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# Tutorial Stretch OpenAI Chat
This tutorial introduces the API from OpenAI and explains how to implement it in Stretch to make basic movement.
## Explore the API
The OpenAI API is a sophisticated language model, design to assist users with a range of [models]( with different capabilities and price points, as well as the ability to fine-tune custom models. There are some key concepts to understand better what we can do, lets focus only in the text generation models and the tokens.
OpenAI's text generation models, such as GPT-4 and GPT-3.5, have undergone extensive training to comprehend both natural and formal language. These models, like GPT-4, are capable of generating text based on given inputs, often referred to as "prompts". To effectively utilize a model like GPT-4, the process involves designing prompts which essentially serve as instructions or examples to guide the model in successfully completing a given task. GPT-4 can be applied to a wide range of tasks including content or code generation, summarization, conversation, creative writing, and more.
This text generation process text in chunks called tokens. Tokens represent commonly ocurring sequences of characters. You can checkout the OpenAI's [tokenizer tool]( to test specific strings and see how they are translated into tokens. Why are tokens so important? It's simple, because depending in the number of tokens you use as well as the model (text generation, image or audio models), it will cost money. The good news, it's not that expensive and it's really useful. You can take a look at the [pricing]( page from OpenAI.
In this demo, we are using the GPT-3.5-turbo model, one of the newer text generation models alongside GPT-4 and GPT-4-turbo, we will use this model alongside the [Chat Completion API](, this will help us with out model,so that we can "chat" with Stretch and command some basic movements. If you want to know more about this and maybe create some applications, take a look at [this examples](
## Chat Completion API
Before jumping into the Stretch Chat code, there are some things to know well about the [Chat Completion API](, take a look at this example from the documentation:
from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()
response =
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": "Who won the world series in 2020?"},
{"role": "assistant", "content": "The Los Angeles Dodgers won the World Series in 2020."},
{"role": "user", "content": "Where was it played?"}
As you can see, there are different roles in the chat completion, the system, the user and the assistant, each one with it's own content. This is the base for the Chat Completion and even the base to create your own chatbot, this roles are simple to understand:
1. The system: You will write direct instructions, sometimes the shorter and clearer is better, but if you have a long context for the AI to understand you need to be more specific (you'll see it in the demo)
2. The user: This will be your input text for the model to do something, it can be questions or even normal conversations, it depends on the context of the system as well, if you want the model to know everything about robotics and you ask something about chemistry or biotechnology it will output a message that it cannot process your request.
3. The assistant: Here you can help the model to understand what you are going to do, this can also be a pre crafted bot response, take a look at the demo to understand this better.
## Stretch Mobility with OpenAI
!!! note
For your safety, put stretch in an open area when you try this demo.
For this demo, we are going to make Stretch move around
from openai import OpenAI
from stretch_body import robot
import time
client = OpenAI(api_key=("OPEN_AI_KEY")) # <---------- USE YOUR API KEY HERE
def move_forward(robot):
def move_backward(robot):
def turn_right(robot):
def turn_left(robot):
def arm_front(robot):
def arm_back(robot):
def lift_up(robot):
def lift_down(robot):
stretch_actions = {"move_forward" : "Move the robot forward 0.2m",
"move_backward": "Move the robot backward 0.2m",
"turn_right": "Turn the robot 90 degrees to the clockwise",
"turn_left": "Turn the robot 90 degrees to the counter clockwise",
"arm_front": "Move the arm to the front 0.1m",
"arm_back": "Move the arm to the back 0.1m",
"lift_up": "Move the lift up 0.1m",
"lift_down": "Move the lift down 0.1m"}
stretch_actions_fn = {"move_forward" : move_forward,
"move_backward": move_backward,
"turn_right": turn_right,
"turn_left": turn_left,
"arm_front": arm_front,
"arm_back": arm_back,
"lift_up": lift_up,
"lift_down": lift_down}
def chatter(input_text):
# Populate Assistance prompt
assistance_msg = "Here is the description for each robot motion"
for k in stretch_actions.keys():
assistance_msg = assistance_msg + f"\n - {k} : {stretch_actions[k]} "
# Define System prompt (Personality of the system)
system_prompt = f"Assume you are a mobile robot and you are able to receive a natural language instrunctions regarding the robot's movements. Based on undestanding the instructions return a sequence of discrete actions from this list {list(stretch_actions.keys())}. The only output must be in two parts. The first part should explain the sequence and second part should only be the list the actions seperated by comma. The first part you will explain the list of actions to follow and the reason behind it. The second one must be the list of movements that we are going to use, separate them only with the '[]'. This is not an explanation, it must be only the list of movements"
assistance_msg = f"Here is the description for each robot motion\n - move_forward : Move the robot forward 0.2m \n - move_backward : Move the robot backward 0.2m \n - turn_right : Turn the robot 90 degrees to the clockwise \n - turn_left : Turn the robot 90 degrees to the counter clockwise \n - arm_front: Move the arm to the front by 0.1m \n - arm_back: Move the arm to the back by 0.1m \n - lift_up: Move the lift up by 0.1m \n - lift_down: Move the lift down by 0.1m"
response =
{"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
{"role": "assistant", "content": assistance_msg},
{"role": "user", "content": input_text},
response_text = response.choices[0].message.content.strip().lower()
print(f"CHATGPT RESPONSE: {response_text}")
return response_text
def extract_action_sequence(response_text):
# In the response text find the list that starts and ends with []
start_index = response_text.find("[")
end_index = response_text.find("]", start_index)
if start_index != -1 and end_index != -1:
movements_str = response_text[start_index + 1:end_index]
# Split the comma-separated movements into a list. The .strip("'\x22") is used to remove both single and double quotes from the beginning and end of each movement.
formated_list = [movement.strip().strip("'\x22") for movement in movements_str.split(",")]
return formated_list
print("List of movements not found in the response.")
return []
def execute_robot_motions(final_motion_list):
rb = robot.Robot()
print("Starting to execute motions....")
for motion_key in final_motion_list:
print(f"Executing motion: {motion_key}")
print("Completed Executing motions...")
def stretch_chatter(input_text):
response = chatter(input_text)
motion_list = extract_action_sequence(response)
while True:
response = input("What motion can I do for you?\n")
