To spawn the Stretch in gazebo's default empty world run the following command in your terminal.
roslaunch stretch_gazebo gazebo.launch
This will bringup the robot in the gazebo simulation similar to the image shown below.
With a modification of the gazebo launch file, you can spawn the Stretch robot in a custom world. In this instance, we will spawn Stretch in gazebo's world files named
To preserve the original gazebo.launch file, we will copy the file and rename it to the following.
cd catkin_ws/src/stretch_ros/stretch_gazebo/launch/
cp gazebo.launch stretch_willowgarage_world.launch
You can use your preferred text editor to modify the value for the world name argument like the following
<arg name="world_name" value="worlds/" />
Use the images below for further reference.
Make sure to save the file. Now you can run the new launch file with a Stretch robot in the willowgarage world.
roslaunch stretch_gazebo stretch_willowgarage_world.launch
Next Tutorial: Teleoperating Stretch