@ -7,7 +7,12 @@ Then run the following commands to map the space that the robot will navigate in
roslaunch stretch_navigation mapping.launch
roslaunch stretch_navigation mapping.launch
Rviz will show the robot and the map that is being constructed. With the terminal open, use the instructions printed by the teleop package to teleoperate the robot around the room. Avoid sharp turns and revisit previously visited spots to form loop closures. In Rviz, once you see a map that has reconstructed the space well enough, you can run the following commands to save the map to `stretch_user/`.
Rviz will show the robot and the map that is being constructed. With the terminal open, use the instructions printed by the teleop package to teleoperate the robot around the room. Avoid sharp turns and revisit previously visited spots to form loop closures.
In Rviz, once you see a map that has reconstructed the space well enough, you can run the following commands to save the map to `stretch_user/`.