@ -2,6 +2,114 @@
This document will help you better understand our progress of bringing parity between our ROS 1 and ROS 2 software offerings. Additional comments indicate changes in the API and/or behavior for a component.
| Package | Node | Component | ROS 1 | ROS 2 | Comments |
| Package | Node/Launch/Component | Item | ROS 1 | ROS 2 | Comments |
| | | | | | |
| Stretch Install | Humble | Installation scripts | | | |
| Stretch Install | Humble | Mesh and URDF files | | | |
| Stretch Install | Iron | Installation scripts | | | |
| Stretch Install | Iron | Mesh and URDF files | | | |
| Stretch Core | stretch_driver | JointTrajectoryAction Server, Position mode | | |
| Stretch Core | stretch_driver | JointTrajectoryAction Server, Navigation mode | | |
| Stretch Core | stretch_driver | JointTrajectoryAction Server, Trajectory mode | | |
| Stretch Core | stretch_driver | Mode topic | | |
| Stretch Core | stretch_driver | Mode services | | |
| Stretch Core | stretch_driver | Home/stop/stow services | | |
| Stretch Core | stretch_driver | Magnetometer and BatterState topic | | |
| Stretch Core | stretch_driver | Joint states, joint limits | | |
| Stretch Core | stretch_driver | TF2 | | |
| Stretch Core | keyboard_teleop | Teleoperation | | | |
| Stretch Core | keyboard_teleop | Service triggers for demos | | | |
| Stretch Core | detect_aruco_markers | Aruco marker detection | | | |
| Stretch Core | rplidar | Driver | | | |
| Stretch Core | rplidar | LaserScan filtering | | | |
| Stretch Core | d435i | Driver | | | |
| Stretch Core | d435i | High/Low resolution launch | | | |
| Stretch Core | d435i | IMU | | | |
| Stretch Core | d435i | Aligned depth | | | |
| Stretch Core | respeaker | Driver | | | |
| Hello Helpers | hello_misc | HelloNode | | | |
| Hello Helpers | hello_misc | Preprocess trajectories | | | |
| Hello Helpers | hello_ros_viz | Create markers | | | |
| Hello Helpers | simple_command_groups | SimpleCommandGroup | | | |
| Hello Helpers | gripper_conversion | GripperConversion | | | |
| Hello Helpers | fit_plane | Fit plane helper functions | | | |
| Hello Helpers | configure_wrist | Switch between standard and dex wrist | | | |
| Hello Helpers | hello_misc | HelloNode API | | | |
| Hello Helpers | API Docs | Documentation | | | |
| Stretch Description | stretch_description | Stretch URDF | | | |
| Stretch Description | stretch_description | Stretch URDF | | | |
| Stretch Description | stretch_description | Standard Gripper xacro | | | |
| Stretch Description | stretch_description | Dex wrist xacro | | | |
| Stretch Description | stretch_description | Batch-specific mesh files | | | |
| Stretch Calibration | collect_head_calibration_data | CollectHeadCalibrationDataNode | | | |
| Stretch Calibration | process_head_calibration_data | HeadCalibrator, ProcessHeadCalibrationNode | | | |
| Stretch Calibration | check_head_calibration | check_head_calibration | | | |
| Stretch Calibration | revert_to_previous_calibration | revert_to_previous_calibration | | | |
| Stretch Calibration | update_uncalibrated_urdf | update_uncalibrated_urdf | | | |
| Stretch Calibration | update_urdf_after_xacro_change | update_urdf_after_xacro_change | | | |
| Stretch Calibration | update_with_most_recent_calibration | update_with_most_recent_calibration | | | |
| Stretch Calibration | visualize_most_recent_head_calibration | visualize_most_recent_head_calibration | | | |
| Stretch Calibration | Revert to position mode | Revert to position mode | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Getting started | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Modes tutorial | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | ROS 2 with rclpy | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Race conditions and deadlocks in ROS 2 | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | HelloNode Tutorial | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | HFollow Joint Trajectory Commands | Trajectory mode | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | HFollow Joint Trajectory Commands | Joint Trajectory Server | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Internal State of Stretch | Command line and RQT graph | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | RViz basics | Robot visualizationa and TF tree | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Teleoperation | Velocity command of mobile base | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Tf2 broadcaster and listener | TF2 static broadcaster and listener | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Respeaker voice to text | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | API docs | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Migration guides | From ROS1 Noetic & from ROS2 Galactic | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | manipulation_planning | plan_surface_coverage, detect_cliff | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | manipulation_planning | PlanarRobotModel, ManipulationPlanner | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | manipulation_planning | ManipulationView | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | mapping | robot stowing, scanning, & localizing methods | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | mapping | HeadScan | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | navigate | ForwardMotionObstacleDetector | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | navigate | FastSingleViewPlanner | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | navigate | MoveBase | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | ros_max_height_image | ROSVolumeOfInterest | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | ros_max_height_image | ROSMaxHeightImage | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | funmap | ContactDetector, FunMapNode, services | | | |
| Stretch FUNMAP | API Docs | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Deep Perception | detection_node | DetectionNode | | | |
| Stretch Deep Perception | detect_faces | OpenVINO Face Detection | | | |
| Stretch Deep Perception | detect_objects | PyTorch YOLO object detection | | | |
| Stretch Deep Perception | detect_nearest_mouth | OpenVINO Mouth Detection | | | |
| Stretch Deep Perception | detect_nearest_mouth | OpenVINO Body Landmark Detection | | | |
| Stretch Deep Perception | API Docs | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Demos | hello_world | HelloWorldNode, services | | | |
| Stretch Demos | clean_surface | CleanSurfaceNode, services | | | |
| Stretch Demos | grasp_object | GraspObjectNode, services | | | |
| Stretch Demos | handover_object | HandoverObjectNode, services | | | |
| Stretch Demos | open_drawer | OpenDrawerNode, services | | | |
| Stretch Demos | HelloNode API | Switch demos to HelloNode API | | | |
| Stretch Demos | autodocking_behaviors | MoveBaseActionClient, CheckTF | | | |
| Stretch Demos | autodocking_behaviors | VisualServoing | | | |
| Stretch Demos | API docs | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Nav2 | offline_mapping | SLAM | | | |
| Stretch Nav2 | navigation | Pose, Waypoints, Obstacle avoidance | | | |
| Stretch Nav2 | Patrolling Demo | Python API, Autonomous waypoint nav | | | |
| Stretch Nav2 | API Docs | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Nav2 stack | Mapping | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Nav2 stack | Navigation | | | |'
| Stretch Tutorials | Filter laser scans | RPLidar and laserscan filtering | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Deep perception | Objects and faces detection | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | FUNMAP demos | Instructions | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Align to ArUco | ArUco detection, tf transforms and trajectory server | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Obstacle avoider | RPLidar based sensing and avoidance | | | |
| Stretch Tutorials | Mobile base collision avoidance | RPLidar based sensing and avoidance | | | |
| Stretch MoveIt 2 | MoveIt Config Files | YAML/XML/SRDF/URDF files | | | |
| Stretch MoveIt 2 | moveit_py | Joint Space Goals | | | |
| Stretch MoveIt 2 | moveit_py | Pose Goals | | | |
| Stretch MoveIt 2 | moveit_py | Multiplanning pipeline | | | |
| Stretch MoveIt 2 | moveit_py | Octomap plugin | | | |
| Stretch MoveIt 2 | moveit | RViz plugin | | | |
| Stretch MoveIt 2 | moveit | End effector pose goals | | | |
| Stretch MoveIt 2 | moveit | Hybrid planning | | | |
| Web-based Teleoperation | web_interface | operator | | | |
| Web-based Teleoperation | web_interface | robot | | | |