@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
# Import modules |
import rospy |
import tf |
import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pc2 |
# Import message types and other python libraries |
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2, PointCloud |
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point32 |
from std_msgs.msg import Header |
class PointCloudTransformer: |
""" |
A class that takes in a PointCloud2 message and transfers it into a |
pointcloud message. Then that pointcloud is |
""" |
def __init__(self): |
""" |
Function that initializes the subsriber, publisher, and other variables. |
:param self: The self reference. |
""" |
# Initialize Subscriber |
self.pointcloud2_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/depth/color/points", PointCloud2, self.callback_pcl2, queue_size=1) |
# Initialize PointCloud Publisher |
self.pointcloud_pub = rospy.Publisher("/camera_cloud", PointCloud, queue_size=1) |
# Initialize self.cloud for data storage in pointcloud_data callback function |
self.pcl2_cloud = None |
# Intialize tf.Transformlister |
self.listener = tf.TransformListener(True, rospy.Duration(10.0)) |
def callback_pcl2(self,msg): |
""" |
Callback function that stores the pointcloud2 message. |
:param self: The self reference. |
:param msg: The Pointcloud2 message type. |
""" |
self.pcl2_cloud = msg |
def pcl_transformer(self): |
""" |
A function that extracts the points from the stored PointCloud2 message |
and appends those points to a PointCloud message. Then transforms the |
PointCloud from its original header frame id, 'camera_color_optical_frame' |
to the 'base_link' frame. |
:param self: The self reference. |
""" |
# Create a PointCloud for temporary use. Set the temporary PointCloud's |
# header to the stored PointCloud2 header |
temp_cloud = PointCloud() |
temp_cloud.header = self.pcl2_cloud.header |
# For loop to extract pointcloud2 data into a list of x,y,z, and |
# append those values to the PointCloud message, temp_cloud |
for data in pc2.read_points(self.pcl2_cloud, skip_nans=True): |
temp_cloud.points.append(Point32(data[0],data[1],data[2])) |
# Transform the points in the PointCloud message to reference the base_link |
transformed_cloud = self.transform_pointcloud(temp_cloud) |
# Publish transformed PointCloud |
self.pointcloud_pub.publish(transformed_cloud) |
def transform_pointcloud(self,msg): |
""" |
Function that stores the pointcloud2 message. |
:param self: The self reference. |
:param msg: The PointCloud message. |
:returns new_cloud: PointCloud message. |
""" |
while not rospy.is_shutdown(): |
try: |
# run the transformPointCloud() function to change the referene frame |
# to the base_link |
new_cloud = self.listener.transformPointCloud("/base_link" ,msg) |
return new_cloud |
if new_cloud: |
break |
except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException,tf.ExtrapolationException): |
pass |
if __name__=="__main__": |
# Initialize the node, and call it "pointcloud_transformer" |
rospy.init_node('pointcloud_transformer',anonymous=True) |
# Instantiate the PointCloudTransformer class |
obj = PointCloudTransformer() |
# We're going to publish information at 1 Hz |
rate = rospy.Rate(1) |
# Give the listener some time to accumulate transforms |
rospy.sleep(1) |
# Run while loop until the node is shutdown |
while not rospy.is_shutdown(): |
# Run the pcl_transformer method |
obj.pcl_transformer() |
rate.sleep() |