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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import os
import sys
import glob
import math
import rospy
import tf2_ros
import ros_numpy
import numpy as np
import cv2
import actionlib
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryAction
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryGoal
from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint
import tf2_ros
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
from std_srvs.srv import Trigger, TriggerRequest
# initial code copied from on 10/20/2019
def find_nearest_nonzero(img, target):
nonzero = cv2.findNonZero(img)
distances = np.sqrt((nonzero[:,:,0] - target[0]) ** 2 + (nonzero[:,:,1] - target[1]) ** 2)
nearest_index = np.argmin(distances)
nearest_x, nearest_y = nonzero[nearest_index][0]
nearest_label = img[nearest_y, nearest_x]
return nearest_x, nearest_y, nearest_label
def get_wrist_state(joint_states):
telescoping_joints = ['joint_arm_l0', 'joint_arm_l1', 'joint_arm_l2', 'joint_arm_l3']
wrist_velocity = 0.0
wrist_position = 0.0
wrist_effort = 0.0
for joint_name in telescoping_joints:
i =
wrist_position += joint_states.position[i]
wrist_velocity += joint_states.velocity[i]
wrist_effort += joint_states.effort[i]
wrist_effort = wrist_effort / len(telescoping_joints)
return [wrist_position, wrist_velocity, wrist_effort]
def get_lift_state(joint_states):
joint_name = 'joint_lift'
i =
lift_position = joint_states.position[i]
lift_velocity = joint_states.velocity[i]
lift_effort = joint_states.effort[i]
return [lift_position, lift_velocity, lift_effort]
def get_left_finger_state(joint_states):
joint_name = 'joint_gripper_finger_left'
i =
left_finger_position = joint_states.position[i]
left_finger_velocity = joint_states.velocity[i]
left_finger_effort = joint_states.effort[i]
return [left_finger_position, left_finger_velocity, left_finger_effort]
class HelloNode:
def __init__(self):
self.joint_state = None
self.point_cloud = None
def joint_states_callback(self, joint_state):
self.joint_state = joint_state
def point_cloud_callback(self, point_cloud):
self.point_cloud = point_cloud
def move_to_pose(self, pose, async=False, custom_contact_thresholds=False):
joint_names = [key for key in pose]
point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.0)
trajectory_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
trajectory_goal.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Time(1.0)
trajectory_goal.trajectory.joint_names = joint_names
if not custom_contact_thresholds:
joint_positions = [pose[key] for key in joint_names]
point.positions = joint_positions
trajectory_goal.trajectory.points = [point]
pose_correct = all([len(pose[key])==2 for key in joint_names])
if not pose_correct:
rospy.logerr("HelloNode.move_to_pose: Not sending trajectory due to improper pose. custom_contact_thresholds requires 2 values (pose_target, contact_threshold_effort) for each joint name, but pose = {0}".format(pose))
joint_positions = [pose[key][0] for key in joint_names]
joint_efforts = [pose[key][1] for key in joint_names]
point.positions = joint_positions
point.effort = joint_efforts
trajectory_goal.trajectory.points = [point]
trajectory_goal.trajectory.header.stamp =
if not async:
#print('Received the following result:')
def get_robot_floor_pose_xya(self, floor_frame='odom'):
# Returns the current estimated x, y position and angle of the
# robot on the floor. This is typically called with respect to
# the odom frame or the map frame. x and y are in meters and
# the angle is in radians.
# Navigation planning is performed with respect to a height of
# 0.0, so the heights of transformed points are 0.0. The
# simple method of handling the heights below assumes that the
# frame is aligned such that the z axis is normal to the
# floor, so that ignoring the z coordinate is approximately
# equivalent to projecting a point onto the floor.
# Query TF2 to obtain the current estimated transformation
# from the robot's base_link frame to the frame.
robot_to_odom_mat, timestamp = get_p1_to_p2_matrix('base_link', floor_frame, self.tf2_buffer)
# Find the robot's current location in the frame.
r0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
r0 = np.matmul(robot_to_odom_mat, r0)[:2]
# Find the current angle of the robot in the frame.
r1 = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
r1 = np.matmul(robot_to_odom_mat, r1)[:2]
robot_forward = r1 - r0
r_ang = np.arctan2(robot_forward[1], robot_forward[0])
return [r0[0], r0[1], r_ang], timestamp
def main(self, node_name, node_topic_namespace, wait_for_first_pointcloud=True):
self.node_name = rospy.get_name()
rospy.loginfo("{0} started".format(self.node_name))
self.trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/stretch_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction)
rospy.loginfo('Node ' + self.node_name + ' waiting to connect to /stretch_controller/follow_joint_trajectory server.')
server_reached = self.trajectory_client.wait_for_server(timeout=rospy.Duration(60.0))
if not server_reached:
rospy.signal_shutdown('Unable to connect to /stretch_controller/follow_joint_trajectory server. Timeout exceeded.')
rospy.loginfo('Node ' + self.node_name + ' connected to /stretch_controller/follow_joint_trajectory server.')
self.tf2_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
self.tf2_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tf2_buffer)
self.point_cloud_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('/camera/depth/color/points', PointCloud2, self.point_cloud_callback)
self.point_cloud_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + node_topic_namespace + '/point_cloud2', PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
rospy.loginfo('Node ' + self.node_name + ' waiting to connect to /stop_the_robot service.')
rospy.loginfo('Node ' + self.node_name + ' connected to /stop_the_robot service.')
self.stop_the_robot_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/stop_the_robot', Trigger)
if wait_for_first_pointcloud:
# Do not start until a point cloud has been received
point_cloud_msg = self.point_cloud
rospy.loginfo('Node ' + node_name + ' waiting to receive first point cloud.')
while point_cloud_msg is None:
point_cloud_msg = self.point_cloud
rospy.loginfo('Node ' + node_name + ' received first point cloud, so continuing.')
def create_time_string():
t = time.localtime()
time_string = str(t.tm_year) + str(t.tm_mon).zfill(2) + str(t.tm_mday).zfill(2) + str(t.tm_hour).zfill(2) + str(t.tm_min).zfill(2) + str(t.tm_sec).zfill(2)
return time_string
def get_recent_filenames(filename_without_time_suffix, filename_extension, remove_extension=False):
filenames = glob.glob(filename_without_time_suffix + '_*[0-9]' + '.' + filename_extension)
if remove_extension:
return [os.path.splitext(f)[0] for f in filenames]
return filenames
def get_most_recent_filename(filename_without_time_suffix, filename_extension, remove_extension=False):
filenames = get_recent_filenames(filename_without_time_suffix, filename_extension, remove_extension=remove_extension)
most_recent_filename = filenames[-1]
return most_recent_filename
def angle_diff_deg(target_deg, current_deg):
# I've written this type of function many times before, and it's
# always been annoying and tricky. This time, I looked on the web:
diff_deg = target_deg - current_deg
diff_deg = ((diff_deg + 180.0) % 360.0) - 180.0
return diff_deg
def angle_diff_rad(target_rad, current_rad):
# I've written this type of function many times before, and it's
# always been annoying and tricky. This time, I looked on the web:
diff_rad = target_rad - current_rad
diff_rad = ((diff_rad + math.pi) % (2.0 * math.pi)) - math.pi
return diff_rad
def get_p1_to_p2_matrix(p1_frame_id, p2_frame_id, tf2_buffer, lookup_time=None, timeout_s=None):
# If the necessary TF2 transform is successfully looked up, this
# returns a 4x4 affine transformation matrix that transforms
# points in the p1_frame_id frame to points in the p2_frame_id.
if lookup_time is None:
lookup_time = rospy.Time(0) # return most recent transform
if timeout_s is None:
timeout_ros = rospy.Duration(0.1)
timeout_ros = rospy.Duration(timeout_s)
stamped_transform = tf2_buffer.lookup_transform(p2_frame_id, p1_frame_id, lookup_time, timeout_ros)
p1_to_p2_mat = ros_numpy.numpify(stamped_transform.transform)
return p1_to_p2_mat, stamped_transform.header.stamp
except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException) as e:
print('WARNING: get_p1_to_p2_matrix failed to lookup transform from p1_frame_id =', p1_frame_id, ' to p2_frame_id =', p2_frame_id)
print(' exception =', e)
return None, None
def bound_ros_command(bounds, ros_pos, fail_out_of_range_goal, clip_ros_tolerance=1e-3):
"""Clip the command with clip_ros_tolerance, instead of
invalidating it, if it is close enough to the valid ranges.
if ros_pos < bounds[0]:
if fail_out_of_range_goal:
return bounds[0] if (bounds[0] - ros_pos) < clip_ros_tolerance else None
return bounds[0]
if ros_pos > bounds[1]:
if fail_out_of_range_goal:
return bounds[1] if (ros_pos - bounds[1]) < clip_ros_tolerance else None
return bounds[1]
return ros_pos