This tutorial track is for users looking to become familiar with programming the Stretch RE1 and RE2 via ROS1. We recommend going through the tutorials in the following order:
This tutorial track is for users looking to become familiar with programming the Stretch RE1 and RE2 via ROS1 Noetic. We recommend going through the tutorials in the following order:
Hello Robot utilizes Ubuntu, an open-source Linux operating system, for the Stretch RE1 platform. If you are unfamiliar with the operating system, we encourage you to review a [tutorial]( provided by Ubuntu. Additionally, the Linux command line, BASH, is used to execute commands and is needed to run ROS on the Stretch robot. Here is a [tutorial]( on getting started with BASH.
Hello Robot utilizes Ubuntu, an open-source Linux operating system, for the Stretch platform. If you are unfamiliar with the operating system, we encourage you to review a [tutorial]( provided by Ubuntu. Additionally, the Linux command line, BASH, is used to execute commands and is needed to run ROS on the Stretch robot. Here is a [tutorial]( on getting started with BASH.
## Installing Noetic on Stretch
## Installing Noetic on Stretch
Instructions on installing Noetic can be found in our open-source [installation guide]( Then create a catkin workspace for your ROS packages. Here is an [installation guide for creating a workspace]( Once your system is set up, clone the [stretch_tutorials]( to your workspace and build the package in your workspace. This can be done by copying the commands below and pasting them into your terminal.
Instructions on installing Noetic can be found in our open-source [installation guide]( Then create a catkin workspace for your ROS packages. Here is an [installation guide for creating a workspace]( Once your system is set up, clone the [stretch_tutorials]( to your workspace and build the package in your workspace. This can be done by copying the commands below and pasting them into your terminal.
If you cannot dual boot and install ubuntu on your local machine, an alternative is to use [AWS RoboMaker]( AWS RoboMaker extends the ROS framework with cloud services. The service provides a robotics simulation service, allowing for testing the Stretch RE1 platform. If you are a first-time user of AWS RoboMaker, follow the [guide here]( to get up and running with the service.
If you cannot dual boot and install ubuntu on your local machine, an alternative is to use [AWS RoboMaker]( AWS RoboMaker extends the ROS framework with cloud services. The service provides a robotics simulation service, allowing for testing the Stretch platform. If you are a first-time user of AWS RoboMaker, follow the [guide here]( to get up and running with the service.
stretch_navigation provides the standard ROS navigation stack as two launch files. This package utilizes gmapping, move_base, and AMCL to drive the stretch RE1 around a mapped space. Running this code will require the robot to be untethered.
stretch_navigation provides the standard ROS navigation stack as two launch files. This package utilizes gmapping, move_base, and AMCL to drive Stretch around a mapped space. Running this code will require the robot to be untethered.
Then run the following commands to map the space that the robot will navigate in.
Then run the following commands to map the space that the robot will navigate in.
The mapping launch files, `mapping.launch` and `mapping_gazebo.launch` expose the ROS argument, "teleop_type". By default, this ROS arg is set to "keyboard", which launches keyboard teleop in the terminal. If the xbox controller that ships with Stretch RE1 is plugged into your computer, the following command will launch mapping with joystick teleop:
The mapping launch files, `mapping.launch` and `mapping_gazebo.launch` expose the ROS argument, "teleop_type". By default, this ROS arg is set to "keyboard", which launches keyboard teleop in the terminal. If the xbox controller that ships with Stretch is plugged into your computer, the following command will launch mapping with joystick teleop:
This tutorial track is for users looking to become familiar with programming the Stretch RE1 and RE2 via ROS1. We recommend going through the tutorials in the following order:
This tutorial track is for users looking to become familiar with programming the Stretch RE1 and RE2 via ROS1 Melodic. We recommend going through the tutorials in the following order:
Hello Robot utilizes Ubuntu, an open-source Linux operating system, for the Stretch RE1 platform. If you are unfamiliar with the operating system, we encourage you to review a [tutorial]( provided by Ubuntu. Additionally, the Linux command line, BASH, is used to execute commands and is needed to run ROS on the Stretch robot. Here is a [tutorial]( on getting started with BASH.
Hello Robot utilizes Ubuntu, an open-source Linux operating system, for the Stretch platform. If you are unfamiliar with the operating system, we encourage you to review a [tutorial]( provided by Ubuntu. Additionally, the Linux command line, BASH, is used to execute commands and is needed to run ROS on the Stretch robot. Here is a [tutorial]( on getting started with BASH.
## Creating Workspace
## Creating Workspace
Create a catkin workspace for your ROS packages. Here is an [installation guide for creating a workspace]( Once your system is set up, clone the [stretch_tutorials]( to your workspace and build the package in your workspace. This can be done by copying the commands below and pasting them into your terminal.
Create a catkin workspace for your ROS packages. Here is an [installation guide for creating a workspace]( Once your system is set up, clone the [stretch_tutorials]( to your workspace and build the package in your workspace. This can be done by copying the commands below and pasting them into your terminal.
If you cannot dual boot and install ubuntu on your local machine, an alternative is to use [AWS RoboMaker]( AWS RoboMaker extends the ROS framework with cloud services. The service provides a robotics simulation service, allowing for testing the Stretch RE1 platform. If you are a first-time user of AWS RoboMaker, follow the [guide here]( to get up and running with the service.
If you cannot dual boot and install ubuntu on your local machine, an alternative is to use [AWS RoboMaker]( AWS RoboMaker extends the ROS framework with cloud services. The service provides a robotics simulation service, allowing for testing the Stretch platform. If you are a first-time user of AWS RoboMaker, follow the [guide here]( to get up and running with the service.
stretch_navigation provides the standard ROS navigation stack as two launch files. This package utilizes gmapping, move_base, and AMCL to drive the stretch RE1 around a mapped space. Running this code will require the robot to be untethered.
stretch_navigation provides the standard ROS navigation stack as two launch files. This package utilizes gmapping, move_base, and AMCL to drive Stretch around a mapped space. Running this code will require the robot to be untethered.
Then run the following commands to map the space that the robot will navigate in.
Then run the following commands to map the space that the robot will navigate in.
The mapping launch files, `mapping.launch` and `mapping_gazebo.launch` expose the ROS argument, "teleop_type". By default, this ROS arg is set to "keyboard", which launches keyboard teleop in the terminal. If the xbox controller that ships with Stretch RE1 is plugged into your computer, the following command will launch mapping with joystick teleop:
The mapping launch files, `mapping.launch` and `mapping_gazebo.launch` expose the ROS argument, "teleop_type". By default, this ROS arg is set to "keyboard", which launches keyboard teleop in the terminal. If the xbox controller that ships with Stretch is plugged into your computer, the following command will launch mapping with joystick teleop:
@ -10,9 +10,8 @@ During execution, the trajectory controller uses this splined representation to
Splined trajectories are particularly useful when you want to coordinate motion across several joints. Because the trajectory representation is time based, it is straightforward to encode multi-joint coordination. Stretch Body supports both cubic and quintic spline. A quintic spline waypoint includes acceleration in the waypoint target, while a cubic spline does not.
Splined trajectories are particularly useful when you want to coordinate motion across several joints. Because the trajectory representation is time based, it is straightforward to encode multi-joint coordination. Stretch Body supports both cubic and quintic spline. A quintic spline waypoint includes acceleration in the waypoint target, while a cubic spline does not.
The tool GUI allows you to interactively construct a splined trajectory and then execute it on the robot. For example, on the arm:
The tool GUI allows you to interactively construct a splined trajectory and then execute it on the robot. For example, on the arm:
![alt_text](images/traj_gui.png "image_tooltip")
**NOTE**: Use caution when commanding the base. Ensure that attached cables are long enough to support base motion. Alternatively you may want to put the base on top of a book so the wheel don't touch the ground.
**NOTE**: Use caution when commanding the base. Ensure that attached cables are long enough to support base motion. Alternatively you may want to put the base on top of a book so the wheel don't touch the ground.