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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import calibration as ca
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
import rospy
import actionlib
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryAction
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryGoal
from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
from visualization_msgs.msg import MarkerArray
from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler, euler_from_quaternion, quaternion_from_matrix
from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose
import math
import time
import threading
import sys
import numpy as np
import ros_numpy
from copy import deepcopy
import yaml
import time
import glob
import argparse as ap
from urdf_parser_py.urdf import URDF as urdf_parser
import urdf_parser_py as up
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
import cma
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
from visualization_msgs.msg import MarkerArray
class HeadCalibrator:
def __init__(self, uncalibrated_urdf_filename, calibration_directory, sample_selector_func, calibration_options, visualize, tilt_angle_backlash_transition_rad):
self.visualize = visualize
self.infinite_duration_visualization = False
self.observations_used_for_fit = {}
self.telescoping_joints = ['joint_arm_l0', 'joint_arm_l1', 'joint_arm_l2', 'joint_arm_l3']
self.tilt_angle_backlash_transition_rad = tilt_angle_backlash_transition_rad
self.calibrate_lift = calibration_options.get('calibrate_lift', False)
self.calibrate_arm = calibration_options.get('calibrate_arm', False)
self.calibrate_controller_offsets = calibration_options.get('calibrate_controller_offsets', False)
self.calibrate_pan_backlash = calibration_options.get('calibrate_pan_backlash', False)
self.calibrate_tilt_backlash = calibration_options.get('calibrate_tilt_backlash', False)
self.calibrate_arm_backlash = calibration_options.get('calibrate_arm_backlash', False)
self.default_backlash_state = {'joint_head_pan_looked_left':False, 'joint_head_tilt_looking_up':False, 'wrist_extension_retracted':False}
self.use_this_sample = sample_selector_func
self.calibration_directory = calibration_directory
self.head_calibration_data_filename = None
if self.visualize:
self.visualization_markers_pub = rospy.Publisher('/calibration/marker_array', MarkerArray, queue_size=1)
self.visualization_markers_pub = None
self.pan_angle_offset = 0.0
self.tilt_angle_offset = 0.0
self.pan_looked_left_offset = 0.0
self.tilt_looking_up_offset = 0.0
self.arm_retracted_offset = 0.0
self.initial_error_terms = {'wrist_top_pos': 0.0,
'wrist_top_orient': 0.0,
'wrist_inside_pos': 0.0,
'wrist_inside_orient': 0.0,
'shoulder_pos': 0.0,
'shoulder_orient': 0.0,
'base_left_pos': 0.0,
'base_left_orient': 0.0,
'base_right_pos': 0.0,
'base_right_orient': 0.0,
'parameter_error_total': 0.0}
self.error_weights = {'wrist_top_pos': 1.0,
'wrist_top_orient': 0.1,
'wrist_inside_pos': 1.0,
'wrist_inside_orient': 0.1,
'shoulder_pos': 0.5,
'shoulder_orient': 0.05,
'base_left_pos': 0.5,
'base_left_orient': 0.05,
'base_right_pos': 0.5,
'base_right_orient': 0.05,
'joint_head_tilt_looking_up_error_multiplier': 2.0,
'parameter_error_total': 1.0}
# Load and store the original uncalibrated URDF.
self.original_urdf = urdf_parser.from_xml_file(uncalibrated_urdf_filename)
# Initialize the new URDF that will altered during optimization.
self.new_urdf = deepcopy(self.original_urdf)
self.gravity_acceleration_vec = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
# Set the kinematic chains and joints to be used during
# optimization. These *_joint and *_chain variables are used
# to access and modify the optimized URDF (self.new_urdf)
# during optimization.
# Also, set the original joint positions and rotations. The
# optimization applies rigid body transformations to these
# original poses.
# Chain from the base of the robot to the color camera used to
# observe the ARUCO markers.
self.camera_chain = ca.Chain(self.new_urdf, 'base_link', 'camera_color_optical_frame')
# This is the part that connects the pan joint to the top of
# the mast. There is some variation in how it is mounted to
# the top of the mast. For example, it can be rotated
# slightly.
self.camera_tilt_joint = self.camera_chain.get_joint_by_name('joint_head_tilt')
self.original_tilt_assembly_xyz = np.array(
self.original_tilt_assembly_rpy = np.array(self.camera_tilt_joint.origin.rpy)
self.original_tilt_assembly_r = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', self.original_tilt_assembly_rpy)
self.camera_pan_joint = self.camera_chain.get_joint_by_name('joint_head_pan')
self.original_pan_assembly_xyz = np.array(
self.original_pan_assembly_rpy = np.array(self.camera_pan_joint.origin.rpy)
self.original_pan_assembly_r = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', self.original_pan_assembly_rpy)
self.camera_mount_joint = self.camera_chain.get_joint_by_name('camera_joint')
self.original_camera_mount_xyz = np.array(
self.original_camera_mount_rpy = np.array(self.camera_mount_joint.origin.rpy)
self.original_camera_mount_r = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', self.original_camera_mount_rpy)
# Chain from the base of the robot to robot's wrist that has ARUCO markers on it.
self.wrist_chain = ca.Chain(self.new_urdf, 'base_link', 'link_arm_l0')
if self.calibrate_lift:
# Calibrating the following joint ('joint_mast') results
# in better visualizations, since it actually moves the
# mast and keeps the carriage traveling along the
# mast. Without constraints, this should permit the same
# solutions as calibrating 'joint_lift'. With constraints,
# the possible solutions can differ due to the mast also
# influencing the position and orientation of the head
# assembly.
self.lift_joint = self.wrist_chain.get_joint_by_name('joint_mast')
self.original_lift_xyz = np.array(
self.original_lift_rpy = np.array(self.lift_joint.origin.rpy)
self.original_lift_r = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', self.original_lift_rpy)
if self.calibrate_arm:
# This calibrates the position and orientation of the arm
# with respect to the shoulder carriage that moves up and
# down the lift. This compensates for variations in the
# way the arm has been mounted.
self.arm_joint = self.wrist_chain.get_joint_by_name('joint_arm_l4')
self.original_arm_xyz = np.array(
self.original_arm_rpy = np.array(self.arm_joint.origin.rpy)
self.original_arm_r = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', self.original_arm_rpy)
# calculate 10 deg of error
deg_error = 10.0
rad_error = 10.0 * (math.pi/180.0)
calib_error = math.cos(rad_error)
calib_error = (1.0 - calib_error) / 2.0
# convert error to meters of error per degree
self.meters_per_deg = 0.02 / calib_error # 2cm of error per 10 deg
self.error_measures = []
# Create error measures to be used during the optimization.
aruco_urdf = self.new_urdf
rgba = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.2]
self.error_measures.append(ca.ArucoError('wrist_top', 'wrist', 'link_aruco_top_wrist', aruco_urdf, self.meters_per_deg, rgba))
rgba = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2]
self.error_measures.append(ca.ArucoError('wrist_inside', 'wrist', 'link_aruco_inner_wrist', aruco_urdf, self.meters_per_deg, rgba))
rgba = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.2]
self.error_measures.append(ca.ArucoError('shoulder', 'shoulder', 'link_aruco_shoulder', aruco_urdf, self.meters_per_deg, rgba))
rgba = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2]
self.error_measures.append(ca.ArucoError('base_left', 'base', 'link_aruco_left_base', aruco_urdf, self.meters_per_deg, rgba))
rgba = [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2]
self.error_measures.append(ca.ArucoError('base_right', 'base', 'link_aruco_right_base', aruco_urdf, self.meters_per_deg, rgba))
def load_data(self, parameters, use_check_calibration_data=False):
# Load data to use for calibration.
if use_check_calibration_data:
filenames = glob.glob(self.calibration_directory + 'check_head_calibration_data' + '_*[0-9].yaml')
filenames = glob.glob(self.calibration_directory + 'head_calibration_data' + '_*[0-9].yaml')
most_recent_filename = filenames[-1]
self.head_calibration_data_filename = most_recent_filename
print('Loading most recent head calibration data from a YAML file named ' + self.head_calibration_data_filename)
fid = open(self.head_calibration_data_filename, 'r') = yaml.load(fid)
# Convert data in yaml file from readable text to full joint
# state representation and ROS Poses
marker_prefixes = ['wrist_top', 'wrist_inside', 'shoulder', 'base_left', 'base_right']
for i, s in enumerate(
# Convert from wrist_extension to joint links for compatibility with the URDF
joints = s['joints']
# convert wrist_extension to telescoping joints for use with the URDF
wrist_extension = joints.pop('wrist_extension')
telescoping_value = wrist_extension/float(len(self.telescoping_joints))
for j in self.telescoping_joints:
joints[j] = telescoping_value
# Convert from 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrices
# represented as lists to ROS Poses
camera_measurements = s['camera_measurements']
for p in marker_prefixes:
pose_key = p + '_marker_pose'
pose_list = camera_measurements.get(pose_key)
if pose_list is not None:
pose = ros_numpy.msgify(Pose, np.array(pose_list))
camera_measurements[pose_key] = pose
if self.visualize:
self.target_markers = self.generate_target_visualizations()
marker_array = MarkerArray()
def get_calibration_options(self):
# Return the current calibration options
calibration_options = {'calibrate_lift': self.calibrate_lift,
'calibrate_arm': self.calibrate_arm,
'calibrate_controller_offsets': self.calibrate_controller_offsets,
'calibrate_pan_backlash': self.calibrate_pan_backlash,
'calibrate_tilt_backlash': self.calibrate_tilt_backlash,
'calibrate_arm_backlash': self.calibrate_arm_backlash}
return calibration_options
def get_names_of_parameters_to_fit(self):
# Return the names of the parameters being fit by the optimization.
parameter_names = []
if self.calibrate_controller_offsets:
parameter_names.extend(['pan_angle_offset', 'tilt_angle_offset'])
if self.calibrate_pan_backlash:
if self.calibrate_tilt_backlash:
if self.calibrate_arm_backlash:
parameter_names.extend(['head_assembly_offset_xyz_x', 'head_assembly_offset_xyz_y', 'head_assembly_offset_xyz_z',
'head_assembly_offset_rotvec_x', 'head_assembly_offset_rotvec_y', 'head_assembly_offset_rotvec_z',
'pan_assembly_offset_xyz_x', 'pan_assembly_offset_xyz_y', 'pan_assembly_offset_xyz_z',
'pan_assembly_offset_rotvec_x', 'pan_assembly_offset_rotvec_y', 'pan_assembly_offset_rotvec_z',
'tilt_assembly_offset_xyz_x', 'tilt_assembly_offset_xyz_y', 'tilt_assembly_offset_xyz_z',
'tilt_assembly_offset_rotvec_x', 'tilt_assembly_offset_rotvec_y', 'tilt_assembly_offset_rotvec_z',
'camera_mount_offset_xyz_x', 'camera_mount_offset_xyz_y', 'camera_mount_offset_xyz_z',
'camera_mount_offset_rotvec_x', 'camera_mount_offset_rotvec_y', 'camera_mount_offset_rotvec_z'])
if self.calibrate_lift:
parameter_names.extend(['lift_offset_xyz_x', 'lift_offset_xyz_y', 'lift_offset_xyz_z',
'lift_offset_rotvec_x', 'lift_offset_rotvec_y', 'lift_offset_rotvec_z'])
if self.calibrate_arm:
parameter_names.extend(['arm_offset_xyz_x', 'arm_offset_xyz_y', 'arm_offset_xyz_z',
'arm_offset_rotvec_x', 'arm_offset_rotvec_y', 'arm_offset_rotvec_z'])
return parameter_names
def get_controller_parameters(self):
return {'tilt_angle_offset': self.tilt_angle_offset,
'pan_angle_offset': self.pan_angle_offset,
'pan_looked_left_offset': self.pan_looked_left_offset,
'tilt_looking_up_offset': self.tilt_looking_up_offset,
'arm_retracted_offset': self.arm_retracted_offset,
'tilt_angle_backlash_transition': self.tilt_angle_backlash_transition_rad}
def parameter_error_term(self, parameters):
# Calculate error that is solely a function of the parameter
# values. This is used to keep parameters within desired
# ranges by assigning high errors when parameters are outside
# these ranges using a soft constraint function.
# Unpack and preprocess the parameters
i = 0
if self.calibrate_controller_offsets:
pan_angle_offset_abs = abs(parameters[i])
i += 1
tilt_angle_offset_abs = abs(parameters[i])
i += 1
if self.calibrate_pan_backlash:
pan_looked_left_offset_abs = abs(parameters[i])
i += 1
if self.calibrate_tilt_backlash:
tilt_looking_up_offset_abs = abs(parameters[i])
i += 1
if self.calibrate_arm_backlash:
arm_retracted_offset_abs = abs(parameters[i])
i += 1
head_assembly_offset_xyz_length = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
head_assembly_offset_rotvec_mag = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
pan_assembly_offset_xyz_length = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
pan_assembly_offset_rotvec_mag = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
tilt_assembly_offset_xyz_length = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
tilt_assembly_offset_rotvec_mag = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
camera_mount_offset_xyz_length = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
camera_mount_offset_rotvec_mag = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
if self.calibrate_lift:
lift_offset_xyz_length = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
lift_offset_rotvec_mag = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
if self.calibrate_arm:
arm_offset_xyz_length = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
arm_offset_rotvec_mag = np.linalg.norm(parameters[i:i+3])
i += 3
# Compute the individual parameter errors and sum them up.
parameter_error = 0.0
if self.calibrate_controller_offsets:
# no penalty region: +/- 10 deg for the pan and tilt angle
# offsets (10 deg = math.pi/18.0 rad)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(pan_angle_offset_abs, math.pi/18.0, 10.0)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(tilt_angle_offset_abs, math.pi/18.0, 10.0)
if self.calibrate_pan_backlash:
# no penalty region: +/- 5 deg for the pan and tilt angle
# offsets (5 deg = math.pi/36.0 rad)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(pan_looked_left_offset_abs, math.pi/36.0, 10.0)
i += 1
if self.calibrate_tilt_backlash:
# no penalty region: +/- 5 deg for the pan and tilt angle
# offsets (5 deg = math.pi/36.0 rad)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(tilt_looking_up_offset_abs, math.pi/36.0, 10.0)
i += 1
if self.calibrate_arm_backlash:
# no penalty region: +/- 1 cm
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(arm_retracted_offset_abs, 0.01, 10.0)
i += 1
# no penalty region: 0.5cm radius sphere within which the head
# assembly can be placed relative to its uncalibrated position
# with respect to the mast. 5 rotation of the head (5 deg =
# 180/36 deg = math.pi/36.0 rad)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(head_assembly_offset_xyz_length, 0.005, 10.0)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(head_assembly_offset_rotvec_mag, math.pi/36.0, 10.0)
# no penalty region: 1cm radius sphere within which the pan
# assembly can be placed relative to its uncalibrated position
# with respect to the mast. 5 degree max rotation of the pan
# assembly (5 deg = 180/36 deg = math.pi/36.0 rad)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(pan_assembly_offset_xyz_length, 0.01, 10.0)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(pan_assembly_offset_rotvec_mag, math.pi/36.0, 10.0)
# no penalty region: 1cm radius sphere within which the tilt
# assembly can be placed relative to its uncalibrated position
# with respect to the pan assembly. 5 degree max rotation of
# the tilt assembly. (5 deg = 180/36 deg = math.pi/36.0 rad)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(tilt_assembly_offset_xyz_length, 0.01, 10.0)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(tilt_assembly_offset_rotvec_mag, math.pi/36.0, 10.0)
# no penalty region: 0.5cm radius sphere within which the
# camera can be placed relative to its uncalibrated position
# with respect to the pan assembly. 5 max rotation of the
# camera assembly. (5 deg = 180/36 deg = math.pi/36.0 rad)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(camera_mount_offset_xyz_length, 0.005, 10.0)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(camera_mount_offset_rotvec_mag, math.pi/36.0, 10.0)
if self.calibrate_lift:
# no penalty region: 1cm radius sphere within which the
# mast can be placed relative to its uncalibrated position
# with respect to the mobile base. 1.5 degree max rotation
# of the mast relative to the mobile base. (2.5 deg =
# 180/72 deg = math.pi/72.0 rad)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(lift_offset_xyz_length, 0.01, 10.0)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(lift_offset_rotvec_mag, math.pi/72.0, 10.0)
if self.calibrate_arm:
# no penalty region: 1cm radius sphere within which the
# arm mount can be placed relative to its uncalibrated
# position with respect to the shoulder. 5 degree max
# rotation of the arm relative to the shoulder carriage (5
# deg = 180/36 deg = math.pi/36.0 rad).
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(arm_offset_xyz_length, 0.01, 10.0)
parameter_error += ca.soft_constraint_error(arm_offset_rotvec_mag, math.pi/36.0, 10.0)
output_error = {'total': parameter_error}
return output_error
def update_urdf(self, parameters):
# This updates self.new_urdf via the camera's kinematic chain.
i = 0
if self.calibrate_controller_offsets:
self.pan_angle_offset = parameters[i]
i += 1
self.tilt_angle_offset = parameters[i]
i += 1
self.pan_angle_offset = 0.0
self.tilt_angle_offset = 0.0
if self.calibrate_pan_backlash:
self.pan_looked_left_offset = parameters[i]
i += 1
if self.calibrate_tilt_backlash:
self.tilt_looking_up_offset = parameters[i]
i += 1
if self.calibrate_arm_backlash:
self.arm_retracted_offset = parameters[i]
i += 1
head_assembly_offset_xyz = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3
head_assembly_offset_rotvec = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3
pan_assembly_offset_xyz = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3
pan_assembly_offset_rotvec = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3
tilt_assembly_offset_xyz = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3
tilt_assembly_offset_rotvec = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3
camera_mount_offset_xyz = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3
camera_mount_offset_rotvec = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3
if self.calibrate_lift:
lift_offset_xyz = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3
lift_offset_rotvec = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3
if self.calibrate_arm:
arm_offset_xyz = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3
arm_offset_rotvec = parameters[i:i+3]
i += 3 = self.original_pan_assembly_xyz + pan_assembly_offset_xyz
pan_assembly_r = Rotation.from_rotvec(pan_assembly_offset_rotvec) * self.original_pan_assembly_r
self.camera_pan_joint.origin.rpy = pan_assembly_r.as_euler('xyz') = self.original_tilt_assembly_xyz + tilt_assembly_offset_xyz
tilt_assembly_r = Rotation.from_rotvec(tilt_assembly_offset_rotvec) * self.original_tilt_assembly_r
self.camera_tilt_joint.origin.rpy = tilt_assembly_r.as_euler('xyz') = self.original_camera_mount_xyz + camera_mount_offset_xyz
camera_mount_r = Rotation.from_rotvec(camera_mount_offset_rotvec) * self.original_camera_mount_r
self.camera_mount_joint.origin.rpy = camera_mount_r.as_euler('xyz')
if self.calibrate_lift: = self.original_lift_xyz + lift_offset_xyz
lift_r = Rotation.from_rotvec(lift_offset_rotvec) * self.original_lift_r
self.lift_joint.origin.rpy = lift_r.as_euler('xyz')
if self.calibrate_arm: = self.original_arm_xyz + arm_offset_xyz
arm_r = Rotation.from_rotvec(arm_offset_rotvec) * self.original_arm_r
self.arm_joint.origin.rpy = arm_r.as_euler('xyz')
def calculate_normalization(self):
# Finds the number of observations that will be used for each error measure
for e in self.error_measures:
for i, s in enumerate(
if self.use_this_sample(i, s):
for e in self.error_measures:
print('Number of observations of each error measurement type to be used from the data:')
self.observations_used_for_fit = {}
for e in self.error_measures:
print(, '=', e.number_of_observations)
self.observations_used_for_fit[] = e.number_of_observations
def generate_target_visualizations(self):
target_markers = []
marker_id = 333333
marker_time =
# infinite lifetime (I think.)
#lifetime = rospy.Duration()
# 10 second lifetime, which assumes that these will be periodically resent.
lifetime = rospy.Duration(10.0)
rgba = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
for i, s in enumerate(
if self.use_this_sample(i, s):
sample = deepcopy(s)
# Update the sample to account for controller
# parameters and backlash. Specifically, this adds pan
# and tilt offsets and backlash state dependent
# offsets to pan, tilt, and the arm extension.
for e in self.error_measures:
markers, marker_id = e.get_target_ros_markers(sample, marker_id, marker_time, rgba, self.gravity_acceleration_vec)
for m in markers:
unique = True
for current_m in target_markers:
same_type = (m.type == current_m.type)
same_pose = (m.pose == current_m.pose)
same_points = (m.points == current_m.points)
if same_type and same_pose and same_points:
unique = False
if unique:
m.lifetime = lifetime
# Note that there will be many target markers for markers on a
# kinematic chain sensitive to the joint values, such as the
# ArUco markers on the wrist. In contrast, the ArUco markers
# on the mobile base will only have a single unique marker.
return target_markers
def visualize_fit(self, parameters_to_fit):
self.visualize = True
self.infinite_duration_visualization = True
def update_sample_with_offsets_and_backlash(self, sample):
# This changes the sample passed as an argument using
# controller parameters and the backlash state. Specifically,
# it adds pan and tilt offsets and backlash state dependent
# offsets to pan, tilt, and the arm extension.
backlash_state = sample.get('backlash_state', self.default_backlash_state)
if backlash_state['joint_head_pan_looked_left']:
pan_backlash_correction = self.pan_looked_left_offset
pan_backlash_correction = 0.0
if backlash_state['joint_head_tilt_looking_up']:
#tilt_backlash_correction = -math.pi/18.0 # 10 deg test
tilt_backlash_correction = self.tilt_looking_up_offset
tilt_backlash_correction = 0.0
if backlash_state['wrist_extension_retracted']:
arm_backlash_correction = self.arm_retracted_offset
arm_backlash_correction = 0.0
joints = sample['joints']
for j in self.telescoping_joints:
joints[j] = joints[j] + (arm_backlash_correction/4.0)
joints['joint_head_pan'] = joints['joint_head_pan'] + self.pan_angle_offset + pan_backlash_correction
joints['joint_head_tilt'] = joints['joint_head_tilt'] + self.tilt_angle_offset + tilt_backlash_correction
def calculate_error(self, parameters_to_fit, output_error_terms=False):
error_terms = self.initial_error_terms.copy()
error_terms['parameter_error_total'] += self.parameter_error_term(parameters_to_fit)['total']
# updates the URDF and fit method variables with the current
# parameters
marker_array = MarkerArray()
marker_time =
marker_id = 0
if self.visualize:
# Send the target markers on each iteration, since they
# can be changed by some of the fit parameters, such as
# backlash compensation for arm retraction.
self.target_markers = self.generate_target_visualizations()
for i, s in enumerate(
if self.use_this_sample(i, s):
# Do not alter the original data.
sample = deepcopy(s)
backlash_state = sample.get('backlash_state', self.default_backlash_state)
# Update the sample to account for controller
# parameters and backlash. Specifically, this adds pan
# and tilt offsets and backlash state dependent
# offsets to pan, tilt, and the arm extension.
# Update each marker, including whether it was
# detected and the joint values used to compute the
# URDF's marker prediction in the world frame (not
# through the camera).
for e in self.error_measures:
e.update(sample, marker_time, self.gravity_acceleration_vec)
# Find the transform from the camera's coordinate
# system to the world frame, since all errors are
# computed in the world frame.
joints = sample['joints']
self.camera_transform = self.camera_chain.get_affine_matrix(joints)
# If the wrist has a large downward deflection due to
# a heavy tool, this can potentially be useful. It
# ignores z-axis error for wrist markers when the arm
# is extended past a defined length.
# wrist_extension = reduce(lambda current_sum, joint_name: current_sum + joints[joint_name], self.telescoping_joints, 0.0)
# max_wrist_extension_for_z_fit = 0.13
# if wrist_extension > max_wrist_extension_for_z_fit:
# fit_z = False
# else:
# fit_z = True
fit_z = True
# Whether or not to use ArUco marker orientation in
# the objective function.
#fit_orientation = False
fit_orientation = True
for e in self.error_measures:
if e.detected:
if e.location == 'wrist':
delta_error, ros_markers, marker_id = e.error(self.camera_transform, fit_z, fit_orientation, marker_id, self.visualize)
delta_error, ros_markers, marker_id = e.error(self.camera_transform, True, fit_orientation, marker_id, self.visualize)
if backlash_state['joint_head_tilt_looking_up']:
error_multiplier = self.error_weights['joint_head_tilt_looking_up_error_multiplier']
error_multiplier = 1.0
for d in delta_error:
error_term_name = + '_' + d
error_terms[error_term_name] += (error_multiplier * delta_error[d])
total_error = 0.0
for k in error_terms:
total_error += self.error_weights[k] * error_terms[k]
print('error_terms =', error_terms)
print('total_error =', total_error)
if self.visualize:
if self.infinite_duration_visualization:
for m in marker_array.markers:
m.lifetime = rospy.Duration()
if output_error_terms:
return total_error, error_terms
return total_error
def save_urdf_file(self, time_string=None):
if time_string is None:
time_string = ca.create_time_string()
urdf_string = self.new_urdf.to_xml_string()
filename = self.calibration_directory + 'head_calibrated_' + time_string + '.urdf'
print('Saving new URDF file to ', filename)
fid = open(filename, 'w')
print('Finished saving')
def save_controller_calibration_file(self, time_string=None):
if time_string is None:
time_string = ca.create_time_string()
controller_parameters = self.get_controller_parameters()
no_numpy_controller_parameters = {}
for key, entry in controller_parameters.viewitems():
if "tolist" in dir(entry):
entry = entry.tolist()
no_numpy_controller_parameters[key] = entry
filename = self.calibration_directory + 'controller_calibration_head_' + time_string + '.yaml'
print('Saving controller calibration head parameters to a YAML file named ', filename)
fid = open(filename, 'w')
yaml.dump(no_numpy_controller_parameters, fid)
print('Finished saving.')
class ProcessHeadCalibrationDataNode:
def __init__(self, opt_results_file_to_load=None, load_most_recent_opt_results=False, visualize_only=False, visualize=True):
self.opt_results_file_to_load = opt_results_file_to_load
self.load_most_recent_opt_results = load_most_recent_opt_results
self.visualize_only = visualize_only
self.visualize = visualize
self.loaded_data = None
# different error tolerances for different speeds and qualities of fit
self.fit_quality_dict = {'fastest_lowest_quality': 0.1,
'medium_speed_and_quality': 0.01,
'slow_high_quality': 0.001,
'slowest_highest_quality': 0.0001}
self.data_to_use_dict = {
'use_very_little_data': ca.use_very_little_data,
'use_all_aruco_and_some_accel': ca.use_all_aruco_and_some_accel,
'use_all_data': ca.use_all_data
def main(self, use_check_calibration_data):
self.node_name = rospy.get_name()
rospy.loginfo("{0} started".format(self.node_name))
self.calibration_directory = rospy.get_param('~calibration_directory')
rospy.loginfo('Using the following directory for calibration files: {0}'.format(self.calibration_directory))
# load parameters for what data to fit and how well to fit it
head_calibration_options = rospy.get_param('/head_calibration_options')
self.data_to_use = head_calibration_options['data_to_use']
self.fit_quality = head_calibration_options['fit_quality']
if self.data_to_use not in self.data_to_use_dict.keys():
rospy.logerr('Unrecognized option: data_to_use = {0}, valid options are {1}'.format(self.data_to_use, self.data_to_use_dict.keys()))
if self.fit_quality not in self.fit_quality_dict.keys():
rospy.logerr('Unrecognized option: fit_quality = {0}, valid options are {1}'.format(self.data_to_use, self.fit_quality_dict.keys()))
rospy.loginfo('data_to_use = {0}'.format(self.data_to_use))
rospy.loginfo('fit_quality = {0}'.format(self.fit_quality))
self.cma_tolfun = self.fit_quality_dict[self.fit_quality]
self.sample_selector_func = self.data_to_use_dict[self.data_to_use]
# load default tilt backlash transition angle
self.uncalibrated_controller_calibration_filename = rospy.get_param('~uncalibrated_controller_calibration_filename')
rospy.loginfo('Loading factory default tilt backlash transition angle from the YAML file named {0}'.format(self.uncalibrated_controller_calibration_filename))
fid = open(self.uncalibrated_controller_calibration_filename, 'r')
default_controller_parameters = yaml.load(fid)
tilt_angle_backlash_transition_rad = default_controller_parameters['tilt_angle_backlash_transition']
deg_per_rad = 180.0/math.pi
rospy.loginfo('self.tilt_angle_backlash_transition_rad in degrees = {0}'.format(tilt_angle_backlash_transition_rad * deg_per_rad))
self.uncalibrated_urdf_filename = rospy.get_param('~uncalibrated_urdf_filename')
rospy.loginfo('The uncalibrated URDF filename: {0}'.format(self.uncalibrated_urdf_filename))
if self.load_most_recent_opt_results or (self.opt_results_file_to_load is not None):
if self.load_most_recent_opt_results:
filenames = glob.glob(self.calibration_directory + 'head_calibration_result' + '_*[0-9].yaml')
filename = filenames[-1]
print('Loading most recent CMA-ES result from a YAML file named ' + filename)
filename = self.opt_results_file_to_load
print('Loading CMA-ES result from a YAML file named ' + filename)
fid = open(filename, 'r')
cma_result = yaml.load(fid)
show_data_used_during_optimization = True
if show_data_used_during_optimization:
# attempt to visualize with the same data that was used during the optimization
self.data_to_use = cma_result.get('data_to_use', 'use_all_data')
# show all data
self.data_to_use = 'use_all_data'
self.sample_selector_func = self.data_to_use_dict[self.data_to_use]
calibration_options = cma_result.get('calibration_options', {})
fit_parameters = np.array(cma_result['best_parameters'])
self.calibrator = HeadCalibrator(self.uncalibrated_urdf_filename, self.calibration_directory, self.sample_selector_func, calibration_options, self.visualize, tilt_angle_backlash_transition_rad)
if self.visualize_only:
print('Loading the most recent data file.')
self.calibrator.load_data(fit_parameters, use_check_calibration_data=use_check_calibration_data)
print('Visualizing how well the model fits the data.')
print('Wait to make sure that RViz has time to load.')
time_string = ca.create_time_string()
print('Updating the URDF with the parameters previously optimized with CMA-ES.')
print('Saving the updated URDF file.')
print('Saving the updated controller calibration file.')
start_time = time.time()
calibration_options = {'calibrate_lift': True,
'calibrate_arm': True,
'calibrate_controller_offsets': True,
'calibrate_pan_backlash': True,
'calibrate_tilt_backlash': True,
'calibrate_arm_backlash': True}
self.calibrator = HeadCalibrator(self.uncalibrated_urdf_filename, self.calibration_directory, self.sample_selector_func, calibration_options, self.visualize, tilt_angle_backlash_transition_rad)
parameter_names = self.calibrator.get_names_of_parameters_to_fit()
#"incumbent solution"
all_options = cma.CMAOptions()
#"termination criterion: tolerance in function value"
options = {'tolfun': self.cma_tolfun}
num_parameters = len(parameter_names)
initial_solution = num_parameters * [0.0]
initial_standard_deviation = 0.1
es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(initial_solution, initial_standard_deviation, options)
print('Optimization complete.')
end_time = time.time()
calibration_time_in_minutes = (end_time - start_time)/60.0
print('Minutes spent calibrating: ', calibration_time_in_minutes)
# A results tuple from CMAEvolutionStrategy property result.
# This tuple contains in the given position and as attribute
# 0 xbest best solution evaluated
# 1 fbest objective function value of best solution
# 2 evals_best evaluation count when xbest was evaluated
# 3 evaluations evaluations overall done
# 4 iterations
# 5 xfavorite distribution mean in "phenotype" space, to be considered as current best estimate of the optimum
# 6 stds effective standard deviations, can be used to compute a lower bound on the expected coordinate-wise distance to the true optimum, which is (very) approximately stds[i] * dimension**0.5 / min(mueff, dimension) / 1.5 / 5 ~ std_i * dimension**0.5 / min(popsize / 2, dimension) / 5, where dimension = CMAEvolutionStrategy.N and mueff = CMAEvolutionStrategy.sp.weights.mueff ~ 0.3 * popsize.
# Get best error terms
best_parameters = es.result[0]
best_total_error, best_error_terms = self.calibrator.calculate_error(best_parameters, output_error_terms=True)
for key in best_error_terms:
best_error_terms[key] = float(best_error_terms[key])
# Convert from Numpy arrays to human-readable lists
no_numpy_cma_result = []
for entry in es.result:
if "tolist" in dir(entry):
entry = entry.tolist()
# Create a dictionary with the parameters to improve human
# readability
best_parameter_dict = {}
for name, value in zip(parameter_names, no_numpy_cma_result[0]):
best_parameter_dict[name] = value
cma_result = {
'calibration_time_in_minutes': calibration_time_in_minutes,
'initial_solution': initial_solution,
'initial_standard_deviation': initial_standard_deviation,
'options': options,
'calibration_options': self.calibrator.get_calibration_options(),
'parameter_names': parameter_names,
'best_parameters': no_numpy_cma_result[0],
'best_parameter_dict': best_parameter_dict,
'best_parameters_error': no_numpy_cma_result[1],
'best_parameters_error_terms': best_error_terms,
'num_evals_to_find_best': no_numpy_cma_result[2],
'num_evals_total': no_numpy_cma_result[3],
'cma_iterations': no_numpy_cma_result[4],
'cma_parameter_means': no_numpy_cma_result[5],
'cma_parameter_stddevs': no_numpy_cma_result[6],
'fit_quality_dict': self.fit_quality_dict,
'fit_quality': self.fit_quality,
'data_to_use': self.data_to_use,
'observations_used_for_fit': self.calibrator.observations_used_for_fit,
'calibration_data_filename': self.calibrator.head_calibration_data_filename,
'error_weights': self.calibrator.error_weights
time_string = ca.create_time_string()
filename = self.calibration_directory + 'head_calibration_result_' + time_string + '.yaml'
if not self.visualize_only:
filename = self.calibration_directory + 'head_calibration_result_' + time_string + '.yaml'
print('Saving CMA-ES result to a YAML file named ', filename)
fid = open(filename, 'w')
yaml.dump(cma_result, fid)
print('Finished saving.')
fit_parameters = cma_result['best_parameters']
print('Not saving due to visualize only mode')
print('Would have saved the CMA-ES result to a YAML file named ', filename)
print('The following cma_result would have been saved:')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = ap.ArgumentParser(description='Process head calibration data and work with resulting files.')
parser.add_argument('--load', action='store', help='Do not perform an optimization and instead load the specified file, which should contain CMA-ES optimization results.', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--load_prev', action='store_true', help='Do not perform an optimization and instead load the most recent CMA-ES optimization results.')
parser.add_argument('--only_vis', action='store_true', help='Only visualize the fit of the CMA-ES optimization results. This does not save any results.')
parser.add_argument('--no_vis', action='store_true', help='Do not calculate or publish any visualizations. This results in faster fitting.')
parser.add_argument('--check', action='store_true', help='Use data collected to check the current calibration, instead of data collected to fit a new calibration.')
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
opt_results_file_to_load = args.load
load_most_recent_opt_results = args.load_prev
visualize_only = args.only_vis
turn_on_visualization = not args.no_vis
use_check_calibration_data = args.check
node = ProcessHeadCalibrationDataNode(opt_results_file_to_load = opt_results_file_to_load, load_most_recent_opt_results = load_most_recent_opt_results, visualize_only = visualize_only, visualize=turn_on_visualization)