- # Motion Commands in ROS2
- ## Quickstart
- Sending motion commands is as easy as:
- 1. Launch the ROS2 driver in a terminal:
- ```{.bash .shell-prompt .copy}
- ros2 launch stretch_core stretch_driver.launch.py
- ```
- 2. Open iPython and type the following code, one line at a time:
- ```python
- import hello_helpers.hello_misc as hm
- node = hm.HelloNode.quick_create('temp')
- node.move_to_pose({'joint_lift': 0.4}, blocking=True)
- node.move_to_pose({'joint_wrist_yaw': 0.0, 'joint_wrist_roll': 0.0}, blocking=True)
- ```
- ## Writing a node
- You can also write a ROS2 node to send motion commands:
- ```python
- import hello_helpers.hello_misc as hm
- class MyNode(hm.HelloNode):
- def __init__(self):
- hm.HelloNode.__init__(self)
- def main(self):
- hm.HelloNode.main(self, 'my_node', 'my_node', wait_for_first_pointcloud=False)
- # my_node's main logic goes here
- self.move_to_pose({'joint_lift': 0.6}, blocking=True)
- self.move_to_pose({'joint_wrist_yaw': -1.0, 'joint_wrist_pitch': -1.0}, blocking=True)
- node = MyNode()
- node.main()
- ```
- Copy the above into a file called "example.py" and run it using:
- ```{.bash .shell-prompt .copy}
- python3 example.py
- ```
- ## Retrieving joint limits
- In a terminal, echo the `/joint_limits` topic:
- ```{.bash .shell-prompt .copy}
- ros2 topic echo /joint_limits
- ```
- In a second terminal, request the driver publish the joint limits:
- ```{.bash .shell-prompt .copy}
- ros2 service call /get_joint_states std_srvs/srv/Trigger {}
- ```
- In the first terminal, you'll see a single message get published. It'll look like this:
- ```yaml
- header:
- stamp:
- sec: 1725388967
- nanosec: 818893747
- frame_id: ''
- name:
- - joint_head_tilt
- - joint_wrist_pitch
- - joint_wrist_roll
- - joint_wrist_yaw
- - joint_head_pan
- - joint_lift
- - joint_arm
- - gripper_aperture
- - joint_gripper_finger_left
- - joint_gripper_finger_right
- position:
- - -2.0171847360696185
- - -1.5707963267948966
- - -2.9114955354069467
- - -1.3933658823294575
- - -4.035903452927122
- - 0.0
- - 0.0
- - -0.1285204486235414
- - -0.3757907854489514
- - -0.3757907854489514
- velocity:
- - 0.4908738521234052
- - 0.45099035163837853
- - 2.9176314585584895
- - 4.416586351787409
- - 1.7303303287350031
- - 1.0966833704348709
- - 0.5197662863936018
- - 0.34289112948906764
- - 1.0026056417808995
- - 1.0026056417808995
- effort: []
- ```
- We're misusing the [sensor_msgs/JointState](https://docs.ros.org/en/noetic/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/JointState.html) message to publish the joint limits. The `name` array lists out each ranged joint. The `position` array lists the lower bound for each joint. The `velocity` array lists the upper bound. The length of these 3 arrays will be equal, because the index of the joint in the `name` array determines which index the corresponding limits will be in the other two arrays.
- The revolute joints will have their limits published in radians, and the prismatic joints will have them published in meters. See the [Hardware Overview](../../getting_started/stretch_hardware_overview/) to see the ranges represented visually.