- ## Example 10
- !!! note
- ROS 2 tutorials are still under active development.
- This tutorial provides you with an idea of what tf2 can do in the Python track. We will elaborate on how to create a tf2 static broadcaster and listener.
- ## tf2 Static Broadcaster
- For the tf2 static broadcaster node, we will be publishing three child static frames in reference to the *link_mast*, *link_lift*, and *link_wrist_yaw* frames.
- Begin by starting up the stretch driver launch file.
- ```{.bash .shell-prompt}
- ros2 launch stretch_core stretch_driver.launch.py
- ```
- Open RViz in another terminal and add the RobotModel and TF plugins in the left hand panel
- ```{.bash .shell-prompt}
- ros2 run rviz2 rviz2
- ```
- Then run the tf2 broadcaster node to visualize three static frames.
- ```{.bash .shell-prompt}
- ros2 run stretch_ros_tutorials tf_broadcaster
- ```
- The GIF below visualizes what happens when running the previous node.
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hello-robot/stretch_tutorials/noetic/images/tf2_broadcaster.gif"/>
- </p>
- **OPTIONAL**: If you would like to see how the static frames update while the robot is in motion, run the stow command node and observe the tf frames in RViz.
- ```{.bash .shell-prompt}
- ros2 run stretch_ros_tutorials stow_command
- ```
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hello-robot/stretch_tutorials/noetic/images/tf2_broadcaster_with_stow.gif"/>
- </p>
- ### The Code
- ```python
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import rclpy
- from rclpy.node import Node
- from tf2_ros import TransformBroadcaster
- import tf_transformations
- from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStamped
- # This node publishes three child static frames in reference to their parent frames as below:
- # parent -> link_mast child -> fk_link_mast
- # parent -> link_lift child -> fk_link_lift
- # parent -> link_wrist_yaw child -> fk_link_wrist_yaw
- class FixedFrameBroadcaster(Node):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__('stretch_tf_broadcaster')
- self.br = TransformBroadcaster(self)
- time_period = 0.1 # seconds
- self.timer = self.create_timer(time_period, self.broadcast_timer_callback)
- self.mast = TransformStamped()
- self.mast.header.frame_id = 'link_mast'
- self.mast.child_frame_id = 'fk_link_mast'
- self.mast.transform.translation.x = 0.0
- self.mast.transform.translation.y = 0.0
- self.mast.transform.translation.z = 0.0
- q = tf_transformations.quaternion_from_euler(1.5707, 0, -1.5707)
- self.mast.transform.rotation.x = q[0]
- self.mast.transform.rotation.y = q[1]
- self.mast.transform.rotation.z = q[2]
- self.mast.transform.rotation.w = q[3]
- self.lift = TransformStamped()
- self.lift.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
- self.lift.header.frame_id = 'link_lift'
- self.lift.child_frame_id = 'fk_link_lift'
- self.lift.transform.translation.x = 0.0
- self.lift.transform.translation.y = 2.0
- self.lift.transform.translation.z = 0.0
- q = tf_transformations.quaternion_from_euler(1.5707, 0, -1.5707)
- self.lift.transform.rotation.x = q[0]
- self.lift.transform.rotation.y = q[1]
- self.lift.transform.rotation.z = q[2]
- self.lift.transform.rotation.w = q[3]
- self.br.sendTransform(self.lift)
- self.wrist = TransformStamped()
- self.wrist.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
- self.wrist.header.frame_id = 'link_wrist_yaw'
- self.wrist.child_frame_id = 'fk_link_wrist_yaw'
- self.wrist.transform.translation.x = 0.0
- self.wrist.transform.translation.y = 2.0
- self.wrist.transform.translation.z = 0.0
- q = tf_transformations.quaternion_from_euler(1.5707, 0, -1.5707)
- self.wrist.transform.rotation.x = q[0]
- self.wrist.transform.rotation.y = q[1]
- self.wrist.transform.rotation.z = q[2]
- self.wrist.transform.rotation.w = q[3]
- self.br.sendTransform(self.wrist)
- self.get_logger().info("Publishing Tf frames. Use RViz to visualize.")
- def broadcast_timer_callback(self):
- self.mast.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
- self.br.sendTransform(self.mast)
- self.lift.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
- self.br.sendTransform(self.lift)
- self.wrist.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
- self.br.sendTransform(self.wrist)
- def main(args=None):
- rclpy.init(args=args)
- tf_broadcaster = FixedFrameBroadcaster()
- rclpy.spin(tf_broadcaster)
- tf_broadcaster.destroy_node()
- rclpy.shutdown()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- ```
- ### The Code Explained
- Now let's break the code down.
- ```python
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- ```
- Every Python ROS [Node](http://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials/Beginner-CLI-Tools/Understanding-ROS2-Nodes/Understanding-ROS2-Nodes.html) will have this declaration at the top. The first line makes sure your script is executed as a Python script.
- ```python
- import rclpy
- from rclpy.node import Node
- from tf2_ros import TransformBroadcaster
- import tf_transformations
- from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStamped
- ```
- You need to import rclpy if you are writing a ROS 2 node. Import `tf_transformations` to get quaternion values from Euler angles. Import the `TransformStamped` from the `geometry_msgs.msg` package because we will be publishing static frames and it requires this message type. The `tf2_ros` package provides an implementation of a `TransformBroadcaster.` to help make the task of publishing transforms easier.
- ```python
- class FixedFrameBroadcaster(Node):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__('stretch_tf_broadcaster')
- self.br = TransformBroadcaster(self)
- ```
- Here we create a `TransformStamped` object which will be the message we will send over once populated.
- ```python
- self.lift = TransformStamped()
- self.lift.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
- self.lift.header.frame_id = 'link_lift'
- self.lift.child_frame_id = 'fk_link_lift'
- ```
- We need to give the transform being published a timestamp, we'll just stamp it with the current time, `self.get_clock().now().to_msg()`. Then, we need to set the name of the parent frame of the link we're creating, in this case *link_lift*. Finally, we need to set the name of the child frame of the link we're creating. In this instance, the child frame is *fk_link_lift*.
- ```python
- self.mast.transform.translation.x = 0.0
- self.mast.transform.translation.y = 0.0
- self.mast.transform.translation.z = 0.0
- ```
- Set the translation values for the child frame.
- ```python
- q = tf_transformations.quaternion_from_euler(1.5707, 0, -1.5707)
- self.lift.transform.rotation.x = q[0]
- self.lift.transform.rotation.y = q[1]
- self.lift.transform.rotation.z = q[2]
- self.lift.transform.rotation.w = q[3]
- ```
- The `quaternion_from_euler()` function takes in a Euler angle argument and returns a quaternion values. Then set the rotation values to the transformed quaternions.
- This process will be completed for the *link_mast* and *link_wrist_yaw* as well.
- ```python
- self.br.sendTransform(self.lift)
- ```
- Send the three transforms using the `sendTransform()` function.
- ```python
- def main(args=None):
- rclpy.init(args=args)
- tf_broadcaster = FixedFrameBroadcaster()
- ```
- Instantiate the `FixedFrameBroadcaster()` class.
- ```python
- rclpy.spin(tf_broadcaster)
- ```
- Give control to ROS. This will allow the callback to be called whenever new
- messages come in. If we don't put this line in, then the node will not work,
- and ROS will not process any messages.
- ## tf2 Static Listener
- In the previous section of the tutorial, we created a tf2 broadcaster to publish three static transform frames. In this section we will create a tf2 listener that will find the transform between *fk_link_lift* and *link_grasp_center*.
- Begin by starting up the stretch driver launch file.
- ```{.bash .shell-prompt}
- ros2 launch stretch_core stretch_driver.launch.py
- ```
- Then run the tf2 broadcaster node to create the three static frames.
- ```{.bash .shell-prompt}
- ros2 run stretch_ros_tutorials tf_broadcaster
- ```
- Finally, run the tf2 listener node to print the transform between two links.
- ```{.bash .shell-prompt}
- ros2 run stretch_ros_tutorials tf_listener
- ```
- Within the terminal the transform will be printed every 1 second. Below is an example of what will be printed in the terminal. There is also an image for reference of the two frames.
- ```{.bash .no-copy}
- [INFO] [1659551318.098168]: The pose of target frame link_grasp_center with reference from fk_link_lift is:
- translation:
- x: 1.08415191335
- y: -0.176147838153
- z: 0.576720021135
- rotation:
- x: -0.479004489528
- y: -0.508053545368
- z: -0.502884087254
- w: 0.509454501243
- ```
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hello-robot/stretch_tutorials/noetic/images/tf2_listener.png"/>
- </p>
- ### The Code
- ```python
- import rclpy
- from rclpy.node import Node
- from rclpy.time import Time
- from tf2_ros import TransformException
- from tf2_ros.buffer import Buffer
- from tf2_ros.transform_listener import TransformListener
- class FrameListener(Node):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__('stretch_tf_listener')
- self.declare_parameter('target_frame', 'link_grasp_center')
- self.target_frame = self.get_parameter(
- 'target_frame').get_parameter_value().string_value
- self.tf_buffer = Buffer()
- self.tf_listener = TransformListener(self.tf_buffer, self)
- time_period = 1.0 # seconds
- self.timer = self.create_timer(time_period, self.on_timer)
- def on_timer(self):
- from_frame_rel = self.target_frame
- to_frame_rel = 'fk_link_mast'
- try:
- now = Time()
- trans = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
- to_frame_rel,
- from_frame_rel,
- now)
- except TransformException as ex:
- self.get_logger().info(
- f'Could not transform {to_frame_rel} to {from_frame_rel}: {ex}')
- return
- self.get_logger().info(
- f'the pose of target frame {from_frame_rel} with reference to {to_frame_rel} is: {trans}')
- def main():
- rclpy.init()
- node = FrameListener()
- try:
- rclpy.spin(node)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- rclpy.shutdown()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- ```
- ### The Code Explained
- ```python
- self.tf_buffer = Buffer()
- self.tf_listener = TransformListener(self.tf_buffer, self)
- ```
- Here, we create a `TransformListener` object. Once the listener is created, it starts receiving tf2 transformations over the wire, and buffers them for up to 10 seconds.
- ```python
- from_frame_rel = self.target_frame
- to_frame_rel = 'fk_link_mast'
- ```
- Store frame names in variables that will be used to compute transformations.
- ```python
- try:
- now = Time()
- trans = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
- to_frame_rel,
- from_frame_rel,
- now)
- except TransformException as ex:
- self.get_logger().info(
- f'Could not transform {to_frame_rel} to {from_frame_rel}: {ex}')
- return
- ```
- Try to look up the transform we want. Use a try-except block, since it may fail on any single call, due to internal timing issues in the transform publishers. Look up transform between *from_frame_rel* and *to_frame_rel* frames with the `lookup_transform()` function.