If you haven't use iPython before you can copy all the code and paste it in the terminal instead of line by line! Also if you want to exit the iPython prompt write exit()
The iPython interpreter also allows you to execute blocks of code in a single go instead of running commands line by line. To end the interpreter session, type exit() and press enter.
## Change Credentials
Finally, we recommend that you change the login credentials for the default user, hello-robot.
If you haven't use iPython before you can copy all the code and paste it in the terminal instead of line by line! Also if you want to exit the iPython prompt write exit()
The iPython interpreter also allows you to execute blocks of code in a single go instead of running commands line by line. To end the interpreter session, type exit() and press enter.
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ The third child of the root node is the `Move to dock` action node. This is a si
The fourth and final child of the sequence node is another `fallback` node with two children - the `Charging?` condition node and the `Move to predock` action node with an `inverter` decorator node (+/- sign). The `Charging?` condition node is a subscriber that checks if the 'present' attribute of the `BatteryState` message is True. If the robot has backed up correctly into the docking station and the charger port latched, this node should return SUCCESS and the autodocking would succeed. If not, the robot moves back to the predock pose through the `Move to predock` action node and tries again.
## Code Breakdown
Let's jump into the code to see how things work under the hood. Follow along [here](https://github.com/hello-robot/stretch_ros/blob/noetic/stretch_demos/nodes/autodocking_bt.py) (TODO after merge) to have a look at the entire script.
Let's jump into the code to see how things work under the hood. Follow along [here](https://github.com/hello-robot/stretch_ros/blob/noetic/stretch_demos/nodes/autodocking_bt.py) to have a look at the entire script.
We start off by importing the dependencies. The ones of interest are those relating to py-trees and the various behaviour classes in autodocking.autodocking_behaviours, namely, MoveBaseActionClient, CheckTF and VisualServoing. We also created custom ROS action messages for the ArucoHeadScan action defined in the action directory of stretch_demos package.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Then run the following command to bring up a simple RViz configuration of the St
ros2 run rviz2 rviz2 -d `ros2 pkg prefix stretch_calibration`/share/stretch_calibration/rviz/stretch_simple_test.rviz
!!! note
If the laser scan or the filter doesn't appear, you can add it manually in Add, By Topic and you can find the filter_scan there.
If the laser scan points published by the scan or the scan_filtered topic are not visible in RViz, you can visualize them by adding them using the 'Add' button in the left panel, selecting the 'By topic' tab, and then selecting the scan or scan_filtered topic.
Change the topic name from the LaserScan display from */scan* to */filter_scan*.
ROS 2 tutorials are still under active development. For this exercise you'll need to have Ubuntu 22.04 and ROS Iron for it to work completly.
Stretch driver offers a [`FollowJointTrajectory`](http://docs.ros.org/en/api/control_msgs/html/action/FollowJointTrajectory.html) action service for its arm. Within this tutorial, we will have a simple FollowJointTrajectory command sent to a Stretch robot to execute. And just as the past practice, it's preferable to have the stretch driver in trajectory mode.
Stretch driver offers a [`FollowJointTrajectory`](http://docs.ros.org/en/api/control_msgs/html/action/FollowJointTrajectory.html) action service for its arm. Within this tutorial, we will have a simple FollowJointTrajectory command sent to a Stretch robot to execute.
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ While Stretch ROS2 is in beta, there will be frequent updates to the ROS2 softwa
We can test whether the ROS2 workspace was enabled successfully by testing out the ROS2 drivers package, called "stretch_core", with keyboard teleop. In one terminal, we'll launch Stretch's ROS2 drivers using: