- Heroku guide
- ============
- [![Deploy](https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.svg)](https://dashboard.heroku.com/new?button-url=https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon&template=https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon)
- Mastodon can be run on a free [Heroku](https://heroku.com) app. It should be
- noted this has limited testing and could have unpredictable results.
- ## Basic setup
- Click the button above to start creating a Heroku app with the Mastodon repo as
- the source. This tells Heroku to use the `app.json` file which does things like
- prompt for config variables, set up the right buildpacks, run a postdeploy task,
- and add the appropriate addons.
- If you don't use the deploy button and app.json approach, you will need to do
- some of that manually.
- ## Domain names and SSL
- You can add your domain name to the Heroku app's setting, and then also use
- Heroku's (free) auto renewal program for Lets Encrypt certificates, by
- requesting a cert from the settings screen. You'll have to point your hostname
- DNS at Heroku using the values heroku gives you on this screen, using whatever
- method is appropriate for your DNS setup.
- You should set the Heroku config vars of `LOCAL_DOMAIN` to your hostname, and
- `LOCAL_HTTPS` to "true" as well.
- ## Email
- Consider using [Mailgun](https://mailgun.com) or similar, who offer free plans
- that should suit your interests. Look in `production.rb` to see which config
- variables need to be set on Heroku for outgoing email to work.
- ## File storage
- You will want Amazon S3 for file storage. The only exception is for development
- purposes, where you may not care if files are not saved. Follow a guide online
- for creating a free Amazon S3 bucket and Access Key, then enter the details.
- ## Deployment
- You can deploy from the Heroku web interface or from the command line. Run:
- `heroku run rails db:migrate`
- after you first deploy to set up the first database.
- To make yourself an admin, you may need to use the `heroku` CLI application after creating an account online:
- `heroku rake mastodon:make_admin USERNAME=yourUsername`