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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import cv2
import numpy as np
import rospy
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
import hello_helpers.hello_ros_viz as hr
from numba_image_to_pointcloud import numba_image_to_pointcloud
import hello_helpers.fit_plane as fp
def filter_points(points_array, camera_matrix, box_2d, min_box_side_m, max_box_side_m):
# Decompose the camera matrix.
f_x = camera_matrix[0,0]
c_x = camera_matrix[0,2]
f_y = camera_matrix[1,1]
c_y = camera_matrix[1,2]
# These need to be flipped with respect to the basic update
# function to account for the rotation applied as part of the
# head orientation estimation.
x0, y0, x1, y1 = box_2d
detection_box_width_pix = y1 - y0
detection_box_height_pix = x1 - x0
z_min = min_box_side_m * min(f_x/detection_box_width_pix, f_y/detection_box_height_pix)
z_max = max_box_side_m * max(f_x/detection_box_width_pix, f_y/detection_box_height_pix)
z = points_array[:,2]
mask_z = (z > z_min) & (z < z_max)
# TODO: Handle situations when the cropped rectangle contains no
# reasonable depth values.
# Second, filter for depths that are within one maximum head
# length away from the median depth.
remaining_z = z[mask_z]
out_points = np.empty((0,3), dtype=np.float32)
if len(remaining_z) > 0:
median_z = np.median(remaining_z)
min_z = median_z - max_box_side_m
max_z = median_z + max_box_side_m
mask_z = (z > min_z) & (z < max_z)
remaining_z = z[mask_z]
if len(remaining_z) > 0:
out_points = points_array[mask_z]
return out_points
def landmarks_2d_to_3d(landmarks, camera_matrix, depth_image, default_z_3d):
f_x = camera_matrix[0,0]
c_x = camera_matrix[0,2]
f_y = camera_matrix[1,1]
c_y = camera_matrix[1,2]
landmarks_3d = {}
for name, xy in landmarks.items():
x, y = xy
z = depth_image[y,x]
if z > 0:
z_3d = z / 1000.0
z_3d = default_z_3d
x_3d = ((x - c_x) / f_x) * z_3d
y_3d = ((y - c_y) / f_y) * z_3d
landmarks_3d[name] = (x_3d, y_3d, z_3d)
return landmarks_3d
def bounding_box_2d_to_3d(points_array, box_2d, camera_matrix, head_to_camera_mat=None, fit_plane=False):
x0, y0, x1, y1 = box_2d
f_x = camera_matrix[0,0]
c_x = camera_matrix[0,2]
f_y = camera_matrix[1,1]
c_y = camera_matrix[1,2]
center_xy_pix = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
center_xy_pix[0] = (x0 + x1)/2.0
center_xy_pix[1] = (y0 + y1)/2.0
# These need to be flipped with respect to the basic update
# function to account for the rotation applied as part of the
# head orientation estimation.
detection_box_width_pix = y1 - y0
detection_box_height_pix = x1 - x0
num_points = points_array.shape[0]
if num_points >= 1:
box_depth = np.median(points_array, axis=0)[2]
print('WARNING: No reasonable depth image points available in the detected rectangle. No work around currently implemented for lack of depth estimate.')
return None
# Convert to 3D point in meters using the camera matrix.
center_z = box_depth
center_x = ((center_xy_pix[0] - c_x) / f_x) * center_z
center_y = ((center_xy_pix[1] - c_y) / f_y) * center_z
detection_box_width_m = (detection_box_width_pix / f_x) * box_depth
detection_box_height_m = (detection_box_height_pix / f_y) * box_depth
if head_to_camera_mat is None:
R = np.identity(3)
quaternion = Rotation.from_dcm(R).as_quat()
x_axis = R[:3,0]
y_axis = R[:3,1]
z_axis = R[:3,2]
quaternion = Rotation.from_dcm(head_to_camera_mat).as_quat()
x_axis = head_to_camera_mat[:3,0]
y_axis = head_to_camera_mat[:3,1]
z_axis = head_to_camera_mat[:3,2]
plane = None
# Find suitable 3D points within the Face detection box. If there
# are too few points, do not proceed with fitting a plane.
num_points = points_array.shape[0]
min_number_of_points_for_plane_fitting = 16
enough_points = (num_points >= min_number_of_points_for_plane_fitting)
if fit_plane and (not enough_points):
print('WARNING: There are too few points from the depth image for plane fitting. number of points =', num_points)
elif fit_plane:
plane = fp.FitPlane()
plane.fit_svd(points_array, verbose=False)
# Find the points on the fit plane corresponding with the
# four Face rectangle corners. Then, use the mean of the 4
# points as the 3D center for the marker.
d = plane.d
n = plane.n
def pix_to_plane(pix_x, pix_y):
z = 1.0
x = ((pix_x - c_x) / f_x) * z
y = ((pix_y - c_y) / f_y) * z
point = np.array([x, y, z])
ray = point/np.linalg.norm(point)
point = ((d / np.matmul(n.transpose(), ray)) * ray).flatten()
return point
corners = [[x0, y0], [x1, y0], [x1, y1], [x0, y1]]
corner_points = []
total_corner = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
for (pix_x, pix_y) in corners:
corner_point = pix_to_plane(pix_x, pix_y)
total_corner += corner_point
center_x, center_y, center_z = total_corner / 4.0
# Use the corners on the fit plane to estimate the x and y
# axes for the marker.
top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left = corner_points
y_axis = (top_left + top_right) - (bottom_left + bottom_right)
y_length = np.linalg.norm(y_axis)
if y_length > 0.0:
y_axis = y_axis/y_length
y_axis = None
x_axis = (top_right + bottom_right) - (top_left + bottom_left)
x_length = np.linalg.norm(x_axis)
if x_length > 0.0:
x_axis = x_axis/x_length
x_axis = None
plane_normal = plane.get_plane_normal()
if x_axis is not None:
old_x_axis = np.reshape(x_axis, (3,1))
old_x_axis = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
if y_axis is not None:
old_y_axis = np.reshape(y_axis, (3,1))
old_y_axis = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
new_z_axis = plane_normal
# The following methods directly use the z axis from the
# plane fit.
if (x_axis is not None) and (y_axis is None):
# For tests with the two wrist markers, this method
# appeared to be the best. It showed the most
# stability. In particular, it showed the least
# rotation around the normal to the marker.
new_x_axis = old_x_axis - (np.matmul(new_z_axis.transpose(), old_x_axis) * new_z_axis)
new_x_axis = new_x_axis/np.linalg.norm(new_x_axis)
new_y_axis = np.reshape(np.cross(new_z_axis.flatten(), new_x_axis.flatten()), (3,1))
elif (x_axis is None) and (y_axis is not None):
new_y_axis = old_y_axis - (np.matmul(new_z_axis.transpose(), old_y_axis) * new_z_axis)
new_y_axis = new_y_axis/np.linalg.norm(new_y_axis)
new_x_axis = np.reshape(np.cross(new_y_axis.flatten(), new_z_axis.flatten()), (3,1))
elif False:
# Attempt to reduce bias due to selecting one of the
# old axes by averaging the results from both axes.
new_x_axis_1 = old_x_axis - (np.matmul(new_z_axis.transpose(), old_x_axis) * new_z_axis)
new_x_axis_1 = new_x_axis_1/np.linalg.norm(new_x_axis_1)
new_y_axis_1 = np.reshape(np.cross(new_z_axis.flatten(), new_x_axis_1.flatten()), (3,1))
new_y_axis_2 = old_y_axis - (np.matmul(new_z_axis.transpose(), old_y_axis) * new_z_axis)
new_y_axis_2 = new_y_axis_2/np.linalg.norm(new_y_axis_2)
new_y_axis = (new_y_axis_1 + new_y_axis_2)/2.0
new_y_axis = new_y_axis/np.linalg.norm(new_y_axis)
new_x_axis = np.reshape(np.cross(new_y_axis.flatten(), new_z_axis.flatten()), (3,1))
if (x_axis is None) and (y_axis is None):
print('WARNING: The detected corners did not project to reasonable 3D points on the fit plane.')
#print(' corners[0] =', corners[0])
new_y_axis = old_y_axis
new_x_axis = old_x_axis
# Attempt to reduce bias due to selecting one of the
# old axes by averaging the results from both axes.
new_y_axis_1 = old_y_axis - (np.matmul(new_z_axis.transpose(), old_y_axis) * new_z_axis)
new_y_axis_1 = new_y_axis_1/np.linalg.norm(new_y_axis_1)
new_x_axis_1 = np.reshape(np.cross(new_y_axis_1.flatten(), new_z_axis.flatten()), (3,1))
new_x_axis_2 = old_x_axis - (np.matmul(new_z_axis.transpose(), old_x_axis) * new_z_axis)
new_x_axis_2 = new_x_axis_2/np.linalg.norm(new_x_axis_2)
new_x_axis = (new_x_axis_1 + new_x_axis_2)/2.0
new_x_axis = new_x_axis/np.linalg.norm(new_x_axis)
new_y_axis = np.reshape(np.cross(new_z_axis.flatten(), new_x_axis.flatten()), (3,1))
x_axis = new_x_axis.flatten()
y_axis = new_y_axis.flatten()
z_axis = new_z_axis.flatten()
R = np.identity(3)
R[:3,0] = x_axis
R[:3,1] = y_axis
R[:3,2] = z_axis
quaternion = Rotation.from_dcm(R).as_quat()
if plane is not None:
simple_plane = {'n': plane.n, 'd': plane.d}
simple_plane = None
box_3d = {'center_xyz': (center_x, center_y, center_z),
'quaternion': quaternion,
'x_axis': x_axis, 'y_axis': y_axis, 'z_axis': z_axis,
'width_m': detection_box_width_m,
'height_m': detection_box_height_m,
'width_pix': detection_box_width_pix,
'height_pix': detection_box_height_pix,
'plane': simple_plane}
return box_3d
def detections_2d_to_3d(detections_2d, rgb_image, camera_info, depth_image, fit_plane=False, min_box_side_m=None, max_box_side_m=None):
orig_h, orig_w, c = rgb_image.shape
def clip_xy(x_in, y_in):
x_out = x_in
y_out = y_in
x_out = max(0, x_out)
x_out = min(orig_w - 1, x_out)
y_out = max(0, y_out)
y_out = min(orig_h - 1, y_out)
return x_out, y_out
camera_matrix = np.reshape(camera_info.K, (3,3))
distortion_coefficients = np.array(camera_info.D)
def clockwise_rotate_bounding_box(box_2d):
x0, y0, x1, y1 = box_2d
orig_x0 = (orig_w - 1) - y1
orig_y0 = x0
orig_x1 = (orig_w - 1) - y0
orig_y1 = x1
return (orig_x0, orig_y0, orig_x1, orig_y1)
def counterclockwise_rotate_bounding_box(box_2d):
x0, y0, x1, y1 = box_2d
orig_x0 = y0
orig_y0 = (orig_h - 1) - x1
orig_x1 = y1
orig_y1 = (orig_h - 1) - x0
return (orig_x0, orig_y0, orig_x1, orig_y1)
def clockwise_rotate_xy(x, y):
return ((orig_w - 1) - y), x
def counterclockwise_rotate_xy(x, y):
return y, (orig_h - 1) - x
rotvec = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) * (-np.pi/2.0)
counterclockwise_rotate_mat = Rotation.from_rotvec(rotvec).as_dcm()
detections_3d = []
for h in detections_2d:
box_3d = None
landmarks_3d = None
box_2d = h.get('box')
label = h.get('label')
ypr = h.get('ypr')
landmarks_2d = h.get('landmarks')
points_3d = None
front = h.get('front')
if box_2d is not None:
box_2d = counterclockwise_rotate_bounding_box(box_2d)
x0, y0, x1, y1 = box_2d
x0, y0 = clip_xy(x0, y0)
x1, y1 = clip_xy(x1, y1)
if ((x0 < 0) or (y0 < 0) or (x1 < 0) or (y1 < 0) or
(x0 >= orig_w) or (y0 >= orig_h) or (x1 >= orig_w) or (y1 >= orig_h) or
(x0 >= x1) or (y0 >= y1)):
print('WARNING: detection bounding box goes outside of the original image dimensions or has other issues, so ignoring detection.')
print('box_2d =', box_2d)
print('rgb_image.shape =', rgb_image.shape)
box_2d = None
if landmarks_2d is not None:
rotated_landmarks_2d = {}
for name, xy in landmarks_2d.items():
rotated_xy = counterclockwise_rotate_xy(xy[0], xy[1])
x0, y0 = rotated_xy
x0, y0 = clip_xy(x0, y0)
rotated_landmarks_2d[name] = (x0, y0)
landmarks_2d = rotated_landmarks_2d
if ypr is not None:
yaw, pitch, roll = ypr
head_ypr = np.array([-yaw, pitch, roll])
rotation_mat = Rotation.from_euler('yxz', head_ypr).as_dcm()
head_to_camera_mat = np.matmul(counterclockwise_rotate_mat, rotation_mat)
head_to_camera_mat = counterclockwise_rotate_mat
if (box_2d is not None) or (landmarks_2d is not None) or (ypr is not None):
box_depth_m = 0.0
if box_2d is not None:
points_3d = numba_image_to_pointcloud(depth_image, box_2d, camera_matrix)
if (min_box_side_m is not None) and (max_box_side_m is not None):
points_3d = filter_points(points_3d, camera_matrix, box_2d, min_box_side_m, max_box_side_m)
box_3d = bounding_box_2d_to_3d(points_3d, box_2d, camera_matrix, head_to_camera_mat=head_to_camera_mat, fit_plane=fit_plane)
if box_3d is None:
box_depth_m = None
box_depth_m = box_3d['center_xyz'][2]
if landmarks_2d is not None:
if box_depth_m is None:
landmarks_3d = None
landmarks_3d = landmarks_2d_to_3d(landmarks_2d, camera_matrix, depth_image, box_depth_m)
return detections_3d