The aim of example 3 is to combine the two previous examples and have Stretch utilize its laser scan data to avoid collision with objects as it drives forward.
Begin by running `roscore` in a terminal. Then set the ros parameter to *manipulation* mode by running the following commands in a new terminal.
Begin by running `roscore` in a terminal. Then set the ros parameter to *navigation* mode by running the following commands in a new terminal.
# Terminal 1
rosparam set /stretch_driver/mode "manipulation"
# Terminal 2
rosparam set /stretch_driver/mode "navigation"
roslaunch stretch_core stretch_driver.launch
Then in a new terminal type the following to activate the LiDAR sensor.
# Terminal 2
# Terminal 3
roslaunch stretch_core rplidar.launch
To activate the avoider node, type the following in a new terminal.