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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import cv2
def fit_plane_to_height_image(height_image, mask):
# Perform a least squares fit of a plane to the masked region of
# the height_image. Find the 3 element vector a for the equation
# aX ~= z where X[:,i] = [x_i, y_i, 1]^T, z[i] = z_i and a=[alpha,
# beta, gamma] such that alpha*x + beta*y + gamma ~= z .
z = height_image[mask > 0]
nonzero = cv2.findNonZero(mask)
perform_test = False
if perform_test:
print('z.shape =', z.shape)
for n in range(10):
test_x, test_y = nonzero[n][0]
test_z = height_image[test_y, test_x]
print('x, y, z, z_test =', test_x, test_y, test_z, z[n])
num_points, s1, s2 = nonzero.shape
nonzero = np.reshape(nonzero, (num_points, 2))
X_T = np.append(nonzero, np.ones((num_points,1)), axis=1)
a0 = np.matmul(z, X_T)
A1 = np.matmul(X_T.transpose(), X_T)
A1 = np.linalg.inv(A1)
a = np.matmul(a0, A1)
X = X_T.transpose()
# aX ~= z
return a, X, z
def fit_plane_to_height_image_error(a, X, z):
# Calculate the fit error for the plane.
z_fit = np.matmul(a, X)
fit_error = z - z_fit
return fit_error, z_fit
def svd_fit(points, verbose=False):
# calculate and subtract the mean
center = np.mean(points, axis=0)
if verbose:
print( 'center =', center )
# make the point distribution have zero mean
points_zero_mean = points - center
if verbose:
print( 'points_zero_mean[:5] =', points_zero_mean[:5] )
print( 'points_zero_mean.shape =', points_zero_mean.shape )
# find the covariance matrix, C, for the data
C = np.cov(points_zero_mean.transpose())
# find the SVD of the covariance matrix
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(C)
e0 = np.reshape(u[:, 0], (3,1))
e1 = np.reshape(u[:, 1], (3,1))
e2 = np.reshape(u[:, 2], (3,1))
center = np.reshape(center, (3,1))
return center, e0, e1, e2
class FitPlane():
def __init__(self):
self.d = None
self.n = None
# defines the direction from points to the camera
self.towards_camera = np.reshape(np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]), (3,1))
def set_plane(self, n, d):
self.n = n
self.d = d
def update(self):
def get_plane_normal(self):
return -self.n
def get_plane_coordinate_system(self):
z_p = -self.n
# two options to avoid selecting poor choice that is almost
# parallel to z_p
x_approx = np.reshape(np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), (3,1))
x_approx_1 = x_approx - (np.matmul(z_p.transpose(), x_approx) * z_p)
x_approx = np.reshape(np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), (3,1))
x_approx_2 = x_approx - (np.matmul(z_p.transpose(), x_approx) * z_p)
x_approx_1_mag = np.linalg.norm(x_approx_1)
x_approx_2_mag = np.linalg.norm(x_approx_2)
if x_approx_1_mag > x_approx_2_mag:
x_p = x_approx_1 / x_approx_1_mag
x_p = x_approx_2 / x_approx_2_mag
y_p = np.reshape(np.cross(z_p.flatten(), x_p.flatten()), (3,1))
p_origin = self.d * self.n
return x_p, y_p, z_p, p_origin
def get_points_on_plane(self, plane_origin=None, side_length=1.0, sample_spacing=0.01):
x_p, y_p, z_p, p_origin = self.get_plane_coordinate_system()
h = side_length/2.0
if plane_origin is None:
plane_list = [np.reshape((x_p * alpha) + (y_p * beta) + p_origin, (3,))
for alpha in np.arange(-h, h, sample_spacing)
for beta in np.arange(-h, h, sample_spacing)]
plane_origin = np.reshape(plane_origin, (3, 1))
plane_list = [np.reshape((x_p * alpha) + (y_p * beta) + plane_origin, (3,))
for alpha in np.arange(-h, h, sample_spacing)
for beta in np.arange(-h, h, sample_spacing)]
plane_array = np.array(plane_list)
return plane_array
def abs_dist(self, points_array):
out = np.abs(np.matmul(self.n.transpose(), points_array.transpose()) - self.d).flatten()
return out
def height(self, points_array):
# positive is closer to the camera (e.g., above floor)
# negative is farther from the camera (e.g., below floor)?
out = - (np.matmul(self.n.transpose(), points_array.transpose()) - self.d).flatten()
return out
def get_points_nearby(self, points_array, dist_threshold_mm):
# return points that are within a distance from the current plane
if (self.n is not None) and (self.d is not None):
dist = np.abs(np.matmul(self.n.transpose(), points_array.transpose()) - self.d).flatten()
# only points < dist_threshold meters away from the plane are
# considered in the fit dist_threshold = 0.2 #1.0 #0.5 #0.2
dist_threshold_m = dist_threshold_mm / 1000.0
thresh_test = np.abs(dist) < dist_threshold_m
points = points_array[thresh_test, :]
points = points_array
return points
def fit_svd(self, points_array,
# relevant numpy documentation for SVD:
# "When a is a 2D array, it is factorized as u @ np.diag(s) @ vh"
#" The rows of vh are the eigenvectors of A^H A and the
# columns of u are the eigenvectors of A A^H. In both cases
# the corresponding (possibly non-zero) eigenvalues are given
# by s**2. "
if prefilter_points:
# only fit to points near the current plane
points = self.get_points_nearby(points_array, dist_threshold_mm)
points = points_array
center, e0, e1, e2 = svd_fit(points, verbose)
# find the smallest eigenvector, which corresponds to the
# normal of the plane
n = e2
# ensure that the direction of the normal matches our convention
approximate_up = self.towards_camera
if np.matmul(n.transpose(), approximate_up) > 0.0:
n = -n
if verbose:
print( 'SVD fit' )
print( 'n =', n )
print( 'np.linalg.norm(n) =', np.linalg.norm(n) )
#center = np.reshape(center, (3,1))
d = np.matmul(n.transpose(), center)
if verbose:
print( 'd =', d )
self.d = d
self.n = n
if verbose:
print( 'self.d =', self.d )
print( 'self.n =', self.n )
def fit_ransac(self, points_array,
# Initial RANSAC algorithm based on pseudocode on Wikipedia
if prefilter_points:
# only fit to points near the current plane
dist_threshold_mm = dist_threshold * 1000.0
points = self.get_points_nearby(points_array, dist_threshold_mm)
points = points_array
num_points = points.shape[0]
indices = np.arange(num_points)
ransac_threshold_m = ransac_inlier_threshold_m
min_num_inliers = 100
approximate_up = self.towards_camera
# should be well above the maximum achievable error, since
# error is average distance in meters
best_model_inlier_selector = None
best_model_inlier_count = 0
for i in range(number_of_iterations):
if verbose:
print( 'RANSAC iteration', i )
candidate_inliers = points[np.random.choice(indices, 3), :]
c0, c1, c2 = candidate_inliers
# fit plane to candidate inliers
n = np.cross(c1 - c0, c2 - c0)
if, approximate_up) > 0.0:
n = -n
n = np.reshape(n / np.linalg.norm(n), (3,1))
c0 = np.reshape(c0, (3,1))
d = np.matmul(n.transpose(), c0)
dist = np.abs(np.matmul(n.transpose(), points.transpose()) - d).flatten()
select_model_inliers = dist < ransac_threshold_m
if use_density_normalization:
inliers = points[select_model_inliers]
# square grid with this many bins to a side, small
# values (e.g., 10 and 20) can result in the fit being
# biased towards edges of the planar region
num_bins = 100 # num_bins x num_bins = total bins
density_image, mm_per_pix, x_indices, y_indices = create_density_image(inliers, self, image_width_pix=num_bins, view_width_m=5.0, return_indices=True)
density_image = np.reciprocal(density_image, where=density_image!=0.0)
number_model_inliers =[y_indices, x_indices])))
number_model_inliers = np.count_nonzero(select_model_inliers)
if number_model_inliers > min_num_inliers:
if verbose:
print( 'model found with %d inliers' % number_model_inliers )
if number_model_inliers > best_model_inlier_count:
if verbose:
print( 'model has more inliers than the previous best model, so updating' )
best_model_n = n
best_model_d = d
best_model_inlier_count = number_model_inliers
best_model_inlier_selector = select_model_inliers
best_model_inliers = None
best_model_error = None
elif number_model_inliers == best_model_inlier_count:
if verbose:
print( 'model has the same number of inliers as the previous best model, so comparing' )
model_inliers = points[select_model_inliers]
# error is the average distance of points from the plane
# sum_i | n^T p_i - d |
# should be able to make this faster by selecting from the already computed distances
new_error = np.average(np.abs(np.matmul(n.transpose(), model_inliers.transpose()) - d))
if best_model_inliers is None:
best_model_inliers = points[best_model_inlier_selector]
if best_model_error is None:
# should be able to make this faster by
# selecting from the already computed
# distances
best_model_error = np.average(np.abs(np.matmul(best_model_n.transpose(), best_model_inliers.transpose()) - best_model_d))
if new_error < best_model_error:
if verbose:
print( 'model has a lower error than the previous model, so updating' )
best_model_n = n
best_model_d = d
best_model_inlier_count = number_model_inliers
best_model_inlier_selector = select_model_inliers
best_model_inliers = model_inliers
best_model_error = new_error
if best_model_inlier_count > 0:
if verbose:
print( 'new model found by RANSAC:' )
self.d = best_model_d
self.n = best_model_n
if verbose:
print( 'self.d =', self.d )
print( 'self.n =', self.n )