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  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <robot xmlns:xacro="" name="stretch_base_imu">
  3. <link
  4. name="base_imu">
  5. <inertial>
  6. <origin
  7. xyz="0.00300349280517617 0.00149777182047641 -0.00193103885249443"
  8. rpy="0 0 0" />
  9. <mass
  10. value="0.000901473198307758" />
  11. <inertia
  12. ixx="2.83324000746358E-08"
  13. ixy="-2.10106175504755E-10"
  14. ixz="1.86717014516205E-10"
  15. iyy="5.35315990744214E-08"
  16. iyz="9.31114208976591E-11"
  17. izz="8.13221670783358E-08" />
  18. </inertial>
  19. <visual>
  20. <origin
  21. xyz="0 0 0"
  22. rpy="0 0 0" />
  23. <geometry>
  24. <mesh
  25. filename="package://stretch_description/meshes/base_imu.STL" />
  26. </geometry>
  27. <material
  28. name="">
  29. <color
  30. rgba="0 0.772549019607843 0.207843137254902 1" />
  31. </material>
  32. </visual>
  33. <collision>
  34. <origin
  35. xyz="0 0 0"
  36. rpy="0 0 0" />
  37. <geometry>
  38. <mesh
  39. filename="package://stretch_description/meshes/base_imu.STL" />
  40. </geometry>
  41. </collision>
  42. </link>
  43. <joint
  44. name="joint_base_imu"
  45. type="fixed">
  46. <origin
  47. xyz="-0.12838 0.0031592 0.1474"
  48. rpy="-3.1416 0 -1.5708" />
  49. <parent
  50. link="base_link" />
  51. <child
  52. link="base_imu" />
  53. <axis
  54. xyz="0 0 0" />
  55. </joint>
  56. </robot>