Your terminal will then output the information associated with the `/stretch/joint_states` topic. Your `header`, `position`, `velocity`, and `effort` information may vary from what is printed below.
Additionally, if you type `ros2 topic list` in the terminal, you will see the list of active topics being published.
A powerful tool to visualize the ROS communication is through the rqt_graph package. You can see a graph of topics being communicated between nodes by typing the following.
@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ ros2 run rqt_graph rqt_graph
The graph allows a user to observe and affirm if topics are broadcasted to the correct nodes. This method can also be utilized to debug communication issues.
@ -34,18 +34,19 @@ If you're done, hold down the Shutdown PC button for 2 seconds. This will cause
### Keyboard Teleoperating
To teleoperate a Stretch's **mobile base** with the keyboard, you first need to set the ros parameter to *navigation* mode in order for the robot to receive *Twist* messages. Begin by running `roscore` in a terminal. Then in a new terminal, type the following commands
To teleoperate a Stretch's mobile base with the keyboard, you first need to set the ros parameter to *navigation* mode for the robot to receive *Twist* messages. Begin by running `roscore` in a terminal. Then in a new terminal, type the following commands
rosparam set /stretch_driver/mode "navigation"
roslaunch stretch_core stretch_driver.launch
The first line will set the stretch driver mode to *navigation* before running the `stretch_driver.launch` file.
Then in a new terminal launch the teleop_twist_keyboard node with the argument remapping the *cmd_vel* topic name to *stretch/cmd_vel*.
The same keyboard commands will be presented to a user to move the robot.
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ The same keyboard commands will be presented to a user to move the robot.
### Xbox Controller Teleoperating
An alternative for robot base teleoperation is to use an Xbox controller. Stop the keyboard teleoperation node by typing **Ctrl** + **c** in the terminal where the command was executed. Then connect the Xbox controller device to your local machine and run the following command.
roslaunch stretch_gazebo teleop_joy.launch
Note that the teleop_twist_joy package has a deadman switch by default which disables the drive commands to be published unless pressed. For a Logitech F310 joystick, this button is A.