/180) * deg)} |
command = {'joint' : 'joint_head_pan' , 'deltas' : deltas} |
if not action_server_client.start_trajectory_client(): |
assert False |
else: |
action_server_client.move_joint(command) |
assert action_server_client.initial_position == pytest.approx(action_server_client.final_position, abs = 1e-1) |
def test_move_multiple_joints(node, action_server_client): |
rospy.Subscriber("/stretch/joint_states", JointState, action_server_client.joint_state_callback) |
time.sleep(0.5) |
deg = 30 |
rad = ((math.pi/180) * deg) |
translate = 0.09 |
joint_names = ['joint_lift','joint_wrist_yaw','joint_head_pan','wrist_extension'] |
if not action_server_client.start_trajectory_client(): |
assert False |
else: |
action_server_client.move_multiple_joints(joint_names,rad,translate) |
translate_results = all([initial == pytest.approx(final,abs=1e-2) for initial, final in zip(action_server_client.joint_initial_translate, action_server_client.joint_final_translate)]) |
rotate_results = all([initial == pytest.approx(final,abs=1e-2) for initial, final in zip(action_server_client.joint_initial_rotate, action_server_client.joint_final_rotate)]) |
assert translate_results + rotate_results |