This tutorial track is for users looking to become familiar with programming the Stretch RE1 and RE2 via ROS1 Melodic. We recommend going through the tutorials in the following order:
Tutorial | Description | |
1 | Getting Started | |
2 | Gazebo Basics | |
3 | Teleoperating Stretch | |
4 | Internal State of Stretch | |
5 | RViz Basics | |
6 | Navigation Stack | |
7 | MoveIt! Basics | |
8 | Follow Joint Trajectory Commands | |
9 | Perception | |
10 | ArUco Marker Detection | |
11 | ReSpeaker Microphone Array | |
12 | FUNMAP |
To help get you get started on your software development, here are examples of nodes to have the stretch perform simple tasks.
Tutorial | Description | |
1 | Teleoperate Stretch with a Node | Use a python script that sends velocity commands. |
2 | Filter Laser Scans | Publish new scan ranges that are directly in front of Stretch. |
3 | Mobile Base Collision Avoidance | Stop Stretch from running into a wall. |
4 | Give Stretch a Balloon | Create a "balloon" marker that goes where ever Stretch goes. |
5 | Print Joint States | Print the joint states of Stretch. |
6 | Store Effort Values | Print, store, and plot the effort values of the Stretch robot. |
7 | Capture Image | Capture images from the RealSense camera data. |
8 | Voice to Text | Interpret speech and save transcript to a text file. |
9 | Voice Teleoperation of Base | Use speech to teleoperate the mobile base. |
10 | Tf2 Broadcaster and Listener | Create a tf2 broadcaster and listener. |
11 | PointCloud Transformation | Convert PointCloud2 data to a PointCloud and transform to a different frame. |
12 | ArUco Tag Locator | Actuate the head to locate a requested ArUco marker tag and return a transform. |
13 | 2D Navigation Goals | Send 2D navigation goals to the move_base ROS node. |