@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Hello Robot utilizes Ubuntu, an open source Linux operating system, for the Stre
## ROS Setup on Local Computer
Hello Robot is currently running Stretch on Ubuntu 20.04 and on ROS Noetic. To begin the setup, clone the [stretch_ros](https://github.com/hello-robot/stretch_ros.git) and [realsense_gazebo_plugin packages]( https://github.com/pal-robotics/realsense_gazebo_plugin) to your preferred workspace. Then install dependencies and build the packages.
Begin by starting up [Stretch in simulation](getting_started) and the [keyboard teleoperation](teleoperating_stretch.md). Then utilize the ROS command-line tool, [rostopic](http://wiki.ros.org/rostopic), to display Stretch's internal state information. For instance, to view the current state of the robot's joints, simply type the following in a terminal.
rostopic echo /joint_states -n1
Note that the flag, `-n1`, at the end of the command, defines the count of how many times you wish to publish the current topic information. If you prefer to continuously print the topic for debugging purposes, then remove the flag.
Let's say you are interested in only seeing the `header` component of the `/joint_states` topic, you can output this within the rostopic command-line tool by typing the following command.
rostopic echo /joint_states/header -n1
Your terminal will then output something similar to this:
First, [startup Stretch in simulation](gazebo_basics.md). Then in a separate terminal type the following the command for teleoperating a Stretch robot's mobile base with the keyboard.
roslaunch stretch_gazebo teleop_keyboard.launch
Below is the keyboard commands that allow a user to move Stretch.
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ The keyboard teleop node remaps the *cmd_vel* topics to */stretch_diff_drive_con
An alternative for robot base teleoperation is to use an Xbox controller. Start by stopping the keyboard teleoperation node by typing **Ctrl** + **c** in the terminal where the command was executed. Then connect the Xbox controller device to your local machine through cable or dongle and run the following command.
roslaunch stretch_gazebo teleop_joy.launch
Note that the teleop_twist_joy package has a deadman switch by default which disables the drive commands to be published unless it is being pressed. For an Logitech F310 joystick this button is A.