@ -1,8 +1,41 @@ |
# Spawning Stretch in Simulation (Gazebo) |
<!-- ![image](images/stretch_gazebo_empty_world.png) --> |
<img src="images/stretch_gazebo_empty_world.png" width="500" align="center"> |
Run the following command to spawn Stretch in gazebo's default empty world. |
### Empty World Simulation |
To spawn the Stretch in gazebo's default empty world run the following command in your terminal. |
``` |
roslaunch stretch_gazebo gazebo.launch |
``` |
This will bringup the robot in the gazebo simulation similar to the image shown below. |
<!-- <img src="images/stretch_gazebo_empty_world.png" width="500" align="center"> --> |
![image](images/stretch_gazebo_empty_world.png) |
### Custom World Simulation |
With a modification of the gazebo launch file, you can spawn the Stretch robot in a custom world. In this instance, we will spawn Stretch in one of gazebo's world files named *willowgarage.world*. |
To preserve the original gazebo.launch file, we will copy the file and rename it to the following. |
``` |
cd catkin_ws/src/stretch_ros/stretch_gazebo/launch/ |
cp gazebo.launch stretch_willowgarage_world.launch |
``` |
Modify the value for the world name argument like the following |
``` |
<arg name="world_name" value="worlds/willowgarage.world" /> |
``` |
Use the images below for further reference. |
**BEFORE** |
![image](images/before_launch_file_edit.png) |
**AFTER** |
![image](images/after_launch_file_edit.png) |
Make sure to save the file. Also, you can make the modifications to the file using your preferred text editor. Now you can run the new launch file with a Stretch robot in the willowgarage.world. |
``` |
roslaunch stretch_gazebo stretch_willowgarage_world.launch |
``` |
![image](images/stretch_willowgarage_world.png) |