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  1. ---
  2. # Chinese (China) translations for Devise 4.2.1
  3. # 4.2.0: By HealthGrid at
  4. # 4.2.1: By Artoria2e5 (this file)
  5. # - Fixes pluralization problems (zh only takes "other")
  6. # - Misc translation improvements, you know what these grammar things are.
  7. # - Should be minor enough to claim CC0 for my changes.
  8. # Additional translations at
  9. # Adapted for Mastodon.
  10. zh-CN:
  11. devise:
  12. confirmations:
  13. confirmed: "成功验证您的邮箱地址。"
  14. send_instructions: "您的电子邮箱将在几分钟后收到一封邮箱确认邮件。"
  15. send_paranoid_instructions: "如果您的邮箱存在于我们的数据库中,您将收到一封确认帐号的邮件。"
  16. failure:
  17. already_authenticated: "您已经登录。"
  18. inactive: "您还没有激活帐户。"
  19. invalid: " %{authentication_keys} 或密码错误。"
  20. locked: "您的帐号已被锁定。"
  21. last_attempt: "您还有最后一次尝试机会,再次失败您的帐号将被锁定。"
  22. not_found_in_database: "%{authentication_keys}或密码错误。"
  23. timeout: "您已登录超时,请重新登录。"
  24. unauthenticated: "继续操作前请注册或者登录。"
  25. unconfirmed: "继续操作前请先确认您的帐号。"
  26. mailer:
  27. confirmation_instructions:
  28. subject: "Mastodon 帐户确认信息"
  29. reset_password_instructions:
  30. subject: "Mastodon 重置密码信息"
  31. unlock_instructions:
  32. subject: "Mastodon 帐户解锁信息"
  33. email_changed:
  34. subject: "Mastodon 电邮已被修改"
  35. password_change:
  36. subject: 'Mastodon 密码已被重置'
  37. omniauth_callbacks:
  38. failure: "由于%{reason},无法从%{kind}获得授权。"
  39. success: "成功地从%{kind}获得授权。"
  40. passwords:
  41. no_token: "无重置邮件不可访问密码重置页面。如果您是从重置邮件来到了这个页面,请确保您输入的URL完整的。"
  42. send_instructions: "几分钟后,您将收到重置密码的电子邮件。"
  43. send_paranoid_instructions: "如果您的邮箱存在于我们的数据库中,您将收到一封找回密码的邮件。"
  44. updated: "您的密码已修改成功,您现在已登录。"
  45. updated_not_active: "您的密码已修改成功。"
  46. registrations:
  47. destroyed: "再见!您的帐户已成功注销。我们希望很快可以再见到您。"
  48. signed_up: "欢迎!您已注册成功。"
  49. signed_up_but_inactive: "您已注册,但尚未激活帐号。"
  50. signed_up_but_locked: "您已注册,但帐号被锁定了。"
  51. signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "一封带有确认链接的邮件已经发送至您的邮箱,请检查邮箱(包括垃圾邮箱),并点击该链接激活您的帐号。"
  52. update_needs_confirmation: "信息更新成功,但我们需要验证您的新电子邮件地址,请检查邮箱(包括垃圾邮箱),并点击该链接激活您的帐号。"
  53. updated: "帐号资料更新成功。"
  54. sessions:
  55. signed_in: "登录成功。"
  56. signed_out: "退出成功。"
  57. already_signed_out: "已经退出成功。"
  58. unlocks:
  59. send_instructions: "几分钟后,您将收到一封解锁帐号的邮件。"
  60. send_paranoid_instructions: "如果您的邮箱存在于我们的数据库中,您将收到一封解锁帐号的邮件。"
  61. unlocked: "您的帐号已成功解锁,您现在已登录。"
  62. errors:
  63. messages:
  64. already_confirmed: "已经确认,请重新登录。"
  65. confirmation_period_expired: "注册帐号后须在%{period}以内确认。请重新注册。"
  66. expired: "邮件确认已过期,请重新注册。"
  67. not_found: "找不到。"
  68. not_locked: "未锁定。"
  69. not_saved:
  70. other: "发生%{count}个错误,导致%{resource}保存失败:"