- ![](../images/banner.png)
- # Tutorial Track: Stretch ROS 2 (Beta)
- !!! note
- Stretch's ROS2 packages and this ROS2 tutorial track are both under active development. They are considered 'beta', and we welcome any feedback. If you find any issues or bugs in the [stretch_ros2](https://github.com/hello-robot/stretch_ros2) repository, please see the [Stretch ROS2](https://github.com/hello-robot/stretch_ros2/issues) and [Stretch Tutorials](https://github.com/hello-robot/stretch_tutorials/issues) issue trackers.
- ## Robot Operating System 2 (ROS 2)
- Despite the name, ROS is not an operating system. ROS is a middleware framework that is a collection of transport protocols, development and debugging tools, and open-source packages. As a transport protocol, ROS enables distributed communication via messages between nodes. As a development and debugging toolkit, ROS provides build systems that allow for writing applications in a wide variety of languages (Python and C++ are used in this tutorial track), a launch system to manage the execution of multiple nodes simultaneously, and command line tools to interact with the running system. Finally, as a popular ecosystem, there are many open-source ROS packages that allow users to quickly prototype with new sensors, actuators, planners, perception stacks, and more.
- This tutorial track is for users looking to get familiar with programming Stretch robots via ROS 2. We recommend going through the tutorials in the following order:
- ## Basics
- | | Tutorial | Description |
- |--|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------|
- | 1 | [Getting Started](getting_started.md) | Setup instructions for ROS 2 on Stretch|
- | 2 | [Introduction to ROS 2](intro_to_ros2.md.md) | Explore the client library used in ROS2 |
- | 3 | [Introduction to HelloNode](intro_to_hellonode.md) | Explore the Hello Node class to create a ROS2 node for Stretch |
- | 4 | [Teleoperating Stretch](teleoperating_stretch.md) | Control Stretch with a Keyboard or a Gamepad controller. |
- | 5 | [Internal State of Stretch](internal_state_of_stretch.md) | Monitor the joint states of Stretch. |
- | 6 | [RViz Basics](rviz_basics.md) | Visualize topics in Stretch. |
- | 7 | [Nav2 Stack](navigation_overview.md) | Motion planning and control for mobile base. |
- | 8 | [Follow Joint Trajectory Commands](follow_joint_trajectory.md) | Control joints using joint trajectory server. |
- | 9 | [Perception](perception.md) | Use the Realsense D435i camera to visualize the environment. |
- | 10 | [ArUco Marker Detection](aruco_marker_detection.md) | Localize objects using ArUco markers. |
- | 11 | [ReSpeaker Microphone Array](respeaker_mic_array.md) | Learn to use the ReSpeaker Microphone Array. |
- | 12 | [FUNMAP](https://github.com/hello-robot/stretch_ros2/tree/humble/stretch_funmap) | Fast Unified Navigation, Manipulation and Planning. |
- <!--| 5 | [MoveIt2 Basics](moveit_basics.md) | Motion planning and control for the arm using MoveIt. |
- | 6 | [MoveIt2 with Rviz](moveit_rviz_demo.md) | Motion planning and control for the arm using MoveIt. |
- | 7 | [MoveIt2 MoveGroup C++ API](moveit_movegroup_demo.md) | Motion planning and control for the arm using MoveIt. |
- | 13 | [ROS testing](coming_soon.md) | Write ROS system tests for introspection. |
- | 14 | [Other Nav Stack Features](coming_soon.md) | Advanced features for Nav 2. | -->
- ## Other Examples
- To help get you started on your software development, here are examples of nodes to have Stretch perform simple tasks.
- | | Tutorial | Description |
- |---|-------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------|
- | 1 | [Mobile Base Velocity Control](example_1.md) | Use a python script that sends velocity commands. |
- | 2 | [Filter Laser Scans](example_2.md) | Publish new scan ranges that are directly in front of Stretch.|
- | 3 | [Mobile Base Collision Avoidance](example_3.md) | Stop Stretch from running into a wall.|
- | 4 | [Give Stretch a Balloon](example_4.md) | Create a "balloon" marker that goes where ever Stretch goes.|
- | 5 | [Print Joint States](example_5.md) | Print the joint states of Stretch.|
- | 6 | [Store Effort Values](example_6.md) | Print, store, and plot the effort values of the Stretch robot.|
- | 7 | [Capture Image](example_7.md) | Capture images from the RealSense camera data.|
- | 8 | [Voice to Text](example_8.md) | Interpret speech and save transcript to a text file.|
- | 9 | [Voice Teleoperation of Base](example_9.md) | Use speech to teleoperate the mobile base.|
- | 10 | [Tf2 Broadcaster and Listener](example_10.md) | Create a tf2 broadcaster and listener.|
- | 11 | [ArUco Tag Locator](example_12.md) | Actuate the head to locate a requested ArUco marker tag and return a transform.|
- | 12 | [Obstacle Avoider](obstacle_avoider.md) | Avoid obstacles using the planar lidar. |
- | 13 | [Align to ArUco](align_to_aruco.md) | Detect ArUco fiducials using OpenCV and align to them.|
- | 14 | [Deep Perception](deep_perception.md) | Use YOLOv5 to detect 3D objects in a point cloud.|
- | 15 | [Avoiding Race Conditions and Deadlocks](avoiding_deadlocks_race_conditions.md) | Learn how to avoid Race Conditions and Deadlocks |
- <!--| 11 | [PointCloud Transformation](example_11.md) | Convert PointCloud2 data to a PointCloud and transform to a different frame.| -->