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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import cv2
import numpy as np
import rospy
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
from visualization_msgs.msg import MarkerArray
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
import hello_helpers.fit_plane as fp
import hello_helpers.hello_ros_viz as hr
class DetectionBoxMarker:
def __init__(self, detection_box_id, marker_base_name):
self.detection_box_id = 4 * detection_box_id
colormap = cv2.COLORMAP_HSV
offset = 0
i = (offset + (self.detection_box_id * 29)) % 255
image = np.uint8([[[i]]])
id_color_image = cv2.applyColorMap(image, colormap)
bgr = id_color_image[0,0]
self.id_color = [bgr[2], bgr[1], bgr[0]]
self.frame_id = '/camera_color_optical_frame' = marker_base_name
self.marker = Marker()
self.marker.type = self.marker.CUBE
self.marker.action = self.marker.ADD
self.lifetime_s = 2.0
self.marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(self.lifetime_s)
# although useful, this causes a warning and rviz and goes
# against the documentation "NOTE: only used for text markers
# string text"
self.marker.text =
self.frame_number = None
self.timestamp = None
self.plane = None
self.points_array = None
self.ready = False
self.box_3d = None
self.x_axis = None
self.y_axis = None
self.z_axis = None
self.detection_box_width_m = None
self.detection_box_height_m = None
self.landmarks_xyz = None
self.depth = None
def get_marker_point_cloud(self):
return self.points_array
def get_plane_fit_point_cloud(self):
if self.plane is None:
return None
origin = np.array(self.marker_position)
side_length = max(self.detection_box_width_m, self.detection_box_height_m)
sample_spacing = 0.001
points = self.plane.get_points_on_plane(origin, side_length, sample_spacing)
return points
def update(self, detection_3d, timestamp, frame_number):
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.frame_number = frame_number
self.points_array = detection_3d['points_3d']
self.landmarks_xyz = detection_3d['landmarks_3d']
self.box_3d = detection_3d['box_3d']
if self.box_3d is not None:
self.marker_position = self.box_3d['center_xyz']
self.marker_quaternion = self.box_3d['quaternion']
self.x_axis = self.box_3d['x_axis']
self.y_axis = self.box_3d['y_axis']
self.z_axis = self.box_3d['z_axis']
self.detection_box_width_m = self.box_3d['width_m']
self.detection_box_height_m = self.box_3d['height_m']
plane = self.box_3d['plane']
if plane is not None:
n = plane['n']
d = plane['d']
self.plane = fp.FitPlane()
self.ready = True
def get_landmarks_marker(self, landmark_color_dict=None):
marker = None
if self.landmarks_xyz is not None:
id_num = (4 * self.detection_box_id) + 3
marker = hr.create_points_marker(self.landmarks_xyz, id_num,
self.frame_id, self.timestamp,
return marker
def get_ros_marker(self):
if (not self.ready) or (self.box_3d is None):
return None
self.marker.header.frame_id = self.frame_id
self.marker.header.stamp = self.timestamp = self.detection_box_id
# scale of 1,1,1 would result in a 1m x 1m x 1m cube
self.marker.scale.x = self.detection_box_width_m
self.marker.scale.y = self.detection_box_height_m
self.marker.scale.z = 0.01 # 1 cm tall
# make as bright as possible
den = float(np.max(self.id_color))
self.marker.color.r = self.id_color[2]/den
self.marker.color.g = self.id_color[1]/den
self.marker.color.b = self.id_color[0]/den
self.marker.color.a = 0.5
self.marker.pose.position.x = self.marker_position[0]
self.marker.pose.position.y = self.marker_position[1]
self.marker.pose.position.z = self.marker_position[2]
q = self.marker_quaternion
self.marker.pose.orientation.x = q[0]
self.marker.pose.orientation.y = q[1]
self.marker.pose.orientation.z = q[2]
self.marker.pose.orientation.w = q[3]
return self.marker
def create_axis_marker(self, axis, id_num, rgba=None, name=None):
marker = Marker()
marker.header.frame_id = self.frame_id
marker.header.stamp = self.timestamp = id_num
marker.type = marker.ARROW
marker.action = marker.ADD
marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(1.0)
if name is not None:
# although useful, this causes a warning and rviz and goes
# against the documentation "NOTE: only used for text markers
# string text"
marker.text = name
axis_arrow = {'head_diameter': 0.02,
'shaft_diameter': 0.012,
'head_length': 0.012,
'length': 0.08}
# "scale.x is the shaft diameter, and scale.y is the
# head diameter. If scale.z is not zero, it specifies
# the head length." -
marker.scale.x = axis_arrow['shaft_diameter']
marker.scale.y = axis_arrow['head_diameter']
marker.scale.z = axis_arrow['head_length']
if rgba is None:
# make as bright as possible
den = float(np.max(self.id_color))
marker.color.r = self.id_color[2]/den #1.0
marker.color.g = self.id_color[1]/den #0.0
marker.color.b = self.id_color[0]/den #0.0
marker.color.a = 0.5
c = marker.color
c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a = rgba
start_point = Point()
x = self.marker_position[0]
y = self.marker_position[1]
z = self.marker_position[2]
start_point.x = x
start_point.y = y
start_point.z = z
end_point = Point()
length = axis_arrow['length']
end_point.x = x + (axis[0] * length)
end_point.y = y + (axis[1] * length)
end_point.z = z + (axis[2] * length)
marker.points = [start_point, end_point]
return marker
def get_ros_z_axis_marker(self):
if (not self.ready) or (self.z_axis is None):
return None
id_num = 4 * self.detection_box_id
rgba = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5]
name = base_name = '_z_axis'
return self.create_axis_marker(self.z_axis, id_num, rgba, name)
def get_ros_axes_markers(self):
markers = []
if not self.ready:
return markers
# ROS color convention
# x axis is red
# y axis is green
# z axis is blue
base_name =
if self.z_axis is not None:
id_num = 4 * self.detection_box_id
rgba = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5]
name = base_name = '_z_axis'
markers.append(self.create_axis_marker(self.z_axis, id_num, rgba, name))
if self.x_axis is not None:
id_num = (4 * self.detection_box_id) + 1
rgba = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]
name = base_name = '_x_axis'
markers.append(self.create_axis_marker(self.x_axis, id_num, rgba, name))
if self.y_axis is not None:
id_num = (4 * self.detection_box_id) + 2
rgba = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5]
name = base_name = '_y_axis'
markers.append(self.create_axis_marker(self.y_axis, id_num, rgba, name))
return markers
class DetectionBoxMarkerCollection:
def __init__(self, default_marker_base_name='detection_box'):
self.collection = {}
self.frame_number = 0
self.default_marker_base_name = default_marker_base_name
def __iter__(self):
# iterates through currently visible DetectionBox markers
keys = self.collection.keys()
for k in keys:
marker = self.collection[k]
if marker.frame_number == self.frame_number:
yield marker
def update(self, detections_3d, timestamp=None):
self.frame_number += 1
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.detection_box_id = 0
for detection_3d in detections_3d:
box_3d = detection_3d['box_3d']
landmarks_3d = detection_3d['landmarks_3d']
label = detection_3d['label']
if (box_3d is not None) or (landmarks_3d is not None):
self.detection_box_id += 1
if label is None:
marker_label = self.default_marker_base_name
marker_label = label
new_marker = DetectionBoxMarker(self.detection_box_id, marker_label)
self.collection[self.detection_box_id] = new_marker
self.collection[self.detection_box_id].update(detection_3d, self.timestamp, self.frame_number)
def get_ros_marker_array(self, landmark_color_dict=None):
marker_array = MarkerArray()
for key in self.collection:
marker = self.collection[key]
if marker.frame_number == self.frame_number:
ros_marker = marker.get_ros_marker()
if ros_marker is not None:
landmarks_marker = marker.get_landmarks_marker(landmark_color_dict)
if landmarks_marker is not None:
return marker_array
def get_ros_axes_array(self, include_z_axes=True, include_axes=True):
marker_array = MarkerArray()
for key in self.collection:
marker = self.collection[key]
if marker.frame_number == self.frame_number:
if include_z_axes:
ros_z_axis_marker = marker.get_ros_z_axis_marker()
if ros_z_axis_marker is not None:
if include_axes:
ros_axes_markers= marker.get_ros_axes_markers()
return marker_array