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  1. <package>
  2. <name>stretch_moveit_config</name>
  3. <version>0.3.0</version>
  4. <description>
  5. An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the stretch_description with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
  6. </description>
  7. <author email="">David V. Lu!!</author>
  8. <maintainer email="">David V. Lu!!</maintainer>
  9. <license>Apache License 2.0</license>
  10. <url type="website"></url>
  11. <url type="bugtracker"></url>
  12. <url type="repository"></url>
  13. <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend>
  14. <run_depend>joint_state_publisher</run_depend>
  15. <run_depend>joint_state_publisher_gui</run_depend>
  16. <run_depend>moveit_fake_controller_manager</run_depend>
  17. <run_depend>moveit_kinematics</run_depend>
  18. <run_depend>moveit_planners_ompl</run_depend>
  19. <run_depend>moveit_ros_move_group</run_depend>
  20. <run_depend>moveit_ros_visualization</run_depend>
  21. <run_depend>moveit_setup_assistant</run_depend>
  22. <run_depend>moveit_simple_controller_manager</run_depend>
  23. <run_depend>robot_state_publisher</run_depend>
  24. <run_depend>stretch_description</run_depend>
  25. <run_depend>tf2_ros</run_depend>
  26. <run_depend>xacro</run_depend>
  27. <!-- This package is referenced in the warehouse launch files, but does not build out of the box at the moment. Commented the dependency until this works. -->
  28. <!-- <run_depend>warehouse_ros_mongo</run_depend> -->
  29. </package>